Saying hello!


Registered Member
I was a member/mostly lurker in years gone by under another name. Decided to come by again and start anew! My profession is in Information Technology, my love is in all things science and technology, futurism, all that good junk, I like to dabble in some writing although I'm not all that good at it (yet!!)!
I was a member/mostly lurker in years gone by under another name. Decided to come by again and start anew! My profession is in Information Technology, my love is in all things science and technology, futurism, all that good junk, I like to dabble in some writing although I'm not all that good at it (yet!!)!
I've been in IT since 1967, when they just called it "computers."A large mainframe had 1 MB of memory and was as big as a car, the operator's console was a Selectric typewriter, input was on punched cards, and data was stored on large magnetic tape reels. I took every opportunity I could find to do some writing. So now I've been a full-time technical writer for ten years.

Hang in there!
Sorry. Work's been rough lately. Once I get around to being more active you'll probably find me around the boards to do with technology, science in society, astronomy...that good stuff.

Yes pronounce it as "Zile"! As in I twisted the word exile.

Fraggle Rocker it must be quite a ride seeing the technology unfold over the years to where it is today! By comparison I'm quite the new entrant. Today I work IT at a local college handling the network, website, etc. and sometimes doing some teaching on the side. On the side of that side I'm trying to do my own thing as well.

What I like writing is not so much technical writing as writing fiction.