Scientists and believe beyond ourself

The material world is the platform for life .Most Scientists hence think that life is material in essence , if that is true then bio-chemistery would not exist .
Biochemistry is material in essence.
My point is that , this Universe is more than just matter , this Universe is also about about the ability of life to exist .
Life is made of matter (and energy.)
Souls exist .
If you believe that, that's fine. There is no evidence that they do (as a separate supernatural entity.)

The material world is the platform for life .Most Scientists hence think that life is material in essence , if that is true then bio-chemistery would not exist .

Biochemistry is material in essence.

Yet goes beyond just being " material " . This chemistry leads to " thought " .
Yet goes beyond just being " material " . This chemistry leads to " thought " .
Thought is material as well; we can analyze thought and show the chemical and electrical changes in the brain that manifests thought.
The material world is the platform for life .

Most Scientists hence think that life is material in essence , if that is true then bio-chemistery would not exist .

My point is that , this Universe is more than just matter , this Universe is also about about the ability of life to exist .

Souls exist .
A series of unsupported, nonevidenced claims.
Hence the mind .
There is only the brain, there is no "mind" save as a conversational convenience.
Where is the mind , in brain ? Specifically ?
The mind is an emergent feature of the brain. Parts of it exist in many places; what we refer to as "the mind" has a lot of parts. The mind's reaction to danger, and feelings of peace and calm? Brain stem and cerebellum. Fear and caution? Amygdala. Art appreciation? Neocortex.

Note that due to the amazing abilities of neurons to be plastic, the above are not always centered in those areas; people without cerebellums, for example, can live relatively normal lives because other parts of the brain can take over (partially) for missing, damaged or poorly wired sections.
Soul is life. You chop of the head of a rooster he will fly for a moment , so the soul is there .

So is ALL the soul in the body of the rooster and none in the head?

If that is so

can it be said

the soul has left the head?

Also as I recall animals or not supposed to have souls

When did this snippet of knowledge reverse?

Soul is life. You chop of the head of a rooster he will fly for a moment , so the soul is there .

That has nothing to do with the "soul"...

Mike The Headless Chicken lived for 18 months without a noggin after a farmer, in a failed attempt at slaughter, axed off his head and missed the jugular vein. “Miracle Mike” was eye-droppered a milk and water mixture until he met his unexpected death over a year later when he choked on a kernel of corn.

Part of the reason that a chicken can live without its head has to do with its skeletal anatomy, according to Dr. Wayne J. Kuenzel a poultry physiologist and neurobiologist at the University of Arkansas. The skull of a chicken contains two massive openings for the eyes that allow the brain to be shoved upwards into the skull at an angle of around 45 degrees. This means that while some of the brain may be sliced away, a very important part remains.

“But because the brain is at that angle,” says Kuenzel, “you still have the functional part that’s so critical for survival intact.”

It's simple biology, nothing more.

Even with the most humane slice and dice methods out there, the chicken will still writhe around once it loses about half of its blood content. “The minute you separate the brain from the neck, just like in humans, you’re going to get tremendous movement of the limbs,” says Kuenzel. So what is perceived as a seemingly panicked state of the still-living headless chicken could, in fact, be simply the firing of postmortem nerves.
If you shock a dead frog, it will twitch, so obviously a battery contains soul energy. That is why we don't throw dead batteries away, but treat them to a respectful burial.

well, one thing is clear, you sure don't have a soul and dislike and derisive of even the idea of it. you must be a really ethical person to view lifeforms as objects besides dry as hell.
well, one thing is clear, you sure don't have a soul and dislike and derisive of even the idea of it. you must be a really ethical person to view lifeforms as objects besides dry as hell.
I'm derisive of the evidence used to support the idea. The galvanic response of nerves has been known since the early 19th century.