So far we have learned how to destroy.

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Please don't clutter up the forum with useless threads.

First, specify who "we" is in your topic.

Second, if it is your contention that "we" do not create, provide an argument in support of your thesis.

After you've done that, maybe it will make sense to try to answer the question you asked.

So, let's see what you've got. If it turns out to be the usual mess of unhinged nonsense, this thread will probably be closed, just like your last one was.
Please don't clutter up the forum with useless threads.

First, specify who "we" is in your topic.

Second, if it is your contention that "we" do not create, provide an argument in support of your thesis.

After you've done that, maybe it will make sense to try to answer the question you asked.

So, let's see what you've got. If it turns out to be the usual mess of unhinged nonsense, this thread will probably be closed, just like your last one was.
1: anybody with consciousness has the ability to have creative thoughts.

2: even in my last thread I contended we create. So if you want a thesis listen further.

3: I was away. Decided to live a simple life away from the stress and rigors this place has set on thought. Not that it is a bad thing mind you.

4: Is something so simplistic I see no contention for.

We use our minds and the elements to create.

5: why are you so hostile towards me? Do you believe what you say will last forever? I don’t believe what I say will
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