Spritual Terms defined?


Valued Senior Member

Can we logically and somewhat scientifically define some Spritual terms as under:

1. Prime Goddess: Anticipated Prime Force(Unified Forces) i.e. basis of all 4 fundamental forces.

2. Prime God: Anticipated prime particle of all 4 elementary particles. If manifested by Prime Force?

3. Secondary Goddess: 4 fundamental forces or other changes & modifications of Prime Force & Energy, still keeping properties of Prime force in full or in part. Mediated by Prime & secondary god/particles.

4. Secondary God: God son, incarnation, godlike etc. 4 elementary particles and modifications thereafter, still keeping full or part properties of Prime God.

5. God state: True balance state of all things and beings, somewhat like center line on a wave.

6. Angels: Positive side/state of nature. Eg. Upper/Creast side of a wave.

7. Devils: Negative side/state of nature. Eg. Lower/Tough side of a Wave.

8. Humans: Neutral side/state of nature. ?

9. Virtues: Opposite of sin. Moving toward balance state of nature either from positive or from negative side/state.

10. Sins: Deviating from balance state of nature either from positive or from negative side/state.

11. True/Universal religion: True nature of a substance or its instincts. Fulfilling its natural duties. Eg. nature of fire is to burn/heat and of water to cool, human's true nature/religion may be to attain liberation by spiritual elevations.

12. Effect from religion: 1. Faith effect as reward expectation- motivational placebo/self healing by Dopamine release in brain. 2. By physical, mental and spiritual practices--diet control, meditation, fear of god, vibrational & environmental good affects, physical exercises, nature's & social morality & harmony etc.

13. Others?

I am neither considering here, specific religion nor any misuse from those. I am also not considering "Supernaturals & miracles, which may be yet pending in science to understand well.

Just my personal logical thoughts.

Best wishes. :)
I don't know where your thesis statement really is, and hey I'm perfectly willing to admit to being dumb, or whatever, but I still can't follow your post.
Barely coherent. And hardly logical.
You haven't defined "positive/ negative side of nature".
Likewise how can "virtue" be the "opposite of sin" when "sin" isn't defined?

Bit logical, somewhat scientific and deep.
Not. Even. Close.
Barely coherent. And hardly logical.
You haven't defined "positive/ negative side of nature".
Likewise how can "virtue" be the "opposite of sin" when "sin" isn't defined?

Not. Even. Close.
Whatever add to nature is its positive side and whatever deduct it is its negative side. Say for example :

0/1>>7<<13 (also virtue)

In above example, 0/1 to 13 will be positive/creation side, 13 to 0/1 will be negative/destruction side. Both positive & negative can bring balance i.e 7.

Virtue: is moving toward balance/god state.

0/1<<7>>13 (also sin).
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These being few more basic term of spirituality, need to be added:

13a.Soul: basis of beings and basis of their rebirths in same or other forms. Prime form, DNA, EM spectrum , acts done, images, children, clones etc.

13b:Liberation:Salvation, Nirvana: de-bonding of all materialistic and energetic forms.
Whatever add to nature is its positive side and whatever deduct it is its negative side.
Still far too nebulous.
What - precisely - do you mean by "add to nature"?

Say for example :
0/1>>7<<13 (also virtue)
In above example, 0/1 to 13 will be positive/creation side, 13 to 0/1 will be negative/destruction side. Both positive & negative can bring balance i.e 7.
Virtue: is moving toward balance/god state.
0/1<<7>>13 (also sin).
Meaningless drivel.
Kumar5, Why are you interested in defining "spiritual terms"? Do you have a point of view that you want to present that is out of the mainstream?

In your case, I think it "might" help to know where you are from, what your mother tongue is and what religion you primarily identify with (if any)?

Otherwise, your entire thread is just incoherent.
Say for eg. Trees growing.
Doesn't work when "applied" to the whole of nature - which is what you're trying to do.
We know that for your example" trees are "meant" to grow, but, on a larger level which species are "meant" to survive? Which individuals?

Try to concentrate deeply with equanimity and rationality.
Stop[ talking crap.
The fact you can't be logical, precise or coherent doesn't mean that the fault lies with me.
Kumar5, Why are you interested in defining "spiritual terms"? Do you have a point of view that you want to present that is out of the mainstream?

In your case, I think it "might" help to know where you are from, what your mother tongue is and what religion you primarily identify with (if any)?

Otherwise, your entire thread is just incoherent.
I just thought universely applicable logical and simplified definitions. Also somewhat scientific. There should be a basic sense of everything, quite simple and satisfying. However we can complex that due to various resons and MPOVs. Yes, english is not my first language. Pls try to base sense.
I just thought universely applicable logical and simplified definitions. Also somewhat scientific. There should be a basic sense of everything, quite simple and satisfying. However we can complex that due to various resons and MPOVs. Yes, english is not my first language. Pls try to base sense.

I can't base sense.
I can't base sense.

I respect and follow true religion and so it in all religions. I respect all good understandings. Think deeply with equanimity, you may understand real sense.
Personally, I am mostly satisfied with these definitions. But still invite your comments.
I respect and follow true religion and so it in all religions. I respect all good understandings. Think deeply with equanimity, you may understand real sense.
Personally, I am mostly satisfied with these definitions. But still invite your comments.
I'm just guessing that these are somehow derived from Hindu?
Doesn't work when "applied" to the whole of nature - which is what you're trying to do.
We know that for your example" trees are "meant" to grow, but, on a larger level which species are "meant" to survive? Which individuals?

Stop[ talking crap.
The fact you can't be logical, precise or coherent doesn't mean that the fault lies with me.
That was just one example. All live beings have naural right to life, grow & personal liberty.

Try to understand deeoly, logic,sense & science in these definitions with equanimity. You can get much. Simply base universal sense instead of specific sense.