
Well, what makes the natural, supernatural?
I think the crux of it is that the supernatural defies even the principle of analyzing it.

Dark matter is very hard to analyze, but there's no principle that means we will never be able to measure it, analyze it, model it and even reproduce it in a lab.
Can the same thing be said about God?
Well, what makes the natural, supernatural?

One is that which can be detected and measured while the other cannot. It's often considered the actual existence of things and the non-existence of things claimed to exist.
One is that which can be detected and measured while the other cannot.
Dependent on your perceptions of the natural?

It's often considered the actual existence of things and the non-existence of things claimed to exist.
So, that thing behind your perceptions, non-existent or existent? Can you turn your perceptions backward and measure your true nature? Are you natural or supernatural?
Yes and No. God can Know Himself yet not Know Himself. Imagination is every child's playground of self-discovery, but there is a limitation, or so I believe.
Well, that's not really what I asked.
Can we humans analyze it, model it and know how it works by applying scientific methods?
Well, that's not really what I asked.
Can we humans analyze it, model it and know how it works by applying scientific methods?
I don't believe we can from the limitations of natural perception, but maybe from supernatural perception, we can.
I don't believe we can from the limitations of natural perception, but maybe from supernatural perception, we can.
Right. So that is the definition of supernatural (even if it's simply circular).

But it answers your question: what makes something supernatural? We can't observe, study or model it with natural perception; it requires supernatural perceptive ability (whatever that is).
Right. So that is the definition of supernatural (even if it's simply circular).

But it answers your question: what makes something supernatural? We can't observe, study or model it with natural perception; it requires supernatural perceptive ability (whatever that is).
Kinda like supernatural consciousness?
Kinda like supernatural consciousness?
Whatever that is, sure.

If there are creatures that are invisible to sight, and can only be seen with Wowzavision, then, to see them, you'll need to have Wowzavision.

Note that the above statement does not mean Wowza creatures or Wowza goggles exist.

It is a self-contained logic, but self-contained logic doesn't say anything about whether the subject is actually real.
Dependent on your perceptions of the natural?

No, dependent on whether something can be detected and measured. Perceptions can come in the form of instruments and machines that are capable of detecting and measuring to great degrees of accuracy.

So, that thing behind your perceptions, non-existent or existent? Can you turn your perceptions backward and measure your true nature?

I would answer those question if I knew what you were talking about, but I have no idea what you're asking.

Are you natural or supernatural?

I am detectable and measurable, just like you and everyone else, hence we are natural and therefore we exist.
No, dependent on whether something can be detected and measured. Perceptions can come in the form of instruments and machines that are capable of detecting and measuring to great degrees of accuracy.
Which are extensions of your perception.

I would answer those question if I knew what you were talking about, but I have no idea what you're asking.
It doesn't matter, because it is you, the one who perceives, and you can't see it.

I am detectable and measurable, just like you and everyone else, hence we are natural and therefore we exist.
If I were experiencing a dream and picked up a ruler in that dream to measure my finger, would that make the measurement of my dream finger real?
Which are extensions of your perception.

And? What is your point?

It doesn't matter, because it is you, the one who perceives, and you can't see it.

Can't see what? I still have no idea what you're asking.

If I were experiencing a dream and picked up a ruler in that dream to measure my finger, would that make the measurement of my dream finger real?

No, it wouldn't make your finger real, but it would make the dream of measuring your finger real.
Nope. By definition, the supernatural cannot be detected by any natural method (measurement, sight, temperature etc.)
I must disagree.
Traditional ghosts are supernatural and they can ostensibly be seen and heard.

I'd say the the supernatural describes things that can't be explained by natural means (i.e. known science).
Traditional ghosts are supernatural and they can ostensibly be seen and heard.
If you are seeing ànd hearing it is NOT supernatural and not ghost

Possible not explainable, but that's another story in the - where is the evidence for the cause of vision and noise - tray

where is the evidence for the cause of vision and noise
Anil Seth makes some compelling observarions in that regard. The process is actually much deeper than most can imagine. You have to believe it before you can experience it.
That gets very complicated.