The afterlife still needs public transit...


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums.
Valued Senior Member

I guess even ghosts need a way to get around...?

Oh, wait... nope, those are just the spots where ordinary people were sitting, and the body heat didn't allow condensation to form. My bad!
Given that the streets are paved with gold, you'd think the public transportation system would be better but politics slows down innovation everywhere I guess.
Oh, wait... nope, those are just the spots where ordinary people were sitting, and the body heat didn't allow condensation to form. My bad!
It's also possible that it is a longer-lasting phenom. Those areas of the glass will have made much more contact with humans, transferring oils and dirt, perhaps affecting the nature of condensation.

Rub your hand on a window in cold weather. The hand print will likely be visible in the condensation long after the window's temp has reached equilibrium.

Next time you're tempted to rest your head on the window of a bus or subway car, check it out first. You'll certainly see grease marks from previous occupants.
I'll walk, thanks. Last time I was on public transit, late November, an old lady tottered up to me, rubbed my very black beard, and said "It's going to be a looong winter." That was weird enough for me to finally buy a car.

(Explanation provided on request.)