The Big Bang Theory - Religion disguised as Science?

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No what I say aligns with mainstream cosmological data and thoughts exactly.
We know nothing about the evolution of the Universe/space and time before 10-35 seconds after the "ëvent" itself.
That first unknown 10-35 seconds is the Planck/quantum era. It's well within logical reasoning then, to extrapolate back to the initial event/BB at T-0.

Of course we often also hear that the BB was an "explosion", or similar dialogue addressed to the layman.

ps: I havn't time to check but the 10-35 seconds I mention could well be 10-43 seconds....not 100% sure but I'm sure you do get my drift.

paddoboy, okay I get it. When I read "[4] The BB is not a theory about the creation of the Universe, rather it is a well supported theory regarding the evolution of space and time.", I was obviously mistaken, or confused, or addled in some way to think that what you actually meant to say was "[4] The BB is not a theory about the creation of the Universe, rather it is a well supported theory regarding the evolution of space and time.".

paddoboy, my bad! I stand corrected and am sorry if I indeed did misunderstand what you stated. As you already seem to know, I am wrong or incorrect quite often. Believe me, paddoboy, I have no problem admitting when I am wrong.

paddoboy, thanks again for the follow-up clarification. I am sorry for any confusion caused by my Postings.
Via a conspiracy of coincidence, I was thinking about where all the elements in the Periodic Table came from. According to BB theory, Hydrogen and Helium were the first elements to 'condense'.

Heavier 'metallic' elements, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, Ne, in the second row came along after the first stars formed.
So the theory, in religious form, says the Periodic Table is accepted doctrine, explaining the genesis of the elements starting with H and He, the "first couple".

He he

And note that the second row contains C, N, O, which along with H make up most of "us".
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