The Post Whatever Thread

i see your point
they probably mix up those statistics by listing a full day when the person is admitted in the time zone day
they probably used that on top of calculating the days together on a monthly tally where 2 visits may be inside a time line.

i have personally met several people who have been in hospital for over a week
2 of which were critical life support
1 who is a regular who usually does about 3 days in hospital every visit so might spend more than a week in hospital inside 1 calendar month etc
usa health system is all about extracting cash from people so its big data is pretty useless
the big data collection is always filtered for profit by the collecting entity
so the scope of relative scientific information is stripped of its pure medical data by deliberate omission or by deliberate marginalization.

As far as I can tell, that study had nothing to do with the U.S. It simply says that if you have diabetes you are at a higher risk from Covid-19. However, you could say that about just about anything.
That horrible, sinking feeling when you have a diamond pendant appraised that had been passed down to you from your grandmother, and the jeweler tells you it's not a real diamond. Omg, what? :frown:
That horrible, sinking feeling when you have a diamond pendant appraised that had been passed down to you from your grandmother, and the jeweler tells you it's not a real diamond. Omg, what? :frown:

It's still something from your Grandmother.

You capitalist!
America's fixation with money
Cognitive dissonance
Nazi regime
Misogynous culture wokedness gas light
You know what I'm saying...
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Ah ha! Rainbow is your sock puppet account?! ;) Jk!

You caught me! You didn't think Rainbow was a real person did you?

Actually most of this forum is my sock puppet. I haven't pulled out the Iceaura puppet in a while but maybe soon. The Tiassa puppet has been little used as well lately.

Strangely, Quantum Quack is real.
That horrible, sinking feeling when you have a diamond pendant appraised that had been passed down to you from your grandmother, and the jeweler tells you it's not a real diamond. Omg, what? :frown:

& then waits for you to ask them how much they will give you for it now they have told you it is fake & worthless ?

curiosity question
passed down FROM your grandmother
or BY your grandmother ?

the financial security concept in such things is a heady complex mix of things
are you confusing your feelings of doubt with feelings of financial desperation or confidant deceit & miss trust ?
... betrayal ? ... did someone steal the real diamond and sell it ?(ive heard thats not uncommon in documented real events where the original was real)
do you think the jeweler cares ?
shattered dreams story content ?

what was the dream ? American get rich quick ?

Ah ha! Rainbow is your sock puppet account?! ;) Jk!

making puppets out of socks
making socks out of puppets

muppet-socks ?
sock-muppet ?

You caught me! You didn't think Rainbow was a real person did you?
typical sexual attempt at being sexual
how sexual of you
you know you have no rights to opinions unless you are agreeing with everyone else
stop not being American
its revolting & your free to agreement speech ted talk amyway deluxe 12 step method lobbyist quick step guide for god will be cancelled if you dont kiss some big corporate or political ass
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big fat looser is being a big fat looser
trying to create more big fat loosers to feel like a small fat looser amongst other bigger fatter loosier loosers
you don't have what it takes to take what i have
oh really ... can you afford to lose that bet ? are you doubling down with humans shields on the table ?
doubling down while everyone else is' the ones being gambled & the gambler is betting with other peoples money ...

do you have what it takes to be rich and famous ?

for me its more "here we go again" than intrigue

though if i ever wrote it down it may make an interesting tv drama script content.
but with some aspects of real humans, being too close to reality is too close to reality
while sex & violence then get the investment
mad fucking humans & their madness & insanity
@ Rainbow - passed down by my grandmother - it wasn’t something I inherited through her estate. (not sure if that’s what you meant)
@ Rainbow - passed down by my grandmother - it wasn’t something I inherited through her estate. (not sure if that’s what you meant)

passed down meaning who owns my money
but we already know that
USA culture is a bit like that
its all about who owns the money & who owns the power

my question is physical

did you grandmother, in person with her hands(assuming she is human and/or has hands & arms)
physically handed this to you in person so you physically took it in your hand from her hand ?

"physically passed down"
opposed to American "money is mine" "passed down" = "i have the right to the money its all mine its all about me & my money"

lost in the malaise of money & betrayal
what use is betrayal if you cant sell it for a profit ?
She gave it to me. We get it, Rainbow. You think you’re better than all of us. Don’t shame my grandmother.
She gave it to me. We get it, Rainbow. You think you’re better than all of us. Don’t shame my grandmother.

you are projecting your own paranoia
then allowing it to dictate your own conversation as the ultimate narrative, then demanding all answers are the same
now the human shield is being used(your grandmother)

instead of answering the question

why ?
because the real story is something else ?
who is driving that golf kart ? you are not me

did your grandmother physically hand it to you and you accepted it physically in your hand ?
but keeping in mind you have played the projected paranoia guilt human shield to allow you an out to now claim you should not in good faith answer the question
when the question has not changed

you see
i know that already

the reality is you dont need to force the outcome to be your own paranoid game
but thats next level stuff

and band camp cheer leader has made himself look like a dick trying to play his ego like a penis

do i think im better than who ?
all of what ?
everyone else ?
so everyone else is against me ?
kumbaya fear group band camp cheer leader games no thanks
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lol ^

I'm not paranoid. I simply posted a comment about a family heirloom. The rest is all you.
Wegs, why are you avoiding answering the question?

Is your grandmother human and did she pass it down using her human hands/arms?

This need not be difficult unless you are trying to hide some paranoid fantasy of yours.

Is that it? Are you avoiding this question because your grandmother (and therefore you) isn't human? Are you mixed race as in part human and part alien? Are all aliens as paranoid as you appear to be?

This may be going over your head as I'm sure it is going over the head of most in this forum. Is there some sexual repression going on here?