The Post Whatever Thread

ive been kissed many times without consent by guys & girls(lost count, it doesn't bother me unless its creepy)
"kissed without consent" seems to have a different meaning in some cultures
is she saying kumo was being creepy & offered sexual actions via "strip poker" AND kissed her without consent AT THE TIME
because DAMN that would be way creepy

im sure that stuff happens to women a lot
ive chatted with lots of women that this type of behavior has been soo common they simply stop talking about it to many people.

is that because there is some intent to dis-empower the sexual harassment nature of verbal offer of strip poker ?

eewwww yuck thats disgusting
in some cultures people faces get smashed in for less

A former member of New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's administration who previously accused him of sexual harassment has added to the allegations, saying he once kissed her on the lips without consent.
Wegs, why are you avoiding answering the question?

Is your grandmother human and did she pass it down using her human hands/arms?

This need not be difficult unless you are trying to hide some paranoid fantasy of yours.

Is that it? Are you avoiding this question because your grandmother (and therefore you) isn't human? Are you mixed race as in part human and part alien? Are all aliens as paranoid as you appear to be?

This may be going over your head as I'm sure it is going over the head of most in this forum. Is there some sexual repression going on here?

Well...if you must know...

you are projecting your own paranoia
. . .
and band camp cheer leader has made himself look like a dick trying to play his ego like a penis
. . .
he made himself look like a dick
while trying to play with his dick(ego)
trying to show everyone his dick(self importance)
So you are attacking a woman who got something handed down from her grandmother, because you don't believe her and because she's an evil capitalist using a "projected paranoia guilt human shield" or something.
Then you follow it up with a story about some guy's penis.
Then you talk about a guy playing with his dick. A lot.

Perhaps turn down the creepy pervert thing a bit?
Your constant harping on genitals suggests that you are something of a creepy pervert. Best not to present that sort of image here, IMO.

its 100% your ego problem
not mine
you just want to try & use me to stand on like a soap box
because thats how your brain is programmed

good luck with that

That's enough.

You're posting like some sort of crazy man at the moment. Which is tolerable to some extent, but we have to draw a line somewhere.

When you start accusing other people of bad intentions and bad behaviour, for no good reason, that's just nasty. Also, you're sounding paranoid.

If there are some meds you're supposed to be taking, please make sure you take them before you post here again.

If you can't control yourself, you shouldn't be posting here.
Wegs, why are you avoiding answering the question?

Is your grandmother human and did she pass it down using her human hands/arms?

This need not be difficult unless you are trying to hide some paranoid fantasy of yours.

Is that it? Are you avoiding this question because your grandmother (and therefore you) isn't human? Are you mixed race as in part human and part alien? Are all aliens as paranoid as you appear to be?

This may be going over your head as I'm sure it is going over the head of most in this forum. Is there some sexual repression going on here?
big fat looser is being a big fat looser
trying to create more big fat loosers to feel like a small fat looser amongst other bigger fatter loosier loosers


(But seriously, folks, maybe RainbowSingularity is just going through a period of instability. I sincerely hope its temporary, for his sake.)
big fat looser is being a big fat looser
trying to create more big fat loosers to feel like a small fat looser amongst other bigger fatter loosier loosers


(But seriously, folks, maybe RainbowSingularity is just going through a period of instability. I sincerely hope its temporary, for his sake.)

that was not directed at wegs
i like wegs(general feeling)
as opposed to being neutral(not caring at all)
as opposed to not liking(disliking & wishing they would cease existence)

its a "post what ever thread" not an "all about whom ever you 1st generally associate with

If there are some meds you're supposed to be taking, please make sure you take them before you post here again.

did you pm seatle suggesting he not make threats as if he is a site mod ?
i take his comment in light of it being general opinion of the group as those who give heir to him do.

You're posting like some sort of crazy man at the moment. Which is tolerable to some extent, but we have to draw a line somewhere.

keep in mind what you think you know of me is just that
i moderate my interaction to fit in as it is
wegs comment is paranoid(& now i am being called paranoid, thats transference) because she is upset at the points i made about potential historic things which is something attaching to a current feeling she has.
which wegs posted and i tried to help by responding, without making any rude comments or threats of moderation or attempted ego alignments like billvon did to pay to some type of ego manifestation that wegs needed protecting from me because she is incapable of expressing herself(am i not supposed to notice that[very rhetorical])

are we supposed to be honest about feelings ?

other peoples feelings, be those fleeting, reactionary, defensive or chaotic driven by emotion is just that
other peoples feelings

just because i dont shoot down those who take a swipe at me online doesn't mean i dont notice it.
just because you cant fit me into a box dont think i dont notice that either or think that me not fitting into a box defines me as a deplorable(or what ever cancelled trend word that seems to run more smoothly with)

i thought this thread was supposed to be about freedom of speech & feelings
a small taste of that & suddenly im being painted as the bad guy for not conforming to others peoples realities.

nothing new for me, im not bitter, slightly annoyed, but not surprised. its not uncommon.

should i be dancing around other peoples fragile egos in economics etc ?
im not surprised at people making comments they dont understand me so fear me.
thats their paranoia of the unknown not mine(transference again, very common).

if i have said something to someone that you think is offense, please point it out for me so i cant explain.
unless its in reply to their obvious trolling & baiting
which you will notice i dont get litigiousness whiny about & make complaints.

freedom of speech & freedom to be who you are ... freedom from being enslaved to others peoples ego ...(probably a bit too deep)
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adjusted to level 2(where most of the others are)
dont care anymore

lol you think im having some type of emotional melt down ?
lol thats your Ego
what arrogance
soo desperately trying to cling on to the lie(aka borderline narcissism & power tripper lost inside your own privilege & self importance)
so funny how the little "you think your better than everyone else comes out as you act out your transference in fear of people realizing there are things you just don't understand, including yourself

"medication" comments ? lol
your soo emotionally shallow your borderline sociopaths with narcissistic tendencies
those who dont obey your ego are labelled dysfunctional

school yard teen girl bully tactics
thats where you are
thats you
just with access to power so you think the more the power the more absolute rights your ego has to act out its little dramas and need to satisfy the deranged teenage ego inside.

im done playing dumb to pander to your fascism & narcissism & school yard teenage bully psychology.
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It’s a beautiful day here, no humidity and I may have to find time for a nature trail hike later.
It’s a beautiful day here, no humidity and I may have to find time for a nature trail hike later.
I'm so jealous
29 degrees here
still over 2 feet of snow
with 4 ft. drifts
great chunks of ice have been falling off the roofs and onto the decks making loud crashing sounds.

(the trials of winter make spring that much more fun and exciting)
the sun is shining brightly
the chickens are laying more eggs than I need
and the birds are singing
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