The Squared Circle

That's roughly 0.3% out, then? 0.3% bigger, in fact. That, according to you in another thread, makes it "much" bigger, and therefore can not be considered "close enough". So hoisted by your own petard, methinks.

Furthermore, the challenge of "squaring the circle" is not one where "close enough" has merit: either one does it, or one does not. The theory is that it is impossible. Not that you can get "close enough".

It is certainly slower, by 0.1%. That is not "much slower" at all. It is, for almost all practical purposes, a reduction that can be ignored.

So according to you, .3% is something that can be ignored? Or are you now saying that is too much? LOL

Foot in mouth much?

...or maybe you think .1% can be ignored, but .3% is too much?

Closer than any man has ever been before!

Nobody in the history of the world has ever been closer!
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So according to you, .3% is something that can be ignored? Or are you now saying that is too much?
0.1% variance can usually be ignored for most practical matters, but for theoretical matters where the idea is to show that something can be done, a miss (e.g. 0.1%) is as good as a mile, so they say. So all about context, and you, the person who said they wouldn't respond to me again, have it backward in both contexts.
Nobody in the history of the world has ever been closer!
Apart from those that have, you mean? :rolleyes:

Do you understand where your mistake is now?

Let's review:


Step 1:
3 goes into 1 0 times, so you put a "0" to the left side of the decimal point.

Step 2:
3 goes into 10 3 times. So you put a "3" to the right side of the decimal point.
3 x 3 = 9, so you put a "9" below the "10."
10 - 9 = 1

Step 3:
Add a "0" after the "1."

Step 4:
3 goes into 10 3 times, so place a "3" to the right of the previous "3" after the decimal point.
3 x 3 = 9, so place a "9" under the "10" and subtract 9 from 10.
10 - 9 = 1

Step 5:
Goto Step 3

See how that works?

In the pic, the answer so far at this point in the division is 0.333, and there is A REMAINDER OF 1 at the bottom of the pic that remains to be divided by 3.
You made it to "goto step 3" and were stuck in an infinite loop. The remainder will always be "1."

So at this point in the division, .333 x 3 = .999 WITH A REMAINDER OF .001

.999 + .001 = 1.00 = 100%

Here is the most important part:




You can not finish the division of 1 divided by 3 because there is always a remainder of 1 which needs to be divided by 3. The division continues INFINITELY, with a remainder of 1.

At ANY point in the division, if you multiply the answer by 3, and add the remainder of 1 from the last decimal position, you get a total of 1.0, which is 100%.

Toss the remainder and call it good at .333... and you are a cheat! A fraud! A CRANK!
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Alexa show me an example of projection.

Thanks Alexa.

If anyone is confused by Motor Daddy's bafflegab just note that 0.3333.... = 0.3 + 0.03 + 0.003 + 0.0003 + .... which is a geometric series \(0.3+(0.1)\times 0.3+(0.1)^2\times 0.3+(0.1)^3\times 0.3+\ldots\) then go and look up the infinite sum of a geometric series with first term a = 0.3 and common ratio r = 0.1.
...which you wrote in post 42....... three pages ago.

I like the Alexa joke, by the way. :D

Though in my opinion he's only pretending to be a crank: he's a troll.
Alexa show me an example of projection.

Thanks Alexa.

If anyone is confused by Motor Daddy's bafflegab just note that 0.3333.... = 0.3 + 0.03 + 0.003 + 0.0003 + .... which is a geometric series \(0.3+(0.1)\times 0.3+(0.1)^2\times 0.3+(0.1)^3\times 0.3+\ldots\) then go and look up the infinite sum of a geometric series with first term a = 0.3 and common ratio r = 0.1.

Put as many 3's as you like after a decimal point, they will never add up to 1.0 when multiplied by 3.

Again, since you have a learning disability, .333... x 3 = .999... which is 99.999...% not 100%

.999... is 99.999... percent of 1.0

1 Whole pizza cut into 3 pieces is 1 piece is 20%, 1 piece is 25%, and 1 piece is 45%.

.20 = 20%
.35 = 35%
.45 = 45%

.20 + .35 + .45 = 1.0 = 100%

See? The pizza is cut into 3 pieces and the pieces add up to 100% of the original pizza.

If you want to make equal size pieces then you can cut it into 4 pieces, 25% each piece, and 4 x .25 = 1.0 = 100%

If you want to cut it into 3 equal pieces YOU CAN'T DO IT!

If you think you can cut 100% into 3 equal pieces then show me what percentage each piece is that add up to 100%?

You are a dishonest hack that you refuse to acknowledge that fact!

I proved it to you using long division, and you totally disregard that. If you think that is in error then explain in detail using that example where exactly I made an error?
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Well technically 99.999...% is 100%

That is what he is trying to claim is false. He wants to change the established principles of mathematics and physics to match his ideas, because he believes he is proving that the established principles are BS and his are superior.

Or he's trying to do comedy, or trolling, or a combination of all three. No one knows for sure, except him. Maybe not even him.
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1 Whole pizza cut into 3 pieces [snip]

If you want to cut it into 3 equal pieces YOU CAN'T DO IT!

So, you are claiming that you cannot divide a circle (pizza) into three slices of equal area, geometrically?? And you also are claiming that your geometric abilities are superior to all others who have attempted to square the circle, because your version is "close enough"? You need to pick a lane, because you are all over the place.
So, you are claiming that you cannot divide a circle (pizza) into three slices of equal area, geometrically??

I am claiming you can not divide 100% equally into 3 parts.

If you think you can divide 1 by 3 equally, then what percentage are the 3 parts that total 100%?

I have already shown that there is always a remainder left over which is not part of the .333...

I will repeat again, 1.0 is TEN TENTHS.

TEN TENTHS has a 1 in the Ones position on the left side of the decimal point. (1.0)
Nine TENTHS has a 9 in the TENTHS position on the right side of the decimal point! (.9)

Are you people retarded or something?
Maybe you understand money better???

99 pennies is .99 dollar.
100 pennies is 1.00 dollar.
10 dimes is 1.00 dollar.
I am claiming you can not divide 100% equally into 3 parts.

Okay, so let's start with the number three. 100% of the number three is 3.

So if you want to divide 100% of that number into three equal parts, couldn't you just divide three by three and get 1?
Okay, so let's start with the number three. 100% of the number three is 3.

So if you want to divide 100% of that up into three equal parts, couldn't you just divide three by three and get 1?

That is dividing 3 pizzas into 3 parts, of which each part is 1 whole pizza.

3 Pizzas is 300%
Each pizza is 100% and there are 3 of them.

But that is not what I am talking about.

I am taking about dividing 1 pizza into 3 equal parts. That is 1 divided by 3, not 3 divided by 3.

We are talking about 1 divided by 3, or 100% divided by 3.
We are NOT talking about 3 divided by 3, or 300% divided by 3.

Again, if you think you can divide 100% (1 pizza) into 3 equal pieces, then what are the percentage for each piece that add up to 100%????
100% of the number three is 3.

Maybe this is your confusion.

The number 3 is decimal 3.00
The decimal 3.00 is 300%, not 100%

100% is decimal 1.00
90% is decimal .90
1% is decimal .01

So when you write the number 3 you are writing 3.00, which means 300%

3 pizzas is 300% because there are 3 pizzas, each pizza is 1.0, or 100%

3 Pizzas is 3 WHOLE pizzas, and each whole is 100%, decimal 1.0
3 wholes is 3 x 100% = 300% = 3.0
3 wholes and 1 half pizza is 3.5 pizzas, which is 350%, the 50% being the half pizza, which is the .5.