The vicious circle of religion.

Is the evagelical movement in Usa a threat to science?

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This sentence is a lie
Valued Senior Member
A few people a long time ago made some separate but nonsensical claims, the effect of logical fallacies, inappropriate critical thinking, perceptive errors, etc. These are then told to their children at that vulnerable age at which they believe all that they are told, like:

Digging a canal from a river to our fields is essential.
If u don’t sacrifice a goat the sun wont rise.
U should not steal from others and u should respect all elders.
U should aim the arrow higher when hunting to compensate for gravity.

The child has no idea that statement no 2 is crap. And If there's a eclipse when he was in a heretic mood, the belief will be so strong nothing can shake it. He will then, with even more conviction, relate the same thing to his child, the eclipse episode no added to the myth. We have an early beginning of a religion.

What makes the situation worse is that religion, once formed is remarkable able to handle all aspects of opposition. One is reminded of Dawkin's idea of Memetic evolution of culture. In religion, faith or blind acceptance of god is considered a virtue. Even if some evidence is presented, its horribly biased and twisted. The spread of faith or evangelism is considered a great thing to do. Plus, belonging to the faith has claimed advantages like loss of fear of death, beautiful eternal fun, a personal superman helper, etc. On the other hand, loss of faith is forbidden and claimed punishable by lovely things like eternal suffering, burning, pain and a charming companion called the devil [or some version thereof].

Add to this the fact that religions have these amazing social events like mass, congregations, ceremonies, etc which provide social bonding, fun and a sense of security and a smug pride in being the 'ones' and one can see how easily religion can maintain its grip even in the face of reason and rationality and the wonders of modern science.

And so the vicious cycle continues, parents tell their children what their parents told them and the children do the same with their own offspring. Money hungry institutions and power thirsty people also help continue the circle of indoctrination. Poor babies, threatened with eternal fire and asked to give up [or twist or make exceptions in] the reasoning capablities they havent even delevoped yet.
A few people a long time ago made some separate but nonsensical claims, the effect of logical fallacies, inappropriate critical thinking, perceptive errors, etc. These are then told to their children at that vulnerable age at which they believe all that they are told, like:

Digging a canal from a river to our fields is essential.
If u don’t sacrifice a goat the sun wont rise.
U should not steal from others and u should respect all elders.
U should aim the arrow higher when hunting to compensate for gravity.

The child has no idea that statement no 2 is crap. And If there's a eclipse when he was in a heretic mood, the belief will be so strong nothing can shake it. He will then, with even more conviction, relate the same thing to his child, the eclipse episode no added to the myth. We have an early beginning of a religion.

What makes the situation worse is that religion, once formed is remarkable able to handle all aspects of opposition. One is reminded of Dawkin's idea of Memetic evolution of culture. In religion, faith or blind acceptance of god is considered a virtue. Even if some evidence is presented, its horribly biased and twisted. The spread of faith or evangelism is considered a great thing to do. Plus, belonging to the faith has claimed advantages like loss of fear of death, beautiful eternal fun, a personal superman helper, etc. On the other hand, loss of faith is forbidden and claimed punishable by lovely things like eternal suffering, burning, pain and a charming companion called the devil [or some version thereof].

Add to this the fact that religions have these amazing social events like mass, congregations, ceremonies, etc which provide social bonding, fun and a sense of security and a smug pride in being the 'ones' and one can see how easily religion can maintain its grip even in the face of reason and rationality and the wonders of modern science.

And so the vicious cycle continues, parents tell their children what their parents told them and the children do the same with their own offspring. Money hungry institutions and power thirsty people also help continue the circle of indoctrination. Poor babies, threatened with eternal fire and asked to give up [or twist or make exceptions in] the reasoning capablities they havent even delevoped yet.

What a load of bollocks. :rolleyes:

A few people a long time ago made some separate but nonsensical claims, the effect of logical fallacies, inappropriate critical thinking, perceptive errors, etc. These are then told to their children at that vulnerable age at which they believe all that they are told, like:

Digging a canal from a river to our fields is essential.
If u don’t sacrifice a goat the sun wont rise.
U should not steal from others and u should respect all elders.
U should aim the arrow higher when hunting to compensate for gravity.

The child has no idea that statement no 2 is crap. And If there's a eclipse when he was in a heretic mood, the belief will be so strong nothing can shake it. He will then, with even more conviction, relate the same thing to his child, the eclipse episode no added to the myth. We have an early beginning of a religion.

What makes the situation worse is that religion, once formed is remarkable able to handle all aspects of opposition. One is reminded of Dawkin's idea of Memetic evolution of culture. In religion, faith or blind acceptance of god is considered a virtue. Even if some evidence is presented, its horribly biased and twisted. The spread of faith or evangelism is considered a great thing to do. Plus, belonging to the faith has claimed advantages like loss of fear of death, beautiful eternal fun, a personal superman helper, etc. On the other hand, loss of faith is forbidden and claimed punishable by lovely things like eternal suffering, burning, pain and a charming companion called the devil [or some version thereof].

Add to this the fact that religions have these amazing social events like mass, congregations, ceremonies, etc which provide social bonding, fun and a sense of security and a smug pride in being the 'ones' and one can see how easily religion can maintain its grip even in the face of reason and rationality and the wonders of modern science.

And so the vicious cycle continues, parents tell their children what their parents told them and the children do the same with their own offspring. Money hungry institutions and power thirsty people also help continue the circle of indoctrination. Poor babies, threatened with eternal fire and asked to give up [or twist or make exceptions in] the reasoning capabilities they haven't even developed yet.

I like the way you are thinking on this subject. Religion may have been necessary in our primitive past, but now it's just dangerous and plain wrong.
A few people a long time ago made some separate but nonsensical claims, the effect of logical fallacies, inappropriate critical thinking, perceptive errors, etc. These are then told to their children at that vulnerable age at which they believe all that they are told, like:

Digging a canal from a river to our fields is essential.
If u don’t sacrifice a goat the sun wont rise.
U should not steal from others and u should respect all elders.
U should aim the arrow higher when hunting to compensate for gravity.

The child has no idea that statement no 2 is crap. And If there's a eclipse when he was in a heretic mood, the belief will be so strong nothing can shake it. He will then, with even more conviction, relate the same thing to his child, the eclipse episode no added to the myth. We have an early beginning of a religion.

What makes the situation worse is that religion, once formed is remarkable able to handle all aspects of opposition. One is reminded of Dawkin's idea of Memetic evolution of culture. In religion, faith or blind acceptance of god is considered a virtue. Even if some evidence is presented, its horribly biased and twisted. The spread of faith or evangelism is considered a great thing to do. Plus, belonging to the faith has claimed advantages like loss of fear of death, beautiful eternal fun, a personal superman helper, etc. On the other hand, loss of faith is forbidden and claimed punishable by lovely things like eternal suffering, burning, pain and a charming companion called the devil [or some version thereof].

Add to this the fact that religions have these amazing social events like mass, congregations, ceremonies, etc which provide social bonding, fun and a sense of security and a smug pride in being the 'ones' and one can see how easily religion can maintain its grip even in the face of reason and rationality and the wonders of modern science.

And so the vicious cycle continues, parents tell their children what their parents told them and the children do the same with their own offspring. Money hungry institutions and power thirsty people also help continue the circle of indoctrination. Poor babies, threatened with eternal fire and asked to give up [or twist or make exceptions in] the reasoning capablities they havent even delevoped yet.

Can you participate in something different then bashing religion ?
I like the way you are thinking on this subject. Religion may have been necessary in our primitive past, but now it's just dangerous and plain wrong.

Why wrong ? Remember USA is not the world there are other country . You remove religion from there there would be a bigger disaster then thy have now. Have you see the procession in Mexico , your neighbor ? Check it out
Why wrong ? Remember USA is not the world there are other country . You remove religion from there there would be a bigger disaster then thy have now. Have you see the procession in Mexico , your neighbor ? Check it out

Good leadership doesn't require religion. I always believe the truth about reality is the best policy and religion sells lies. In the modern world I don't see any upside to religion.
But they were sacrificing bullocks, were they not?
It was a load of bullocks.

Vicious circle? To a degree, but it's a damped response, so some of the worst oscillations have died down.

For some of the recent ringing, I would cite the claims by certain religious members and leaders that God levels entire communities (Katrina, Haiti, Japan etc.) by shaking the earth and setting the wind and tide in motion.

This was reputedly for fornication, homosexuality, just generally being bad.

Last year He was messing with Iceland, but only to punish the holiday travelers in Europe. (The Lord does work in mysterious ways.)

So that type of thinking resonates back to ancient writings that reflect on how to appease the god or gods by sacrifice of said bullocks. ;)
Good leadership doesn't require religion. I always believe the truth about reality is the best policy and religion sells lies. In the modern world I don't see any upside to religion.

Name a country with good leadership were all citizen are satisfied .....
Religion is a good buffer for the society
I believe you take religion out of this country you will need more Jail , and more police . You like or not The fear of God brings a lot of tranquility for the society. We have now plenty of gang banger which most of them are religious drop off, who dont have a fear of God
Provide a citation for this from actual scriptures.

Otherwise, you are just making things up.

Making things up? You've never read any ancient history?

Animal sacrifice is the ritual killing of an animal as part of a religion. It is practiced by adherents of many religions as a means of appeasing a god or gods or changing the course of nature.
And you see the traces of that kind of superstition here:

(citing Revelation):

There occurs a great earthquake where "the sun becomes black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon like blood" (6:12).
The stars of heaven fall to the earth and the sky recedes like a scroll being rolled up (6:13-14).
Every mountain and island is moved out of place (6:14).
The people of earth retreat to caves in the mountains (6:15).
The survivors call upon the mountains and the rocks to fall on them, so as to hide them from the "wrath of the Lamb" (6:16).

Lamb, not goat, but same same.
Acts 7:42-

But God turned away from them and gave them over to the worship of the sun, moon and stars. This agrees with what is written in the book of the prophets: “‘Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings forty years in the wilderness, people of Israel?
There are something like 27 references in the bible to sacrificing goats.

Isaiah 34:6
The sword of the LORD is bathed in blood, it is covered with fat— the blood of lambs and goats, fat from the kidneys of rams. For the LORD has a sacrifice in Bozrah and a great slaughter in the land of Edom.

Reminds me of Arlo Guthrie screaming "I wanna KILL"
Acts 7:42-

But God turned away from them and gave them over to the worship of the sun, moon and stars. This agrees with what is written in the book of the prophets: “‘Did you bring me sacrifices and offerings forty years in the wilderness, people of Israel?

What is that you want from religious people , do they ask you for bread for money , do you give any money ?

Do organization of your nature offer any thing to needy people in the world ?
Are your organization drilling wells for water in Africa ?
You only want to criticize, it probably isa because you feel guilty of something. And so by bitching you are taking the load of yourself .
@aracua and Jan, do u not realise that I have only just been a atheist for like a couple of weeks. I dont want to bash religion, I am just trying to understand, form ideas and get ur opinions on things I have never questioned before. If any1 is offended, I apologise.
Good leadership doesn't require religion. I always believe the truth about reality is the best policy and religion sells lies. In the modern world I don't see any upside to religion.

I would agree with aracua that people are not yet ready to be atheists or non religious. I am a teen, without a care in the world to take comfort from a deity, but most people aren't like that. I have spent quite some time learning logic and modern science, someting most people dont [its necessary that something fills in for the hole left in your life by loss of religion]. So I would hold that over the next 3 decades the world should become more secular and less attentive to religion. Anyway it happens, we can safely bet that religion will be extinct in 500 years.
Provide a citation for this from actual scriptures.

Otherwise, you are just making things up.

I will do even better. The mayans or actezs [I amnt sure which] sacrificed humans, lying them on slabs and cutting out thier hearts, lifting the still beating hearts to the sky for the sun god. The worse part, they had eclipses!
@aracua and Jan, do u not realise that I have only just been a atheist for like a couple of weeks. I dont want to bash religion, I am just trying to understand, form ideas and get ur opinions on things I have never questioned before. If any1 is offended, I apologise.

Then you're way of base.
Don't use your experience of theism to tar everything.
The questions you should be asking is, were you atheist all along.
It is more about you, your personal and social life/up-bringing which is the
problem, not theism.
