Theory of Electronexplosion in (English) and (Spanish)





My name is Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez, I am 40 years old and I am a computer programmer. I graduated from the technological Institute Isaac Newton as a technician in computer science.

I am going to explain the phenomenon of the noise produced by a high voltage cable or an electric field of an engine that is very similar to the noise that bees produce.

I don't know theory explaining this phenomenon.


The noise of a high voltage cable produced by electrons is simply the explosion of the universe and its composition. The same goes for the sound of an electric motor or a fan electric field. I am referring to the noise that looks like a honeycomb.

Here are my conclusions that led me to say that the universe explodes with single electrons:


We will use as an example the noise of micro explosions in an electric field of a fan. If they stop with your hands for a moment a fan blade so that it does not rotate and turn on the fan, you hear the noise of which I speak, which will be higher if they disarm fan.

1. I refer to the explosion of what surrounds to the electron.

It is logical that around the electron is the composition of the universe that we don't even see, but we know that it exists because it is between the planets. An electron or all the electrons revolve in the atom because it can cause explosions in your environment. An electron is not going to magically move, something moves and I discovered it.

2 Explosions of the composition of the universe does not produce warming, it only exploited because it has no chemistry.

To explain why I think that noise in a magnetic field of an electric motor, decided to expose non-roses of electrons that are here in the field of engine, because but there would be a warming of the metal used. An explosion without chemicals does not produce warming, only noise.

3. Not collides with air because but would be a breeze.

Nor the noise inside of electric fields collides with air, if you put your finger into the hole of the magnetic field, won't feel anything.

4. Why are electrons in constant motion, because they exploit with the composition of the universe all the time.

This is my theory, the movement of an electron is produced by the explosion of the composition of the universe here and out of the planet.

5. When we have electricity, electrons are in constant vibration, because they exploit to the composition of the universe.

To prove my theory I have decided to apply a well-known method and it is to touch a power cord that moves electrons. There we will check that the electron vibrates by the explosion of the universe with the electron. Now we all know what will happen if you touch electricity and it is proved that electrons are restless, somewhat proving my theory.

6. The explosion of the universe explained the movement of electrons.

If it explodes a dynamite will result in the same thing that happens to electrons: movements and vibrations. But explosions with the composition of the universe that surrounds the electrons electrons are constant, the universe is infinite, but I do not understand what makes it grow, for me the galaxies are separated by explosions in the universe between them.

7 I have come to the conclusion, that the light, temperature, fire, waves, atmospheric pressure, the short circuit and others aren't, the composition of the universe, but other phenomena that exist in the composition of the universe.

If my theory is correct, that explodes near the electrons is not known.

8 Why Atom attracts?

Due to the explosion of the universe by the electrons, there is a vacuum that the universe wants to fill with their same kind of universal membership attracting any objects that are on their way.

9 Why the Sun attracts?

Due to the explosion of the universe by the electrons, there is a vacuum that the universe wants to fill with their same kind of universal membership attracting any objects that are on their way.

10 Why planets are attracted?

Due to the explosion of the universe by the electrons, there is a vacuum that the universe wants to fill with their same kind of universal membership attracting any objects that are on their way.

11 Why the Magnet attracts?

Due to the explosion of the universe by the electrons, there is a vacuum that the universe wants to fill with their same kind of universal membership attracting any objects that are on their way.

12. The gravity it produces electrons of the planets. While the bigger the planet strongest is the movement of the composition of the universe to the planet.
Planets are filled with electrons, all electrons of the planet exploding the composition of the universe and the universe is us comes up attracting to the moon.

13. Plants use another phenomenon of the universe to grow.

The plants are green and the universe is transparent, I do not think that the raw material of a plant or tree is the composition of the universe.

14. Touch is what creates waves, water touch creates a wave and the touch of the electrons with the composition of the universe creates waves of force.

By logic electrons play the universe, it should be because of its size and when an explosion there are these electrons touching the universe as when we touch the water and produces a wave not of water but of composition of the universe. That's why while many of electrons there are in the explosion the greater force wave. I think that the wave grows because it inflates composition of the universe, like when we inflate a balloon.

15. The ocean vibe because the planet is vibrating.

I always have asked me because the sea moves as well (vibrating) and the response here got in this theory. The electrons from the planet vibrate the explosions with the universe and make this planet to vibrate and its ocean also vibrate.


The universe explodes

Very affectionately,
Víctor Elias Espinoza Guedez
The theory of the Electronexplosion holder.




If someone wants to fund these 2 ideas you can contact me to the following proved:



Mi nombre es Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez, tengo 40 años de edad y soy programador de computadoras. Me gradué en el Instituto Tecnológico Isaac Newton como técnico en Informática.

Voy a explicar el fenómeno del ruido que produce un cable de alta tensión o un campo eléctrico de un motor que se parece mucho al ruido que producen las abejas.

No conozco teoría que explique éste fenómeno.


El ruido de un cable de alta tensión producido por los electrones es simplemente la explosión del universo y su composición. Lo mismo pasa con el ruido de un campo eléctrico de un ventilador o motor eléctrico. Me refiero al ruido que parece un panal de abejas.

Aquí les dejo mis conclusiones que me llevaron a decir que el Universo explota con simples electrones:


Usaremos como ejemplo el ruido de micro explosiones en un campo eléctrico de un ventilador. Si detienen con sus manos por un momento el aspa de un ventilador para que no gire y encienden el ventilador, escucharan el ruido del que les hablo, que será mayor si desarman el ventilador.

1. Me refiero a la explosión de lo que rodea al electrón.

Es lógico que alrededor del electrón esté la composición del universo que aún no vemos, pero sabemos que existe porque está entre los planetas. Un electrón o todos los electrones giran en el átomo porque produce explosiones en su entorno. Un electrón no se va a mover por arte de magia, algo lo mueve y lo descubrí.

2. Las explosiones de la composición del universo no produce calentamiento, sólo explota porque no tiene composición química.

Para explicar porque pienso que el ruido dentro de un campo magnético de un motor eléctrico, decidí exponer que no son roses de electrones los que hay allí dentro del campo del motor, porque sino se produciría un calentamiento del metal utilizado. Una explosión sin químicos no produce calentamiento, sólo ruido.

3. No choca con el aire porque sino se sentiría brisa.

Tampoco el ruido dentro de los campos eléctricos choca con el aire, si metes el dedo dentro del hueco del campo magnético, no sentirás nada.

4. Por qué los electrones están en movimiento constante, porque explotan con la composición del universo todo el tiempo.

Esta es mi teoría, el movimiento de un electrón es producido por la explosión de la composición del universo aquí y fuera del planeta.

5. Cuando nos toca la electricidad, los electrones están en constante vibración, porque explotan a la composición del Universo.

Para demostrar mi teoría he decidido aplicar un método muy conocido y es tocar un cable eléctrico que mueva a los electrones. Allí comprobaremos que el electrón vibra por las explosiones del universo con el electrón. Ya todos sabemos que pasará si tocamos la electricidad y queda comprobado que los electrones están inquietos, algo que comprueba mi teoría.

6. Las explosiones del universo explican el movimiento de los electrones.

Si explota una dinamita provocará lo mismo que le sucede a los electrones: movimientos y vibraciones. Pero en los electrones las explosiones con la composición del universo que rodea a los electrones son constantes, el universo es infinito pero no entiendo qué lo hace crecer, para mí las galaxias se separan por explosiones del universo que hay entre ellas.

7. He llegado a la conclusión, de que la luz, la temperatura, el fuego, las ondas, la presión atmosférica, el corto circuito y otros no son la composición del universo, sino, otros fenómenos que existen en la composición del universo.

Si mi teoría es correcta, lo que explota cerca de los electrones no se conoce.

8. ¿Por qué el átomo atrae?

Debido a las explosiones del universo por parte de los electrones, se produce un vacío que el universo quiere llenar, con su misma clase de composición universal atrayendo cualquier objeto que esté en su paso.

9. ¿Por qué el Sol atrae?

Debido a las explosiones del universo por parte de los electrones, se produce un vacío que el universo quiere llenar, con su misma clase de composición universal atrayendo cualquier objeto que esté en su paso.

10. ¿Por qué los Planetas se atraen?

Debido a las explosiones del universo por parte de los electrones, se produce un vacío que el universo quiere llenar, con su misma clase de composición universal atrayendo cualquier objeto que esté en su paso.

11. ¿Por qué el imán atrae?

Debido a las explosiones del universo por parte de los electrones, se produce un vacío que el universo quiere llenar, con su misma clase de composición universal atrayendo cualquier objeto que esté en su paso.

12. La gravedad la produce los electrones de los planetas. Mientras más grande es el planeta más fuerte es el movimiento de la composición del universo hacia el planeta.

Los planetas están llenos de electrones, todos los electrones del planeta explotan la composición del universo y el universo se nos viene encima atrayendo a la luna.

13. Las plantas usan otro fenómeno del universo para crecer.

Las plantas son verdes y el universo es transparente, no creo que la materia prima de una planta o árbol sea la composición del universo.

14. El tacto es lo que crea las ondas, en el agua el tacto crea una onda y el tacto de los electrones con la composición del universo crea las ondas de fuerza.

Por lógica los electrones tocan al universo, debe ser por su tamaño y cuando hay una explosión estos electrones tocan al universo como cuando tocamos el agua y se produce una onda no de agua sino de composición del universo. Es por eso que mientras mayor cantidad de electrones hay en la explosión mayor será la onda de fuerza. Creo que la onda crece porque se infla de composición del universo, igual a cuando inflamos un globo.

15. El océano vibra porque el planeta está vibrando.

Yo siempre me he preguntado porque el mar se mueve así (vibrando) y la respuesta la conseguí aquí en ésta teoría. Los electrones del planeta vibran por las explosiones con el universo y hacen que este planeta vibre y su océano también vibre.


El universo explota

Muy afectuosamente,
Victor Elias Espinoza Guedez
Poseedor de la Teoría de la Electrónexplosión.




Si alguien quiere financiar estas 2 ideas puede comunicarse conmigo a los siguientes emailes:
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Your usual nonsensical garbage.

Is garbage find the reason for the movement of electrons.
Is garbage find the reason for the strength of the atoms.
Is garbage find the reason of the gravity.
Is garbage find a way to travel through space using the universe as fuel.
To this calling you garbage?

All of this happens because the electrons touch to the composition of the universe and exploits it to create the movement of the electrons and the attraction of more composition of the universe, to produce the phenomena that I mentioned: another example is that I found the reason of the attraction of the planets that he had not mentioned.

Of what another way you explain the movement and vibration of the electrons if not it is because the electrons they exploit a what it surrounds what it is the composition of the universe.
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Is garbage find the reason for the movement of electrons.
Is garbage find the reason for the strength of the atoms.
Is garbage find the reason of the gravity.
Is garbage find a way to travel through space using the universe as fuel.
To this calling you garbage?

EVERYTHING you've EVER posted is complete garbage.
Victor, as usual, you sound like an agent of dissinformation. You know, a reverse ops kinda guy, designed to give alternative theorists a bad image.

That said, I ask others .. I used to live near high tension power lines when I was a kid, and they did make a noise as Victor says above. And come to think of it, I've never heard the explanation for this. Anyone know ?

If my theory is correct, the earth should beep of so many vibrations of electrons that explode the universe and its composition.

I suggest listening to something which is especially subject to the planet a wall, a wall accumulates much noise like a honeycomb, that shows that the noise of a beehive not only hear in electric current, but also in the matter because it also has electrons.

Finally, listen to the noise of a honeycomb on a wall that is not floating.

Wall floating also must have the same noise of a high voltage cable, because it has enough electrons to create a little less loud noise.
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That said, I ask others .. I used to live near high tension power lines when I was a kid, and they did make a noise as Victor says above. And come to think of it, I've never heard the explanation for this. Anyone know ?
Corona discharge.
Corona discharge.

In a field of electric power as a fan it has the same noise and I put the finger in the field power of a fan and I don't feel a breeze caused by the electrons and the fan electrical field has the same noise to a high voltage cable.

Is a high voltage electrical cable a fan? Because the Corona discharge says that the electrons collide with the air.
But all my honeycombs are on floating walls. Now what?

I am referring to the touch of the wall with the electrons of the planet Earth.

Wall floating also must have the same noise of a high voltage cable, because it has enough electrons to create a little less loud noise.

If my theory is correct, the earth should beep of so many vibrations of electrons that explode the universe and its composition.

I suggest listening to something which is especially subject to the planet a wall, a wall accumulates much noise like a honeycomb, that shows that the noise of a beehive not only hear in electric current, but also in the matter because it also has electrons.

Finally, listen to the noise of a honeycomb on a wall that is not floating.

Wall floating also must have the same noise of a high voltage cable, because it has enough electrons to create a little less loud noise.

Biefeld-Brown effect: says the same thing that noise is a wind and an electric field of a fan or electric motor does not feel anything of breeze.

Ionocraft: Electrons do not produce winds. on the other hand, is what I say in my theory, the electrons touch to the composition of the universe and produce waves just like when you touch the water. And this idea of producing artificial waves with electrons is mine.

No breeze what occurs, but waves of force by the explosion of the composition of the universe caused by the electrons.

The breeze cause fan blades not electrons.

My theory is that the electrons exploit the composition of the universe, not that the electrons emit breeze. It is what I want to correct.
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If my theory is correct, the earth should beep of so many vibrations of electrons that explode the universe and its composition.

I suggest listening to something which is especially subject to the planet a wall, a wall accumulates much noise like a honeycomb, that shows that the noise of a beehive not only hear in electric current, but also in the matter because it also has electrons.

Finally, listen to the noise of a honeycomb on a wall that is not floating.

Wall floating also must have the same noise of a high voltage cable, because it has enough electrons to create a little less loud noise.
The sound of the breeze is not equal to the of a honeycomb.​
The sound of an explosion is very different to the touch of matter with air.​
Look what do electrons:

Noise are electrons by exploiting the composition of the universe, it is not a breeze, Breeze sounds otherwise.


In the experiment the source increases the number of electrons. That makes it is more explosions of the composition of the universe. And so there are more waves of force that raise the object.

That is my conclusion to the experiment with respect to my theory.
The waves expansive they are created by the touch of the electrons with the composition universal. The same happens with the touch of the water.