Unworthy of Life

This is an extraordinarily important vector:

Wow, all that from a forked stick.
In memory of the millions of murdered sons and daughters, children, and grandchildren.

To all those who were deemed to be unworthy of life by their own mothers.

Out of sight, out of mind.

Millions killed, millions more will be killed, in the never ending slaughter in the womb.

It is a Constitutional Right, they say.

Killing our own children is good, they say.

Throwing them away in the garbage is even compassionate.

It is done so we may live as we wish, without responsibility for either our own actions, or the actions of others.

Many were complicit in the mass genocide.

They went along with it, even voted for it.

But we were not the ones who actually did it, so we are innocent, they say.

Smoke rises from the ovens.

Medical experiments are performed on the dead.

Abortion is called the "Slaughter of the Innocents" for a reason.

All those who oppose it are increasingly insulted, belittled, and mocked.

How did we become like this?

To all those deemed to be...

Unworthy of Life

I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that most of the babies that are aborted are too young to even be self aware.
Maybe abortion before that stage of development should be legal, and abortion after it should be illegal then.
That's sort of what it is now. (Texas excluded, of course.) The Supreme Court decision divided it into three phases:

First trimester. All states have to make it legal.
Second trimester (13-26 weeks)States cannot make it straight out illegal; they can impose some restrictions/regulations as long as abortion is still mostly legal. (i.e. you can ban abortion for specific cases, but can't ban it outright.)
Third trimester. States can prohibit it if they like, as long as there are exceptions to protect the health of the mother. (i.e. if the fetus is brain dead and the woman is experiencing pre-eclampsia they can abort.)

So up until 13 weeks - always legal. To 26 weeks - usually legal.
That's sort of what it is now. (Texas excluded, of course.) The Supreme Court decision divided it into three phases:

First trimester. All states have to make it legal.
Second trimester (13-26 weeks)States cannot make it straight out illegal; they can impose some restrictions/regulations as long as abortion is still mostly legal. (i.e. you can ban abortion for specific cases, but can't ban it outright.)
Third trimester. States can prohibit it if they like, as long as there are exceptions to protect the health of the mother. (i.e. if the fetus is brain dead and the woman is experiencing pre-eclampsia they can abort.)

So up until 13 weeks - always legal. To 26 weeks - usually legal.

Well problem solved then.
Well problem solved then.
Except in Texas, where they have basically outlawed it. (Specifically after six weeks.) The worry is that the recently-stacked conservative Supreme Court will hear a challenge to that law and decide to overturn Roe v Wade to support Texas conservatives.
Except in Texas, where they have basically outlawed it. (Specifically after six weeks.) The worry is that the recently-stacked conservative Supreme Court will hear a challenge to that law and decide to overturn Roe v Wade to support Texas conservatives.

Well what is Roe v Wade? Also, is the hypothetical overturn of Roe v Wade, whatever that is, as a result of a challenge to this law the reason why a challenge to this law is a worry?
Except in Texas, where they have basically outlawed it. (Specifically after six weeks.) The worry is that the recently-stacked conservative Supreme Court will hear a challenge to that law and decide to overturn Roe v Wade to support Texas conservatives.
Sorry. I'm not very political.
Well what is Roe v Wade?
Supreme Court abortion decision. Google it.
Also, is the hypothetical overturn of Roe v Wade, whatever that is, as a result of a challenge to this law the reason why a challenge to this law is a worry?
Because conservative states will use such a decision to outlaw abortion, causing late abortion rates to climb, women to die and unwanted children to be born and abandoned.
Supreme Court abortion decision. Google it.

Because conservative states will use such a decision to outlaw abortion, causing late abortion rates to climb, women to die and unwanted children to be born and abandoned.

Damn. I'm sure it will sort itself out once people come to their senses.
Supreme Court abortion decision. Google it.

Because conservative states will use such a decision to outlaw abortion, causing late abortion rates to climb, women to die and unwanted children to be born and abandoned.

Which conservative states? Conservatives are dummies I would say. Then again, they might be right in some cases. If something has worked for a long time, it is bound to keep working for a while more.
If something has worked for a long time, it is bound to keep working for a while more.
Well, while that is the default conservative dogma, they make exceptions for things they dislike - like women's rights. Doesn't matter that women have had the right to abortion for 50 years now.
Well, while that is the default conservative dogma, they make exceptions for things they dislike - like women's rights. Doesn't matter that women have had the right to abortion for 50 years now.

I guess the first part is true. The second part about women having had abortion rights for 50 years not mattering seems very much like sarcasm, even through the computer.
I guess the first part is true. The second part about women having had abortion rights for 50 years not mattering seems very much like sarcasm, even through the computer.
After I reviewed the whole social environment in those years, I have come with the conclusion that the setting of the court case in California in order to legalize abortion, that such step wasn't by any means to give a right to women "to decide" but totally the contrary.

You must "be there", live those times, and you'll see women have been deceived with a false propaganda.

On the other hand, using science as the evidence, women has no right at all to incite, perform and propagate abortion, because even when the living organism inside them isn't consciousor feel no pain, still is a person in early development.

This is not a case of feeling pain or knowing what is going around, respect for human life at any step of his development is a must, is what must rule.

Your point of being unconscious to allow abortion is like saying, oh, that guy has been hit on his head, right now he is uncounscious, kill him!

There are people who can't feel corporal pain, so when are distracted by any reason, kill them! right? No pain no counsciousness ... just kill them... right?

Cases for unwanted pregnancy like rape are counted with the fingers of the hands. On the other hand, the whole majority of women of all ages conceded to have sex, so if they got pregnant ... so be it.

Get mature and take responsability of your actions, the right thing to do.
Your point of being unconscious to allow abortion is like saying, oh, that guy has been hit on his head, right now he is uncounscious, kill him!

There are people who can't feel corporal pain, so when are distracted by any reason, kill them! right? No pain no counsciousness ... just kill them... right?
Yes, when a person is in a vegetative state without possibility of change, it is often recommended to "pull the plug" that keeps the body functioning.

The body without a brain is not a person. The person resides in the brain. When the brain dies it is the person that dies, even if the body may kept alive.

Therefore, without measurable brain activity, a fetus is not a person
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Yes, when a person is in a vegetative state without possibility of change, it is often recommended to "pull the plug" that keeps the body functioning.

The body without a brain is not a person. The person resides in the brain. When the brain dies it is the person that dies, even if the body may kept alive.

A fetus is not found in vegetative state without possibility of change, but totally the contrary. Nice try.
A fetus is not found in vegetative state without possibility of change, but totally the contrary. Nice try.
A fetus is kept alive by the mother and does not become viable until the neural system has formed and the heart starts beating. Until then the fetus is in a "vegetative" growth state.
Get mature and take responsibility of your actions, the right thing to do.
So it is up to the female to control fertilization?
You can give the same advice to the males. If they cannot control unwanted fertilization perhaps it is time to get a reversible vasectomy, until the family is ready for another member.
So it is up to the female to control fertilization?
You can give the same advice to the males. If they cannot control unwanted fertilization perhaps it is time to get a reversible vasectomy, until the family is ready for another member.
Your input sounds reasonable.

With todays DNA tests is also more easier to find the male parent and make him responsible as well.

In my neighborhood, in my younger years, a friend of mine had a girlfriend, Both of them were in high school. She got pregnant. The parents of the girl made an agreement with his parents, and after finishing high school he started to work and lived in her house. They didn't get married up to some years later, but they rised their child.

Many might critizice such as cutting off their future to become something better in life, of course having an abortion as the tool for such promising better life.

However, they lived together and had two more children later on.

I think the development was the best for them. They took responsibility for their actions.Who will judge and say they did the wrong thing?