
I'm deciding to purge people from my life that aren't needed in it anymore, or never were. So I am ridding myself of a few. Good bye you people I knew and whom never cared about me, farewell. I am removing your emails, messengers, etc. in preparation for 2012 and the new beginning. Cherrio.
You did this several years ago, and then came back with a new screen name.

It didn't accomplish anything. You still have the same problems stemming from the same incredibly bad attitude. You're just older now so it's starting to bother you.

Your attitude is so outrageous that it's hard to take you seriously. "darksidZz" seems like a fictional character you invented for a computer game. It's hard to understand how anyone who does the things you report, wants the things you ask about, and has the hangups you display, could survive in the real world for as long as you have. How old are you now anyway, about thirty going on fifteen?

I still rememeber your little fantasy about sneaking off to Hawaii, as if it's still the way it was in the 1960s, a place where a person can drop out and hide, without starving to death or ending up in jail.

There's nothing wrong with "the people in your life." What you need to change is you!
You did this several years ago, and then came back with a new screen name.

It didn't accomplish anything. You still have the same problems stemming from the same incredibly bad attitude. You're just older now so it's starting to bother you.

Your attitude is so outrageous that it's hard to take you seriously. "darksidZz" seems like a fictional character you invented for a computer game. It's hard to understand how anyone who does the things you report, wants the things you ask about, and has the hangups you display, could survive in the real world for as long as you have. How old are you now anyway, about thirty going on fifteen?

I still rememeber your little fantasy about sneaking off to Hawaii, as if it's still the way it was in the 1960s, a place where a person can drop out and hide, without starving to death or ending up in jail.

There's nothing wrong with "the people in your life." What you need to change is you!

Yea, not perfect but yea
Hanging out on the forum can be addicting. It's been my experience that when people tell others of their plans to quit something they are addicted to, they usually fail. That may not be your experience, but I had more luck quitting smoking when I didn't announce to the world I was quitting. What I found hard to believe was it was a full week before anyone even noticed enough to make a comment about it.

Anyway, if you do make a break for it. Check back with us every 9/11, should be an easy date to remember. <<<Good Luck>>>
You won't be able to stay away for long.
Hard to stay away from all this
I still rememeber your little fantasy about sneaking off to Hawaii, as if it's still the way it was in the 1960s, a place where a person can drop out and hide, without starving to death or ending up in jail.

I want to do that too.
Live with five hula hula girls in a grass hut, and play the ukulele all day long.
Is that no longer possible?


Aw! Why can't we be in the 60's?

Hey DS, look on the bright side.
In another 20 years you'll be 50 years old.
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Hi everyone it's me :) I just wanted to let everyone know what I've been up too here since many of you seem so bored lol ahem moving from california to illinois happened around april and was due to many factors. i have indeed been working and found a job nearby my home. i also got asked out twice since being back one was a 36 year old :) plans oonsist of ccontiniung to date these females and pay off my car asap then getting bacc into schooling. forgie typos im on my crummy phone at the office. itis alwayss fun seeing how things change aye
I'm in abit of trouble here, or may be. I'll know in a few weeks, wish me luck I'll need it :(

A bit of trouble, or maybe, and you'll know in a few weeks?

The only time I have heard that expression is when 'the visit' is late and a woman is wondering if she is pregnant. :eek:

Life is merely an unpredictable chain of actions and reactions and all we can hope for is the best possible outcome at any time and make personal decisions in light of an understanding that there are consequences to any choice we make.

May the fates allow safe passage for you and any who may be traveling the current with you. :bugeye:
Darksidzz I recently becAme a member to find out more from u. About that Vitex stuFf what going on man. An what typ of Trouble. An whatever good it does pray on it
DarksidzZ likes keeping every one mainly on a short info leash an in the "Dark"!:sleep:
Hi everyone it's me :) I just wanted to let everyone know what I've been up too here since many of you seem so bored lol ahem moving from california to illinois happened around april and was due to many factors. i have indeed been working and found a job nearby my home. i also got asked out twice since being back one was a 36 year old :) plans oonsist of ccontiniung to date these females and pay off my car asap then getting bacc into schooling. forgie typos im on my crummy phone at the office. itis alwayss fun seeing how things change aye

Wow man. This is the first time in a LONG time that I've come to this forum. Glad to finally see that you're making progress.

Big shout out to you from South Korea.
Nearly pulled over by cop!

I thought this was a rather weird and exotic thing that happened to me today, but just like an hour ago I was driving home from an 11 hour shift and anxious. I was 1 block from my house and I suppose I didn't come to a full stop (at a stop sign). So as I'm driving down a turning circle road thingie and paying no attention I do a direct turn into my driveway and open the garage. Behind me what do I see? I see a cop car with his lights flashing but no sound and the guy staring at me with SHOCK like "wtf" and all I could do was look back at him like "wtf?" and we stared for like a minute where upon he saw my security uniform, I nodded, and off he drove, turned around and sped off! LOL I was like "uhhh wtf?" It was pretty fucking weird man and nothing like it's ever happened to me, but wow what lucky chance huh? He surely would've pulled me over and given me a ticket if he'd finished running my plate and stuff. Very, very crazy day LOL

That's my story :D Anyone have anything similar happen?