Video of glass flying off counter

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My god, where is your skepticism when it's really needed? When the bubble pops, it no longer works the same way. Use some critical thinking.

You're saying there's only one time that bubble would form? That makes no sense. Look, this is basic science. If you can't repeat the result then the theory is discredited. Surely you know this.
In the test they did, they only let the glass sit for a few seconds before shaking the table; much less time than it actually took in the original video. The test did not match the conditions of the original phenomena. And even if it had, as said, it doesn't happen every time, so you wouldn't need to see it happen every time for the explanation to be viable.

LOL! I see. So they needed to give it a few more seconds for the bubble to magically inflate? This is gett'n deeper by the minute..
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So they needed to give it a few more seconds for the bubble to magically inflate.
So what you are saying is that you do recognize that the way the test was conducted does not match the original event.

And "magically"? I don't see why you, of all people, would object to magic, but in either case, those of us who understand high school science recognize an applicaiton of the Ideal Gas Law when we see one.
If you can't repeat the result then the theory is discredited. Surely you know this.
Indeed: thus you surely know that none of your ghost threads prove the existence of ghosts because none of the events depicted are reproducible. The sliding glass on a bar, though, is.
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You're saying there's only one time that bubble would form? That makes no sense. Look, this is basic science. If you can't repeat the result then the theory is discredited. Surely you know this.
I mean, if they didn't realize what was actually going on, they couldn't reproduce it. All you said they did was try to slide the glass or shake the table. That would not have worked.
So, an analysis of MR's trolling strategy:

Of course everyone recognizes that we're no longer talking about the same video that MR started the thread with. He unceremoniously abandoned it yesterday by posting a new one and ignoring all open lines of discussion about the previous one. Why? Because he'd been beaten. See, his strategy game is simple: post a video and troll it as long as he can without getting banned. When the mundane explanations for the video become too plausible he is essentially backed into a corner by the facts and logic. The last ditch effort is to lie his way out. If people don't notice or call him on the lies, he can succeed in changing the facts enough to keep the troll going. But that risks getting him banned, so once he's called-out on the lies, he has to quickly abandon the discussion to avoid being banned.

Now, the part of this that is probably real comes from the selection of the videos. This beer sliding on a bar video is spectacularly stupid, so it couldn't support a long/detailed troll. That probably means he really didn't know about the plausible mundane explanation when he posted it. But immediatly faced with an undeniable mundane explanation, he had to immediately start lying his way out. So he's going to drop this discussion soon because he knows if he continues the lie too much longer his risk of getting banned gets uncomfortably high.

The other, probably less important contributor to the topic jump was the fact that people stopped talking to him and started talking to each other about him (and his thread). And you can't press a scam if people are talking about your scam in front of you instead of battling your scam against you.
Alrighty... this has fallen into a slanderous flame war, so good night gracie
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