Virgin Birth Confirmed

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Why would an atheist want to deny this? If it's true and you want to think that it's somehow also applicable to humans, it makes the story of Jesus even less remarkable because it provides a scientific explanation for something that was supposed to be magical.

Or were you wanting to argue that this shark's virgin birth is also magical, and that this baby shark is a messiah of sharks?

The first reply he got in the original thread was off me and it was along these lines. He just ignored it as far as I'm aware.
Why would an atheist want to deny this? If it's true and you want to think that it's somehow also applicable to humans, it makes the story of Jesus even less remarkable because it provides a scientific explanation for something that was supposed to be magical.
Why is reality supposed to be magical? Because you don't believe in science?
Why is reality supposed to be magical? Because you don't believe in science?
By "magical" I of course meant something supernatural or miraculous that indicated that Jesus was divine. People assume that it's impossible for a human to get pregnant spontaneously, so the fact that Mary's pregnancy with Jesus was spontaneous is taken as evidence that he was miraculously created by god's intervention in the "normal" operation of the world. If it's actually possible for spontaneous pregnancy to happen without divine intervention, then it makes Jesus less special and the story of his birth less magical (or supernatural, or miraculous, or whatever word you prefer).

So again, I don't see any reason why an atheist would want to deny this. Much like if scientists were to discover that sometimes water spontaneously turns into wine or people can sometimes walk on water. An atheist would probably just say "Ha, so even if the bible stories are true, there wasn't necessarily anything magical about him."
You don't see any reason why atheists deny virgin birth? Ok well I guess we're all happy then.
I am an atheist, and yes, I don't see any reason to deny it. If you believe that virgin birth is impossible, there are two explanations.

1. Jesus was magical
2. The bible's story about the virgin birth isn't true

This adds a third option:

3. The bible's story about the virgin birth are true, but don't prove that Jesus was magical because virgin births sometimes happen naturally anyway

So now even if one does believe the account of the virgin birth (which I don't anyway), it isn't proof that Jesus was magically created. This appears to only make the atheist position even stronger (assuming you think it's relevant to mammals, which I doubt).
On the one hand he says there is no reason to deny virgin birth, on the other hand he says he doesn't believe in virgin birth and can't account for it...:rolleyes:

Noone has ever accused atheists of being logical or consistent though.
On the one hand he says there is no reason to deny virgin birth, on the other hand he says he doesn't believe in virgin birth and can't account for it...:rolleyes:

Noone has ever accused atheists of being logical or consistent though.

yeah because a shark's virgin birth is equivalent to the birth of the messiah??? if that logic you better get down to that aquarium and start praying to the lords second coming, which I have to admit is really awesome that he has come back as a shark!

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First observation you are forgetting is the Virgin Mary.
Oh for the love of the freakin sky-pixie!

Virgin Mary my ass.

Yosef: Hey, Mary wake?

Mary: zzzzzzzz fart zzzzzzzzzz

Yosef: hehe, maybe I can sneak a little action in while the worth-less-than-a-dog female is asleep.

Mary: zzzzzzzzz hmmmmm zzzzzzzzz hmmmmmm nicccccceeeeeeeeee zzzzzzzzz

Yosef: Ahhhhh, much better. zzzzzzzzzzzzz

9 months later: WHAAAAAAAAAA WHAAAAAAAA Hey folks, I'm jebus! Wasup?

Yeah, that's a lot more likely than some made up bullshit about a virgin birth.

Hell man, they didn't even have a clue what made babies anyway!

Women were literally worth less than a skinny ass dog and had no rights what-so-ever. If an unmarried women woke with the drip, the LAST thing she would do is accuse ANY man of doing something wrong. Claiming a virgin birth would be a great face saver. Specially if it was a special jebus kid.

You thumpers crack me up!
On the one hand he says there is no reason to deny virgin birth, on the other hand he says he doesn't believe in virgin birth and can't account for it...:rolleyes:
Maybe I should have been more clear, because you obviously have trouble grasping things that aren't spelled out very explicitly. When I said that I didn't see any reason for atheists to object to this, I meant that it doesn't weaken the atheist position.

Personally I don't think it's of much relevance to mammals, so I still don't think that it's possible for a human to have a virgin birth. For me, the new 3rd option that I mentioned isn't relevant. It was just a hypothetical third option that would be available for someone who believed that sharks being able to give birth without having sex is evidence that humans can give birth without having sex. So, although I do not believe that virgin birth is possible for humans, I don't think that it would weaken the atheist position if it were possible.
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You would've said the same of sharks last week and you would've been wrong.

But the shark didn't give birth to a male shark it gave birth to another female shark. So if I had said it last week I wouldn't have been wrong. I didn't say it was impossible only highly unlikely.
What this have to do with human virgin birth, many animals are known to be capable of asexual reproduction, even optional asexual reproduction when mates can't be found. Evidence of a human virgin birth of a male child has not be studied scinetifically nor is a mechanism for such an event considered possible with the nature of the human reproduction system, it is hypothetically possible for a human to give birth to an asexual baby but it would be a clone of the mother, how a y-chromosome and other genetic material would get in to make a boy other than sperm is simply beyond nature.

I don't think it is impossible

he never said it was impossible, just
simply beyond nature

that could include invitro fertilization (probably spelled wrong), test tube babies, and a milieu of other methods.
Some females, when born, and an extra y cromosome, (they would have the chromosome xxy instead of the normal xx), and they are not left mentally retarded.
This actually happened in the olympics one year, they have the females checked to make sure they are really females, and this one girl had the chromosomes xxy

put this combination with the rareity of an asexual reproduction taking place, and you get a very slim chance... but isnt that what we see???? it only happens VERY RARELY, in humans or any other animal that doesnt normally reproduce by itself

Females are never born with an extra y chromosome. If they have a y chromosome then they are male. Females may have extra X chromosomes, but any Y's automatically makes them male (by definition) whether they look like it or not.
Females are never born with an extra y chromosome. If they have a y chromosome then they are male. Females may have extra X chromosomes, but any Y's automatically makes them male (by definition) whether they look like it or not.
Correct - although goose is correct that sometimes people are born with two X chromosomes and a Y chromosome, those people are male; they look like males and have male reproductive organs (and can even reproduce with a female mate to produce either a male or female child).

The "female" athlete that goose mentioned wasn't XXY, they were an XY male who had a genetic problem that caused their body to not respond to testosterone in the normal way. This causes people to develop bodies that appear to have female reproductive organs, but in many ways their bone and muscle structure is still male (making them superior to most female athletes). They can't reproduce because although they appear to have a vagina, they don't actually have any internal female reproductive organs (ovaries/uterus/eggs/etc).
iceagecivilizations said:
Wrong. First observation you are forgetting is the Virgin Mary. Second observation is the rabbits:
There has been no observation of a Virgin Mary.

There has been no observation of parthenogenesis in mammals, AFAIK. The link you provide, as usual with your links, contradicts your claims.

There are many observations of parthenogenesis in non-placental vertebrates. Maybe some day there will be an observation of it in a placental mammal. That would be much more surprising news than discovery of it in yet another (and evolutionarily older) cold blooded egg layer. At that time, the story of the Virgin Mary will remain the obvious myth and archetype evocation that it is now.
I don't think it is impossible, but highly unlikely that a human female could asexually produce a male. The child would be female XX or XO. In order for a female to give birth to a male she would have to be male. The fact that its happening in other animals, possibly other people just devalues the miracle that was Jesus' birth. I could easily say that since people are capable of having children without having sex just makes Jesus's birth commonplace, not special. But I digress. I think it's pretty common for some animals to reproduce asexually, I believe honey bees do, whenever their queen dies.

If it happens again, it will be the Anti Christ.
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