[WARNING: Scam site]Found a site which is looks just like SF site, and we are also its members??


Hm... some Panamanian entity it seems...

Not to sound paranoid but, this reeks of a database clone. How that would have been accomplished, I can only speculate.
I was at once suspicious and never tried to login. But, lets hope some sock puppets here log in there.
if this is a database clone then would they not already have any information that was submitted here from everyone here?--think about it.
if this is a database clone then would they not already have any information that was submitted here from everyone here?--think about it.
No. A clone can be created from the purely visible aspects of a website; there are programs that can do that. Such a clone will not contain any personal information that is not publicly accessible.
No. A clone can be created from the purely visible aspects of a website; there are programs that can do that. Such a clone will not contain any personal information that is not publicly accessible.

I presume that if they are trying to learn your personal login information then ANY login response you might make would give access. Is that right?

.....In which case, you could bugger them up a bit by logging in with bum details. :D

P.S. I wonder if these messages, about their fraudulence, are being faithfully reproduced on their fake site................
I presume that if they are trying to learn your personal login information then ANY login response you might make would give access. Is that right
Perhaps. It would be up to the "designer" of the website how the system reacted to login attempts. About all you can say about it with certainty is that it won't work _right_ i.e. it doesn't know your actual username/password so it won't allow validated users in and reject invalid users. It might accept everyone, in which case it might even allow you to post on the fake site with that name.

It also might reject everyone. From a hacker perspective this is more useful, since most people keep at most about half a dozen passwords and use them for more than one site. By rejecting everyone, the site could encourage people to try their other passwords. Now the hacker has your username and several of your passwords. And if one of the passwords you tried is the password you also use for banking . . . .
P.S. I wonder if these messages, about their fraudulence, are being faithfully reproduced on their fake site................
it is-- everything that occurs here or is submitted here is being transferred to that site from moment to moment-- go look. :) you can read everything without logging in there.
I just tried using a fake name/password and it rejected it. From Krash we know it accepts valid logons. So it may be a "true" clone - a copy someone made of the database itself, rather than a surface copy.
Perhaps. It would be up to the "designer" of the website how the system reacted to login attempts. About all you can say about it with certainty is that it won't work _right_ i.e. it doesn't know your actual username/password so it won't allow validated users in and reject invalid users. It might accept everyone, in which case it might even allow you to post on the fake site with that name.

It also might reject everyone. From a hacker perspective this is more useful, since most people keep at most about half a dozen passwords and use them for more than one site. By rejecting everyone, the site could encourage people to try their other passwords. Now the hacker has your username and several of your passwords. And if one of the passwords you tried is the password you also use for banking . . . .

Yes that makes sense, thanks. I shall steer clear of this, then.
another crazy thing-- my old password that worked before(on that site) now does not work there. does that mean my new password was transferred to that site since everything is being transferred there-- something to think about.
another crazy thing-- my old password that worked before(on that site) now does not work there. does that mean my new password was transferred to that site since everything is being transferred there-- something to think about.

No I think it means Billvon's explanation is correct, i.e. they want to get you to try all your passwords, so that they can have a pop at your bank account with each one of them in turn!!