way unfair


Registered Senior Member
Had a dream I was at a picnic bench. The picnic bench was a metaphor of sciforums and social media. In the dream I looked the same as my avatar. In the dream I got a message on facebook, which was somehow tied to sciforums.

The message was sent by this guy, who was bi, and just had this instant assumption he could bully me because I was bi as well. It reminded me of highschool, this kid I sat next to just thought he could bully me everyday, like he had a free ticket to because of what he happened to be in relation to me.

So he rudely posts to me demanding I give my opinion on a certain kind of pro fishing, and then throws in an insult along the lines of calling me stupid, in the general vibe of the rude american man who calls his buddies stupid and thinks that its masculine to not be phased by it.

So I researched his dumb fishing question, and I told him noone does it, and there are like 7 or 9 people in my whole state who does it, and that he is an idiot, moron, buffoon for even wanting to do it at all. Then he got up and got mad and I kept belittling his fishing idea over and over. And then all of a sudden the people at the picnic table, who represented sciforums, gave me a 3 day ban for it and did nothing to him. And then I went to discuss to the mod about about it, and then I was suddenly teleported and pushed away from the table like lag in Halo and not allowed to discuss.

This dream made me think of the unfairness of human behavoir, and unfair powerplays of humans who have power. First it always seems the victims get punished for standing up to bullies. In american school systems you often get in trouble for fighting bullies, and standing up to bullies. I was the victim of a bully, and yet because I hit him back harder than he hit me, everyone called me a monster, because I looked like a siren and was wearing clown makeup. The other thing was, after I was banned I was not even allowed a fair trial by the mods, when I went to PM them, it teleported me backwards unable to respond. I dont think human beings in general are good at making just systems.

Then the second dream I had last night, I was an old british man, miserable because I was male. I was at the store and it was a green store, like Walmart, but classy and british. And I needed a motor vehicle, and I got excited because I saw a motor powered bicycle on display. I thought it would be cheap, since it was not a motorcycle, but more along the lines of a bmx or motor bicycle. But it was 6000 dollars. I started to get depressed, mad and dejected. Then I went to walk past this random guy who had a frown on his face. And he just randomly assaulted me for no reason, and then I assaulted him back, and then I got thrown in jail and nothing happened to him. This dream reminded me of the injustices of humanity.
Also, by the way, I login here today, I have a pm from James saying I have a warning and limited posting priviledge for standing up to bullies.

Either I'm great at predicting human behavoir and/or physic powers are real.

I am so sick of human tyranny honestly. I'm sick of replaying the same episode of a TV show where a foreigner walks into a town and gets treated unfairly by the town, I am so sick of human tyranny and its getting old.
You just need to relax. Fishing is relaxing to some people (I hear).

I don't like bullies and I don't like to have others tell me what to do but if I wore clown makeup and got bullied every day...I might quit wearing clown makeup.
Well, as a mere Canadian, I can't stand up to a bully (Donald Trump.)

Oh shit!

The only ally for Canada to not get raped by America, is well, America...

Maybe I should brush up on my fishing answers in pretense that Trump might call me ("Canada is not here right now please leave a message. Please note, there are no fish residing in Canada".)
You just need to relax. Fishing is relaxing to some people (I hear).

I don't like bullies and I don't like to have others tell me what to do but if I wore clown makeup and got bullied every day...I might quit wearing clown makeup.
Wasnt bullied about the clown makeup, he was a guy in real life who was a metaphor of two people combined, one of whiched who bullied me when I had never wore clown makeup once.
Well, as a mere Canadian, I can't stand up to a bully (Donald Trump.)

Oh shit!

The only ally for Canada to not get raped by America, is well, America...

Maybe I should brush up on my fishing answers in pretense that Trump might call me ("Canada is not here right now please leave a message. Please note, there are no fish residing in Canada".)
As an American, I am told to stand up to 300 million bullies by voting, as if it will somehow make a difference.
I can dis a lot of right wingers. I've argued against democracy if people weren't a millenial. (Enter internet somewhere...)

But I have to sympathize with older people. They didn't have the advantages of today growing up. To achieve more of their potential. I mean, say, being drafted for war I cannot conceive.


And posting PM thingies with an admin is just dumb OK?

Don't do it.
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And posting PM thingies with an admin is just dumb OK?

Don't do it.

The way people stop tyranny is by exposing it. Not letting tyranny go along unnoticed.

Dictator goverments, like Kim Jung2, ban cameras for precisely this reason.

The fact I am not even allowed to question or accuse of tyranny is more evidence of the tyranny.
The way people stop tyranny is by exposing it. Not letting tyranny go along unnoticed.

Dictator goverments, like Kim Jung2, ban cameras for precisely this reason.

The fact I am not even allowed to question or accuse of tyranny is more evidence of the tyranny.
That was not an invitation!

I have high regard for, James R. He is just some dude doing the forum. And, believe it or not, I know beforehand whether shit that I post I'm going to get reprimanded for.
That was not an invitation!

I have high regard for, James R. He is just some dude doing the forum. And, believe it or not, I know beforehand whether shit that I post I'm going to get reprimanded for.
He was being tyrannical to me and gave me a warning and limited posting (whatever that means) because I said forum users were acting like a vicious mob of false accusations, even though that is actually what they were doing. Which reminds me all to well of the TV scenario of an outsider entering a small town and being ostracized by the townies and hunted down by the local law enforcement as some kind of angry mob. Apparently they are allowed to personally insult me on a personal level but calling them an angry mob is crossing the line. Not to mention I was trying to obey the rules and not go on emotional hysterics meanwhile everyone else is breaking the rules and inserting their emotions and wild accusations, into the discussion. Of course getting the free pass because they are townies and I am the outsider, as per typical human tradition, rules can be bent of course, as long as it's bent against the outsider, because that's just how humanity rolls.
He was being tyrannical to me and gave me a warning and limited posting (whatever that means) because I said forum users were acting like a vicious mob of false accusations, even though that is actually what they were doing. Which reminds me all to well of the TV scenario of an outsider entering a small town and being ostracized by the townies and hunted down by the local law enforcement as some kind of angry mob. Apparently they are allowed to personally insult me on a personal level but calling them an angry mob is crossing the line. Not to mention I was trying to obey the rules and not go on emotional hysterics meanwhile everyone else is breaking the rules and inserting their emotions and wild accusations, into the discussion. Of course getting the free pass because they are townies and I am the outsider, as per typical human tradition.
I can't say anything with validity because I don't know of the content.

But, just cause I don't know doesn't mean it's beneficial for you to tell me about it.

OK. Clear on that?
I can't say anything with validity because I don't know of the content.

But, just cause I don't know doesn't mean it's beneficial for you to tell me about it.

OK. Clear on that?
You do know the content. He said I got warned for posting in the gender views cause of incel thread.

I didn't think I broke the rules, I thought everybody else in the discussion broke the rules, but somehow I get the warning, why because I am an outsider who doesn't obey every single dogma of the metaphorical church.

That thread, was the equivalent of a bunch of christians shaming an atheist and saying they are an evil person for not obeying the bible.
It's like...not your bible.
Because an atheist does not believe the bible, doesn't mean they actually think that rape is morally right. But that is the christian argument: If you dont believe in the bible you are an ungoldy heathen rapist of the devil. That their bible, is litterally the only thing stopping the heathen atheists from creating a society of rape. The sciforums argument was no different and they were litterally parroting the christian argument, metaphorically speaking, and they went on to say that not parroting their views 100%, will cause rape in society. Here's the thing. If my views on rape are not 100% exactly the same as your "bible", doesn't I actually view rape as morally right. But I guess the soup of the day is axe the heretic I suppose.

Also, don't think that scientists of sciforums are above such religous behavoirs. I used to go to a church where nearly half of the churchgoers were brilliant engineers and mathematicians. And they still peddled to me half-baked, emotionally fueled arguments about god and morality and even when I won the argument I lost, because they just shamed me for my lack of submission and just threw their collective bibles at me metaphorically speaking.
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I feel you are not arguing with me, yet use me as a stepping board in that pretense to express certain views.

I do find it flattering, but not particularly cool.
Had a dream I was at a picnic bench. The picnic bench was a metaphor of sciforums and social media. In the dream I looked the same as my avatar. In the dream I got a message on facebook, which was somehow tied to sciforums.

The message was sent by this guy, who was bi, and just had this instant assumption he could bully me because I was bi as well. It reminded me of highschool, this kid I sat next to just thought he could bully me everyday, like he had a free ticket to because of what he happened to be in relation to me.

So he rudely posts to me demanding I give my opinion on a certain kind of pro fishing, and then throws in an insult along the lines of calling me stupid, in the general vibe of the rude american man who calls his buddies stupid and thinks that its masculine to not be phased by it.

So I researched his dumb fishing question, and I told him noone does it, and there are like 7 or 9 people in my whole state who does it, and that he is an idiot, moron, buffoon for even wanting to do it at all. Then he got up and got mad and I kept belittling his fishing idea over and over. And then all of a sudden the people at the picnic table, who represented sciforums, gave me a 3 day ban for it and did nothing to him. And then I went to discuss to the mod about about it, and then I was suddenly teleported and pushed away from the table like lag in Halo and not allowed to discuss.

This dream made me think of the unfairness of human behavoir, and unfair powerplays of humans who have power. First it always seems the victims get punished for standing up to bullies. In american school systems you often get in trouble for fighting bullies, and standing up to bullies. I was the victim of a bully, and yet because I hit him back harder than he hit me, everyone called me a monster, because I looked like a siren and was wearing clown makeup. The other thing was, after I was banned I was not even allowed a fair trial by the mods, when I went to PM them, it teleported me backwards unable to respond. I dont think human beings in general are good at making just systems.

Then the second dream I had last night, I was an old british man, miserable because I was male. I was at the store and it was a green store, like Walmart, but classy and british. And I needed a motor vehicle, and I got excited because I saw a motor powered bicycle on display. I thought it would be cheap, since it was not a motorcycle, but more along the lines of a bmx or motor bicycle. But it was 6000 dollars. I started to get depressed, mad and dejected. Then I went to walk past this random guy who had a frown on his face. And he just randomly assaulted me for no reason, and then I assaulted him back, and then I got thrown in jail and nothing happened to him. This dream reminded me of the injustices of humanity.
In the first dream, you were the bully.
Had a dream I was at a picnic bench. The picnic bench was a metaphor of sciforums and social media. In the dream I looked the same as my avatar. In the dream I got a message on facebook, which was somehow tied to sciforums.

The message was sent by this guy, who was bi, and just had this instant assumption he could bully me because I was bi as well. It reminded me of highschool, this kid I sat next to just thought he could bully me everyday, like he had a free ticket to because of what he happened to be in relation to me.

So he rudely posts to me demanding I give my opinion on a certain kind of pro fishing, and then throws in an insult along the lines of calling me stupid, in the general vibe of the rude american man who calls his buddies stupid and thinks that its masculine to not be phased by it.

So I researched his dumb fishing question, and I told him noone does it, and there are like 7 or 9 people in my whole state who does it, and that he is an idiot, moron, buffoon for even wanting to do it at all. Then he got up and got mad and I kept belittling his fishing idea over and over. And then all of a sudden the people at the picnic table, who represented sciforums, gave me a 3 day ban for it and did nothing to him. And then I went to discuss to the mod about about it, and then I was suddenly teleported and pushed away from the table like lag in Halo and not allowed to discuss.

This dream made me think of the unfairness of human behavoir, and unfair powerplays of humans who have power. First it always seems the victims get punished for standing up to bullies. In american school systems you often get in trouble for fighting bullies, and standing up to bullies. I was the victim of a bully, and yet because I hit him back harder than he hit me, everyone called me a monster, because I looked like a siren and was wearing clown makeup. The other thing was, after I was banned I was not even allowed a fair trial by the mods, when I went to PM them, it teleported me backwards unable to respond. I dont think human beings in general are good at making just systems.

Then the second dream I had last night, I was an old british man, miserable because I was male. I was at the store and it was a green store, like Walmart, but classy and british. And I needed a motor vehicle, and I got excited because I saw a motor powered bicycle on display. I thought it would be cheap, since it was not a motorcycle, but more along the lines of a bmx or motor bicycle. But it was 6000 dollars. I started to get depressed, mad and dejected. Then I went to walk past this random guy who had a frown on his face. And he just randomly assaulted me for no reason, and then I assaulted him back, and then I got thrown in jail and nothing happened to him. This dream reminded me of the injustices of humanity.

in the usa you use guns to reply to bullies.
that is what the culture endorses.
why not conform to the culture as seattle suggests ?
I used to go to a church where nearly half of the churchgoers were brilliant engineers and mathematicians. And they still peddled to me half-baked, emotionally fueled arguments about god and morality and even when I won the argument I lost, because they just shamed me for my lack of submission and just threw their collective bibles at me metaphorically speaking.

WoW !
that sounds like hard core cult stuff.
scientists who lean on the bibble are mostly quite emotionally broken.
thats just the unfortunate truth of it.
you probably realise this only becuse of your expereince.

that is why the school system is soo broken. because of al the creationism being pushed.
that is why there is soo many high school mass shootings
because of the mix of church and education.
its a conflicting mess of hypocrisy.

you should read some stuff on self help de-programming from cults for casual personal reading.

no wonder you have sexual baggage attributed to the female authority figure in your life.
thats perfectly natural.
but you should have gotten past it by the age of 20(or 35 in the usa)
The normalisation of guilt control of small children, the christian programming mind control of guilt... this is a big part of christianity in the usa.
classic association. surely you are working on getting over this ?