Weird dreams

You are telling yourself lies, Sandy. Your mind is conflicting with itself. Unless you do not want to continue the path laid before you, you must accept your attractions and needs you have.

:D I don't think so. I think dreams are the subconscience/subconcious (?) out to play while the body is resting. I realize I had seen an ad for a Miami Vice movie before the dream with "Tubbs" and watched part of American Idol before the Cowell dream. I am attracted to Cowell in that he is smart, funny, well-dressed, clean, and brutally honest, but I would never date a non-Christian guy with a boxy haircut and thin lips.
This dream stuff is interesting...
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sandy said:
:Ever had one? Last night I had one starring that guy who played Tubbs on Miami Vice. I was um, "attracted" to him. Ewww. He is SO not my type. Any idea what it means when we have dreams like that?

Perhaps it's "God™" telling you to get over your prejudices and stop being shallow.
Perhaps it's "God™" telling you to get over your prejudices and stop being shallow.

or... perhaps it's just a dream. Not too many men(myself included)disagree that Beyonce is hot. But I don't wanna know her, or her friends. Does it make me prejudice or true to my beliefs that I don't like pop stars and their lifestyles?

If Milton Erickson, Derren Brown, Richard Bandler and John Grinder were observing this conversation, what would they say? I'd bet a shiny new nickle the answer would be- she had a dream. Hardly cause for alarm or over analysis. Least of all tacking the word "prejudice" to a person. The subcon is intently powerful and in control of much. Neuro Linguistic programing suggests that no one is broke, but their map of beliefs is only altered to states that some may find to be desirable or undesirable, based on their own map of beliefs. Is it right or wrong? I can't stand cats, and I have subconscious knee jerk reactions to them. Is that wrong? If so, then who says and why? I just don't like cats. If I dream about cats, right wrong or indifferent, do I subconsciously love them now? (not on you're life). I won't be cruel to them, I'm just not bringing one home.

If you want good conversation and solid relationship, you're best off finding someone who is like minded and has bunches in common with you. Sandy likes white Christian men. Hardly a crime or cause for judgment. I like Christian white girls. Am I prejudice now too? Or do I just have a preference?

Analysis: It's just a dream, and what she really wants is a date with a slightly good ole boy fisherman.;)
...what she really wants is a date with a slightly good ole boy fisherman.

