Welcome these two :)


One of my cats (Klaas) got run over by a car yesterday. And, frankly, I don't feel much like posting.
The x-rays show that his pelvis is fractured and that his sacrum was partially torn off his spine. Also, one of his hind legs is dislocated and it can't be set without surgery because the socket is damaged.
You can imagine in how much pain he was. I just can't get the screams out of my head.
I have to take him to a specialist in Amsterdam tomorrow who is going to operate him. The vet here says that he has good chances of complete recovery, although I'm not really buying the 'complete' part.
Anyway, I'm hoping he will be alright, at least.


Sorry to hear that, Enmos. I hope Klaas will be ok,..
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Aw...damn...I'm getting misty eyed. I feel like I know the little feller...seen him grow up. I hope he pulls through. My heart is with you Enmos.
Knowing cats, he'll be recovered and annoying you as much as possible pretty soon.
With luck.
Enmos, my cat was run over by a car once. From his "shoulders" to his back feet, he was completely flat. Seriously. I rushed him to a vet who told me to keep an eye on him to see if he would be able to go to the bathroom or not. If not, internal injuries would probably require him being put to sleep. The children and I were so sad and worried, but he was able to the bathroom.

We thought he would always be a flat cat. He pulled his flat, paralyzed body around with his front legs. Then one day, he popped up! He healed completely and was back to normal without any kind of surgery. I think since Klaas is receiving medical care, he will be just fine, too.
Oh man! I'm so sorry Enmos! I feel for you brother! I had a cat once that git hit by a car. He didn't survive though. I really hope Klaas will be ok. I know he will. He's got a great owner! Keep us posted on his condition ok! My thoughts are with you man!
Thanks for the comments, all.

Klaas is home now. The surgery went well. He needs constant care (medication, feeding, 'going') though, and he has to stay in a big cage for six weeks.
He is sleeping and resting a lot and he is really sluggish because of the heavy painkillers.
The specialist that operated on him said that there is still a 15% chance that he will never walk again. So that means an 85% chance of complete recovery. Well, lets hope..
Popje is afraid of (probably) Klaas's, undoubtedly, weird smell.
Anyway, I need to take him back to the hospital on June 11th (or maybe it's the 12th, I need to check that) for a check-up. A month from then he can come out of the cage. If he can walk that is.
I take the plastic thing (see picture) off as often, and as long, as I can, but when I'm not around he has to wear it. He has this bandage on him with a powerful painkiller (some opiate) in it and it's lethal if ingested.

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Take good care of that kitty! And don't be dippin into his supply of painkillers now! ;)

Are you able to let popje in the cage to console him?
Take good care of that kitty! And don't be dippin into his supply of painkillers now! ;)

Are you able to let popje in the cage to console him?

Popje is afraid for some reason. The doctor said that would happen. He said it has to do with Klaas' smell.
It looks to me like Popje is confused as to whether it is really Klaas or not.
Ever since Klaas got run over Popje has been acting somewhat out of character anyway.. He (well, she) never saw the accident, but she obviously noticed that Klaas was nowhere to be found. And now there's this cat in the house that looks like Klaas but doesn't quite smell like him.
Also, even if Popje would like to be with Klaas it wouldn't be wise to let him into the cage. She would be poisoned if she'd lick the bandage.
Anyhow, Klaas isn't really interested in interaction with Popje at the moment.
Klaas is doing well. He drank by himself today and he washed himself back to front yesterday (I made sure he didn't touch the bandage though). Overall he looks more comfortable. He's more aware as well since the bandage is running out now. He still gets a painkiller orally though but that's not as potent as the bandage (err... It's actually a Fentanyl Patch. Oh well).
Popje is still uncomfortable with Klaas, but less than before.
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Enmos, glad to hear that she is coming around.

Mine has cancer and she is 19, so the only thing I can do is make her happy. :bawl:
Enmos, glad to hear that she is coming around.

Mine has cancer and she is 19, so the only thing I can do is make her happy. :bawl:

Thanks Ej :)

That's so sad for your cat (and you of course). Is she in any pain?
Klaas is doing well. He drank by himself today and he washed himself back to front yesterday (I made sure he didn't touch the bandage though). Overall he looks more comfortable. He's more aware as well since the bandage is running out now. He still gets a painkiller orally though but that's not as potent as the bandage (err... It's actually a Fentanyl Patch. Oh well).
Popje is still uncomfortable with Klaas, but less than before.

I am as happy as you are that he is recovering.
This morning Klaas was put to sleep. When the rain stops I am going to bury him in my back yard.
Rest in peace, Klaas.

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