What evidence would work?

You are talking to us, and to us your claims are not supported. If that is as far as you intend to go then all you have done is effectively say "You're wrong... but you'll just have to trust me". You're surely intelligent enough (since you claim to be a tier one scientist) to comprehend how you come across to us and how your trust alone won't wash as support?
Correct about what? I'm merely asking you not to make claims that you are unwilling to support. I am making no claims. If you're willing to support your claims, great. If not, whether 'cos your unwilling or, say, legally unable, really doesn't make a blind bit of difference.
Those in the know, as you claim to be, are irrelevant to those who aren't unless they can provide not only claims but the support for those claims that will convince those other people.
Are you irrelevant to us?
(shrugs) so what-- i have no inkling of care-- so now what?
also-- i have also clearly stated that i also have no inkling of care if i am believed or not-- so now what :) (shrugs)
" I'm merely asking you not to make claims that you are unwilling to support. "-- i have stated, " it is not that my claims are not supported, it is a matter of whom is talking to me claiming that my claims are not supported-- get it now? "--which obviously you did not get it.
" I am making no claims. "-- well then, why are you even in this conversation?
" ...unless they can provide not only claims but the support for those claims that will convince those other people. "--for the umpteenth time-- for whom though--the public?
" Are you irrelevant to us? "-- yes exactly, but on my end and from my employer's stance--it is you that is irrelevant, which is why i am endlessly using the word " piss-ant " for such argumentative individuals.
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I think it's been asked by others, but I'll ask again:
please can you provide examples of each, just so I'm aware of what sort of things you're referring to, please.
Sarkus asked the same and you asked him to explain his question, so I will pre-empt the same request from you:
and which i then responded to with this"
it is everywhere. :) (shrugs)-- it is simply a matter of deciphering.[...] think about this, how does some technology or such come about when mainstream sciences are at a brick wall?
" I am not sure of the difference between what you classify as "public's science" and "real science".
I would like to know. "-- i am sure-- except i have already, clearly, explained this before you quoted the post of mine that you have quoted.
" but I'm curious as to what government science you think is about 40 years ahead, for example. "-- have you been living under a rock for the last ten years?--you know exactly what has been flowing around in public about all this, i even think pad has used the words of conspiracy for it.
It appears to me that he is saying he has access to secret advanced science/technology that he his not permitted to disclose. So he can't answer that.
back in 2010 when i was scouted by the government and after an approximate of an year waiting for all of my clearances to be cleared, i sat and signed paper work that involved an abundance of gag orders for a couple of hours. my wrist and hand was hurting after that.
i am sure, as you sit here and have the notion that you can say what is and is not correct--comical.
Excuse me, I have asked you very politely for information that you say you have. I have honestly stated that I do not understand what sort of thing you are referring to. My polite request does not justify your rude and offensive response. Please, as requested, provide some examples of what you are referring to.
Excuse me, I have asked you very politely for information that you say you have. I have honestly stated that I do not understand what sort of thing you are referring to. My polite request does not justify your rude and offensive response. Please, as requested, provide some examples of what you are referring to.
i have been reading your ridiculous shenanigans for days.
(shrugs) so what-- i have no inkling of care-- so now what?
also-- i have also clearly stated that i also have no inkling of care if i am believed or not-- so now what :) (shrugs)
" I'm merely asking you not to make claims that you are unwilling to support. "-- i have stated, " it is not that my claims are not supported, it is a matter of whom is talking to me claiming that my claims are not supported-- get it now? "--which obviously you did not get it.
I got it - but you don't seem to get that this is a forum full of people who are not your supposed employers and who have no experience with what you are claiming to be involved with. Do you not comprehend that whether one considers a claim supported is a subjective matter? If you've supported them to your employers, whoop-di-do. That's of no benefit to you here. So why do you bother here throwing around the claims you do? You can't justify them to us. We will be unlikely to believe you just because you claim it's true. So why bother? It's an honest question: why bother?
" I am making no claims. "-- well then, why are you even in this conversation?
Sorry, are conversations only for people to make claims?
" ...unless they can provide not only claims but the support for those claims that will convince those other people. "--for the umpteenth time-- for whom though--the public?
Us! The people you are in conversation with! Why do you need to even ask?!
" Are you irrelevant to us? "-- yes exactly, but on my end and from my employers stance--it is you that is irrelevant, which is why i am endlessly using the word " piss-ant " for such argumentative individuals.
There's no argument here: simply requests for you to support (to us) the claims you're making. But if you feel we are irrelevant then feel free to leave. But if you stay then you'll get the same requests to support your claims (to those you are conversing with) that everyone else gets. You can wave your "Ooh, I work in tier one science" all you want but in myview that holds no water here. You can call us piss-ants all you want, and we can call you arrogantly obnoxious all we want. Neither is going to change the simple fact that if you make claims to people then I think you should be willing to support those claims to those people. The alternative: don't make the claims.
So I ask again: why are you here? To defend MR? Surely there are better ways than making claims to us that you're not then going to support to us?
the only reason why i stepped into these two conversation, was simply because i became disgusted with all of the hypocritical ridiculing against MR when he is the one whom is the closest with it all compared to the others ridiculing him for it.
all of the nonsense that you all(except for russ) are responding with was expected by me.
and which i then responded to with this"
it is everywhere. :) (shrugs)-- it is simply a matter of deciphering.[...] think about this, how does some technology or such come about when mainstream sciences are at a brick wall?
Saying "it is everywhere" is not providing examples.
Are you saying you won't provide them?
" I am not sure of the difference between what you classify as "public's science" and "real science".
I would like to know. "-- i am sure-- except i have already, clearly, explained this before you quoted the post of mine that you have quoted.
Examples will help me understand better than anything else.
" but I'm curious as to what government science you think is about 40 years ahead, for example. "-- have you been living under a rock for the last ten years?--you know exactly what has been flowing around in public about all this, i even think pad has used the words of conspiracy for it.
Again, examples would help me understand better than anything else.
Please can you provide some examples of each?
That way I can be absolutely sure I know what you are referring to.
i have been reading your ridiculous shenanigans for days.
That has no relation to the request to supply an explanation for a clear assertion you have made. This is expected on the basis of internet etiquette, forum rules and just general good manners. Please supply the information.
I got it - but you don't seem to get that this is a forum full of people who are not your supposed employers and who have no experience with what you are claiming to be involved with. Do you not comprehend that whether one considers a claim supported is a subjective matter? If you've supported them to your employers, whoop-di-do. That's of no benefit to you here. So why do you bother here throwing around the claims you do? You can't justify them to us. We will be unlikely to believe you just because you claim it's true. So why bother? It's an honest question: why bother?
Sorry, are conversations only for people to make claims?
Us! The people you are in conversation with! Why do you need to even ask?!
There's no argument here: simply requests for you to support (to us) the claims you're making. But if you feel we are irrelevant then feel free to leave. But if you stay then you'll get the same requests to support your claims (to those you are conversing with) that everyone else gets. You can wave your "Ooh, I work in tier one science" all you want but in myview that holds no water here. You can call us piss-ants all you want, and we can call you arrogantly obnoxious all we want. Neither is going to change the simple fact that if you make claims to people then I think you should be willing to support those claims to those people. The alternative: don't make the claims.
So I ask again: why are you here? To defend MR? Surely there are better ways than making claims to us that you're not then going to support to us?
and yet they have a notion of what they can say is true or not when it takes access and experience in order to do so?
" Do you not comprehend that whether one considers a claim supported is a subjective matter? "-- my god how retarded are you-- do you not comprehend that this has been my main point from the very beginning?
" If you've supported them to your employers, whoop-di-do. "-- my god--you truly have no clue of what has been stated--as obvious as you have made it just now with this line-- i had enough of your pathetic, want-to-be- intellect nonsense. at least comprehend the actual conversation.

sarkus-- if you ask me why i bother, then ask yourself why are you in this conversation at this moment?--why bother?
" Sorry, are conversations only for people to make claims? "-- ahh, yes-yes--that is right, you are only here for your usual, pathetic, argumentative nonsense fix, simply because you have this false notion of you being an intellect. i apologize for forgetting this.
" Us! The people you are in conversation with! Why do you need to even ask?! "--please enlighten me, whom the fuck are you and why does it matter if the " US " knows the reality? again it appears that the whole argument is nothing more than if the public is unsure of the reality, then the reality must not exist.
" But if you feel we are irrelevant then feel free to leave. "-- i will leave when everyone ceases from picking on MR.
" all you want but in myview that holds no water here. " comical, another piss-ant comment. :) (shrugs)
" So I ask again: why are you here? To defend MR? Surely there are better ways than making claims to us that you're not then going to support to us? "--you are simply not comprehending as you attempt your pathetic want-to-be-intellect nonsense--which, once again is that it is not that my claims are not supported, it is simply the one claiming that they are not supported.
and which i then responded to with this"
it is everywhere. :) (shrugs)-- it is simply a matter of deciphering.[...] think about this, how does some technology or such come about when mainstream sciences are at a brick wall?
" I am not sure of the difference between what you classify as "public's science" and "real science".
I would like to know. "-- i am sure-- except i have already, clearly, explained this before you quoted the post of mine that you have quoted.
" but I'm curious as to what government science you think is about 40 years ahead, for example. "-- have you been living under a rock for the last ten years?--you know exactly what has been flowing around in public about all this, i even think pad has used the words of conspiracy for it.
And none of that provides anything other than veiled hints. Where are the concrete examples? Go ahead and impress us by doing the deciphering, which our feeble intellects are incapable of.
Saying "it is everywhere" is not providing examples.
Are you saying you won't provide them?
Examples will help me understand better than anything else.
Again, examples would help me understand better than anything else.
Please can you provide some examples of each?
That way I can be absolutely sure I know what you are referring to.
i am saying quit your pathetic attempts and become serious with this conversation if you want me to continue.
That has no relation to the request to supply an explanation for a clear assertion you have made. This is expected on the basis of internet etiquette, forum rules and just general good manners. Please supply the information.
except it is the relation.. :) (shrugs)
And none of that provides anything other than veiled hints. Where are the concrete examples? Go ahead and impress us by doing the deciphering, which our feeble intellects are incapable of.
instead of sitting here and attempting your pathetic argumentative shenanigans, why not do your own homework, or at least cease the pathetic pretending of you not knowing of what i am referring to.
again, i have been reading these two conversations for days-- i understand what has been occurring and whom had said what and what has been said. cease the pathetic attempts of pretending of not knowing your own words or conduct over the last few days.