What would you do if..

No..you hallucinated breakfast. In fact you hallucinated the whole existence of your aunt. She never even existed. You've entered the world of REAL science now! Consult billvon for details.

So no dead Aunt on the sofa talking for 30 minutes? Phew, good deal!!!! For a minute there I thought you were serious. So you really don't believe that would be possible, do you?
When things are too small there is different methods of "pinching" to measure things. I can't feel the distance between me and the moon, but I know there is measurable distance between us. On the other hand, if you claim there is measurable distance between a point in space, again, everyone has fantasies!

OMG! You mean you believe in the moon? A gigantic luminous ball that floats in the sky that you have never even pinched or thrown water on? You're crazy...
No..you hallucinated breakfast. In fact you hallucinated the whole existence of your aunt. She never even existed. You've entered the world of REAL science now! Consult billvon for details.

Breakfast you just ate = real.
Dead aunt sitting on your couch telling you stories = not real.

A psychiatrist could explain this in a bit more detail.
OMG! You mean you believe in the moon? A gigantic luminous ball that floats in the sky that you have never even pinched or thrown water on? You're crazy...

If it was on my couch I would gladly throw water on it and pinch it. But since it's not, that's not possible. But it is possible if your dead Aunt is on the sofa talking to you for 30 minutes before she evaporated instantaneously into space.

Mass evolves to space, but not that quickly! You know?
Breakfast you just ate = real.
Dead aunt sitting on your couch telling you stories = not real.

A psychiatrist could explain this in a bit more detail.

How do you know you're not hallucinating the psychiatrist? I mean, hallucinations seem like such a common and expected thing for you.
If it was on my couch I would gladly throw water on it and pinch it. But since it's not, that's not possible. But it is possible if your dead Aunt is on the sofa talking to you for 30 minutes before she evaporated instantaneously into space.

Mass evolves to space, but not that quickly! You know?

Sounds pretty crazy still. Why would you believe in something you can't pinch and throw water on? I mean, that IS standard science protocol isn't it? lol!
Sounds pretty crazy still. Why would you believe in something you can't pinch and throw water on. I mean, that IS standard science protocol isn't it? lol!

Again you are getting confused, so let me help you get straight!

Your dead Aunt is on the couch, talking to you for 30 minutes. She is not the moon, she is your dead Aunt, on your couch, talking, for 30 minutes. Why didn't you pinch her or throw water on her, or something besides going to get your neighbor?

You automatically went to believe mode when you saw her? Seeing is NOT believing, you know?
You automatically went to believe mode when you saw her? Seeing is NOT believing, you know?

Sort of like when you see the moon eh? Naw...seeing the moon isn't believing in it. Who ever heard of such a thing!
Sort of like when you see the moon eh? Naw...seeing the moon isn't believing in it. Who ever heard of such a thing!

Seeing your alive Aunt is real, but she died, and was buried in a casket and dirt, or worse yet, cremated! So the body is gone, sorry. You need to let go! Your dead Aunt is not as she once was, she is gone now. No more. No ghost, no Heaven, no Hell, just gone. Done. A relic of the past!

People have a hard time accepting death, so they make up all kinds of crazy stories. Dead=Gone!

Good now?
Seeing your alive Aunt is real, but she died, and was buried in a casket and dirt, or worse yet, cremated! So the body is gone, sorry. You need to let go! Your dead Aunt is not as she once was, she is gone now. No more. No ghost, no Heaven, no Hell, just gone. Done. A relic of the past!

People have a hard time accepting death, so they make up all kinds of crazy stories. Dead=Gone!

Good now?

But that damn moon is still there! And it's not even alive. A cold dead rock as it were that weighs precisely nothing. How can you possibly believe in this so-called moon just because you see it? This is outrageous. Give up this "lunacy" while you still have time..
But that damn moon is still there! And it's not even alive. A cold dead rock as it were that weighs precisely nothing. How can you possibly believe in this so-called moon just because you see it? This is outrageous..

It is alive, it exists! And is in motion! And is evolving to space.

Your dead Aunt, not so much!
But you believed in the moon long before that didn't you? Believing in reality based on the senses? What sort of weird unscientific nonsense is THAT?

I believe that when I look into the sky that there will be a full moon if my moon app says there will be a full moon tonight. Sure enough, there it is! Just like the Sun showing up every morning!

How often does your dead Aunt show up on the couch and talk for 30 minutes, before she disappears instantaneously?

See the difference? You are making claims that my moon app can't predict! So I'm skeptical of your claims!
I believe that when I look into the sky that there will be a full moon if my moon app says there will be a full moon tonight. Sure enough, there it is! Just like the Sun showing up every morning!

How often does your dead Aunt show up on the couch and talk for 30 minutes, before she disappears instantaneously?

See the difference? You are making claims that my moon app can't predict! So I'm skeptical of your claims!

I doubt if you have an app for lightning strikes, tornados, or meteorites either. But we sure know one is real when we see it now don't we? Well...SOME of us do at least. I guess those are just hallucinations in your world.