Where do thoughts come from ?

That's complicated. For a start, you're only consciously aware of a tiny fraction of what your brain is doing at any particular time. One of the things brains do is to throw up thoughts at random*, when they aren't doing much else.

When you're concentrating on a particular task or problem, then your brain is engaged in retrieving relevant memories and making connections between the task at hand, the knowledge you have learned and the skills you have developed, and integrating all of that with the lower-level machinery that drives what your body is doing from moment to moment.

* actually, not entirely at random, since patterns can be discerned in these "random" thoughts, and the brain only has a finite store of memories and abilities from which it can create "new" thoughts.
the brain only has a finite store of memories and abilities from which it can create "new" thoughts.
mathematical finite ?
... quantitative finite Vs qualitative finite...

consider for a moment 5 renown intellectuals
Aristotle Einstein Hawking Newton Tesla
finite store of
abilities from which it can create "new" thoughts
Parapsychology is the study of paranormal and psychic phenomena, including telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, psychokinesis, near-death experiences, synchronicity, reincarnation, apparitional experiences, and other paranormal claims. It is considered to be pseudoscience by a vast majority of mainstream scientists, in part because, in addition to a lack of replicable empirical evidence, parapsychological claims simply cannot be true "unless the rest of science isn't."[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8]

"new" coming from another ?
"new" coming from the self ?
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mathematical finite ?
... quantitative finite Vs qualitative finite...

consider for a moment 5 renown intellectuals
Aristotle Einstein Hawking Newton Tesla


"new" coming from another ?
"new" coming from the self ?
I have no memory of my question until I asked the question . We can detect information by devices and convert that information into pictures or sounds . What laws of physics says that we can't evolve over time to detect the information with no sight or sound ?
I have no memory of my question until I asked the question . We can detect information by devices and convert that information into pictures or sounds . What laws of physics says that we can't evolve over time to detect the information with no sight or sound ?

you have posted your topic in parapsychology
was that intentional ?

with no sight or sound ?
it would appear so


"new" coming from another ?
"new" coming from the self ?

you re-directing the nature of my question back around like a troll would rather than getting into the discussion
What laws of physics says
laws of physics do not apply to parapsychology

you are using a circular self affirming statement as a rhetorical question to maintain your emotional distance.
you think i do not notice that ?

feel free to speak your mind and discuss the subject

I have no memory of my question until I asked the question
you have posted your topic in parapsychology
was that intentional ?

it would appear so



you re-directing the nature of my question back around like a troll would rather than getting into the discussion

laws of physics do not apply to parapsychology

you are using a circular self affirming statement as a rhetorical question to maintain your emotional distance.
you think i do not notice that ?

feel free to speak your mind and discuss the subject
No thing exists without physics , including parapsychology .

Give me a while and it will access me , It just comes to me and I'll know the whole subject .

Got visitors at the moment so can't open my mind .
2 completely different things

positive physical human contact is important
prioritize that
My visitors have now left , so I can concentrate on the subject better .

We access memories to describe our thought but thoughts seem to manifest in ones own mind . We can have positive or negative thoughts without prior memory of the new thought . New thoughts then joining our memory .
Information as we know can be sent via light and as we know some wavelengths of light can pass through matter .
So what if new thoughts were not even your own thoughts but instead received thoughts ?
In example , BC , before Jesus , our thoughts and memories of Jesus didn't exist . It is only once somebody has a new thought does the memory then exist .
ok ...

So, when you have a thought, even though it is new & you have never had it before, you instantly know it is either good or bad ?
It depends on what subject I'm thinking . In science for example , we have thoughts about science in the way of new ideas . Are they good or bad thoughts takes some time to analyze .
Then of course we have other types of thoughts such as angry etc .
I find thinking about what I'm thinking is neither good or bad , more diagnostic .
It depends on what subject I'm thinking . In science for example , we have thoughts about science in the way of new ideas . Are they good or bad thoughts takes some time to analyze .
Then of course we have other types of thoughts such as angry etc .
I find thinking about what I'm thinking is neither good or bad , more diagnostic .

Maybe giving you an example would be best to explain this .

You are bullying somebody and they lash out at you , anger .

The person you bullied then plots to kill you , bad thoughts .

To add more , anger is not a thought , it is a thoughtless reaction , a neurological singularity based on feelings .


your example is very ambiguous

person A bullys person B
Person B violently attacks Person A as an uncontrolled reaction , like eating ?
Person B then plots to kill person A after they have violently attacked person A ?

something doesnt sound right
please explain further.

your example is very ambiguous

person A bullys person B
Person B violently attacks Person A as an uncontrolled reaction , like eating ?
Person B then plots to kill person A after they have violently attacked person A ?

something doesnt sound right
please explain further.
An instant reaction in anger is a neurological singularity , reacting to feelings , the singularity thought based on those feelings .
If either of the example people then plotted , pre meditated thoughts to seek more harsh revenge , then that is bad thoughts as the neuro selective process is active .
Ones own neuro security and neuro immunity is important against our own imaginations and neuro singularity actions .
An instant reaction in anger is a neurological singularity , reacting to feelings , the singularity thought based on those feelings .
If either of the example people then plotted , pre meditated thoughts to seek more harsh revenge , then that is bad thoughts as the neuro selective process is active .
Ones own neuro security and neuro immunity is important against our own imaginations and neuro singularity actions .

GIGO flag

more harsh revenge

is revenge a conscious act ?
if the revenge is later dealt as
more harsh
then the original act which you claimed as an involuntary emotional reaction was a conscious act.

"crime of passion"
which is used for men to hide behind after they violently abuse their female partners....

do you feel it is womens fault if they do something that makes their man get soo upset that the man beats the women up ?