Who killed Seth Rich?

Fox News Retracts Article on Seth Rich Murder Investigation.

I am sure this won't stop Micheal or Wellwisher from still believing this crap. It will just be incorporated into the conspiracy.

The USA is getting more like Bizarro world everyday....

6 days after it had been thoroughly discredited, and you're correct, it will not stop Micheal or Wellwisher. They aren't concerned about the truth or reason. When has truth or reason ever stopped either of them? http://money.cnn.com/2017/05/23/media/fox-news-removes-seth-rich-story/

Because Fox quietly retracted the story, it's likely most folks who heard the story will ever know the true story.

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Looks like it's time for a recap:
1. It's possible Seth leaked information to WikiLeaks and was gunned down by someone in the DNC for doing so.
2. It's possible Seth leaked information to WikiLeaks and was gunned down by a thug on the streets of our crap-hole capital / DC.
3. It's possible Seth did not leak information to Wikileaks and was gunned down by someone by a thug on the streets of our crap-hole capital / DC.

What we do know is that it's highly unlikely the Russian government would use a hack with Russian embedded in it. That's asinine.
What we do know is that Wikileaks offered a 20K reward for information regarding the person/s who murdered Seth.
What we do know is that the DNC did not hand their server over to the FBI when asked.
What we may know is the Seth was alive and expected to recover in ICU when access to his recovery room was blocked - and then he didn't recover, he actually died in a hospital bed the next morning, weirdly enough.

So, let's note: He didn't die on the streets of DC, where he was gunned down, he died while in the hospital, where he was expected to make a recovery. In a room where people were not allowed to see him. At least according to one source.

Oh, and we also know the DNC is being sued for railroading Bernie Sanders, for lying to Sander's supporters to get 100s of millions in donations, and is now claiming they're a "Private" organization that can pick whoever they want, the whole voting thing is just a shame (they do for the shits and giggles), and lying for donations is protected under the "First Amendment" (its not) and that there are no "Democrats" (seriously, one of their legalese arguments for why they will not refund Sander's supporters the money they defrauded them out of is because there's no such thing as a Democrat anyway).

The warmongers who run the US Government are responsible for lying us into war after war after war, they support our murdering millions of innocent women and children overseas, why would they give two shits about a little pissed off Sander's supporting-traitor who leaked their scam to the press (or what we have that substitutes for a Free Press: WikiLeaks)? Does that mean that the DNC had Seth shot in the back and left for dead as an example? No, of course not. Like I said, DC is a sh*t-hole like all of our 3rd world cities, he could have just as easily been gunned down by some kids for the lolz. Murder and rape have every hour of every day in the Bestest Freestest Country On Earth.

In the meantime, it'd be fantastic to see /pol/ and ANON get involved :D
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1. It's possible Seth leaked information to WikiLeaks and was gunned down by someone in the DNC for doing so.
2. It's possible Seth leaked information to WikiLeaks and was gunned down by a thug on the streets of our crap-hold capital / DC.
3. It's possible Seth did not leak information to Wikileaks and was gunned down by someone by a thug on the streets of our crap-hold capital / DC.
4) It's possible Seth leaked information to Wikileaks at the behest of the Russians and with their help, and was shot to prevent him from spilling the beans.
5) It's possible Seth knew who had hacked the DNC server and why, and was shot to prevent him from fingering them.
6) It's possible Seth was shot to create all of this suspicion and deflect attention from the real perp.
And so forth.
What we do know
Among the things we know is that the shooter was almost certainly incompetent - leaving the victim alive as an eyewitness is not a good idea, generally speaking.
The warmongers who run the US Government are responsible for lying us into war after war after war, they support our murdering millions of innocent women and children overseas, why would they give two shits about a little pissed off Sander's supporting-traitor who leaked their scam to the press (or what we have that substitutes for a Free Press:
So you also think the DNC is an unlikely perp here, and instead we should look at whoever is running the US government.
What we may know is the Seth was alive and expected to recover in ICU when access to his recovery room was blocked
If I were in charge, I would restrict access to the recovery room of anyone shot like that but surviving, until I figured out what happened.
4) It's possible Seth leaked information to Wikileaks at the behest of the Russians and with their help, and was shot to prevent him from spilling the beans.

Yes, and it's possible Lizard People secretly control World Governments.

Among the things we know is that the shooter was almost certainly incompetent - leaving the victim alive as an eyewitness is not a good idea, generally speaking.
More good evidence of DNC involvement, and simultaneously good evidence it was not the Russians.

Or, maybe a thug. But, if I were to go with random violence, then it'd be much more likely some welfare-crack kids shot him for the lolz on the way home from doing a deal. That shit happens all the time in the USA. All day every day.
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If I were in charge, I would restrict access to the recovery room of anyone shot like that but surviving, until I figured out what happened.
From the attending physician who performed the surgery?

That simply doesn't happen.
Yeah, I think we should all chip in and send all Republicans to a logic 101 class.

Why would we think that should help?

Okay, that's not fair: The problem I foresee is that conservatives are anti-social. The idea of sending them to a logic class? Why? So they'll get better at it? Why would they want to? So they can take part in rational discourse? But that means they won't get what they want, so logic is right out.

That is to say, I can see how the class might help if conservatives were well-intended people behaving in good faith. They're not, though. They're antisocial, a pack of vampires and swindlers who actually think their wrongdoing is somehow admirable. Figure out how it goes that people admire villains, like in pro wrestling—(Because a goody two shoes is a pussy faggot, that's why!)—and you're pretty much working the right-wing grift; again I insist there is an important functional and evolutionary difference between acknowledging the fact of human frailty, or plotting to exploit it.

Sending Republicans to a logic class would only further vilify logic in the American discourse.

Equality, justice, logic, even decency: The manners in which such words confuse, confound, and offend conservatives ought not be a surprise to anyone.
Yeah, I think we should all chip in and send all Republicans to a logic 101 class.

Firstly, you don't really know what Logic is do you? For example, which "logic" would you like to 'send all the Republicans to" first order predicate logic? How about term-logic? Classical propositional logic?


Secondly, most Americans can barely read and write, let alone perform logic functions. So, perhaps start with the reading and writing first.

Lastly, a class in reasoning would be more useful. Preferably, the limits of logic, limits of empiricism, etc... :D

Oh, there's no need for a CT about Russians, Hillary was hated by the GOP and would have won no one over there, and the DNC lied to B.Sanders supporters and got caught out - they hate the DNC too, lastly, blacks don't like Hillary because she's a fake, and women don't like Hillary because she's married to a serial sex offender.

Without golden boy "I'm pretty good at killing people" O-blah-blah, the DNC was and is doomed :D

Let's hope for a Trump 2020, this is just getting good :)
For example, which "logic" would you like to 'send all the Republicans to" first order predicate logic? How about term-logic? Classical propositional logic?

Logic 101 would be General Survey.

No, seriously, you're trying way too hard.
Logic 101 would be General Survey.

No, seriously, you're trying way too hard.
Funnily, the first Logic course I took--and the first available--was a 300 level. So, Logic 301.

And if that's Michael trying too hard, I'd hate to see Michael trying half-assedly.

Edit: Oh, and it was taught by this Russian grad student who totally looked like Kyle Maclachlan in Blue Velvet.
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Yes, and it's possible Lizard People secretly control World Governments.
It fit right in with your proposals - same exact status of reality agreement. I agree it was far-fetched.
Secondly, most Americans can barely read and write, let alone perform logic functions. So, perhaps start with the reading and writing first.
So they can read "Go Dog Go" - which would put them ahead of the guy who keeps making these kinds of mistakes:
From the attending physician who performed the surgery?
According to your anonymous tipster, the attending physician and the regular ICU nurses were allowed in. That would make things fairly normal for security around someone who might be murder target.

This is your conspiracy theory thread - is it too much to ask of you, keeping track of the details of your conspiracy theory?
The Lizard Chewed the Armpit

Don't ask. Just click for utterly disconnected decontextualization.

Funnily, the first Logic course I took--and the first available--was a 300 level. So, Logic 301.

Yeah, usually it's buried around Math 09X, or so, subsumed in ... well, okay, do they even teach 099 Remedial Trig/Logic?

In my Jesuit high school, they taught Logic within Trigonometry, and Ethics with a Catechism.

Still, all I'm sayin' is that sweating over the retort to a no-effort punch line—


Firstly, you don't really know what Logic is do you? For example, which "logic" would you like to 'send all the Republicans to" first order predicate logic? How about term-logic? Classical propositional logic?


—(the gregarious self-love is always a fun suggestion) always tends to stand out. Especially if the whole effect is to stand there, shaking and fuming until out bursts the only thing one can think of, "Oh, yeah?"

One of the interesting things about logic, of course, is the comparison and contrast 'twixt equal and not. Then again, that equal or does not equal are in play seems rather quite obscure compared to our neighbor's gregariously self-defeating ostentation↑.
My guess is, Americans will re-elect Trump in 2020. The country will not tear itself apart, though the Police State will probably be used to crush whatever resistance (right or left) that attempts to tear at it.
There appears to be a deep divide. No middle ground right now. Just feels as though we are in a dangerous place right now. Time will tell.
There appears to be a deep divide. No middle ground right now. Just feels as though we are in a dangerous place right now. Time will tell.
There is a deep divide but there is middle ground. However, you will not find it on the right. With the rise of right wing entertainment where right wingers are no longer confronted with truth and live on a constant stream of hate and misinformation, the right has become more and more extreme. That's how you a right wing party which endorses torture as the Republican Party has done. That is how you get a POTUS like The Donald. Yes we are in a very dangerous place right now thanks to the likes of Hannity, Murdoch, Limbaugh, Levin, et al.
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#danger | #WhatTheyVotedFor

Just feels as though we are in a dangerous place right now. Time will tell.

Your powers of observation are astonishing: First you work to make a dangerous place, then you suggest it feels as though we are in a dangerous place.

And, you know, I think the worst thing about conservatives like you is how easily you'll betray your country for the lulz. It's why Republicans are treasonous and liberals believe in human rights: No matter how much better one thinks a mass execution of your ilk would make life, and as much as the short term outlook might feel rosy, it's not so dangerous a time or place that liberals will abandon their commitment to human rights just because conservatives want to call off the United States of America.

Freedom of whatnot is what it is, but advocating against your own country is a profound act any willing conscience undertakes for its own reasons. Your reasons simply aren't good enough, but, y'know, whatever, right?

You know what would be original? If a conservative could actually explain, coherently and in good faith, why conservatives are such terrible human beings.

Meanwhile, there's a reason they're not bothering to try. It doesn't take a genius to understand that conservative and good faith simply aren't compatible in these United States; there comes a point at which the repeated demonstrations are unquestionably excessive. But I also think it worth considering former CIA Director Brennan's testimony in the Senate, regarding more serious betrayals of country accused of Trump campaign, transition, and administration officials. People don't necessarily recognize what road they're traveling. And I've long said most people aren't actually evil, but tend to regard their own behavior in an affirmative, useful, validating context.

We might further note, blissful ignorance of self fails to change the observable circumstance that there is a functional difference between acknowledging human frailty and seeking to exploit it. Yeah, we get that we're supposed to believe conservatives don't think they're doing anything wrong, but here's the thing about politics and history: The tradition is betraying itself, as well. That is to say, in justifying themselves, many traditional blocs betray their own principles. Had I been a Republican the whole time, I would now be devouring the very principles I would have been asserting at the outset. And one of the differences is that while some of it has been obvious the whole time—e.g., conservative supremacist identity politics—conservatives have in recent years begun dispensing with any pretense to the other. It's no longer about blaming bad seeds, or saying that's not what's going on. It's now something more aking to, "Yeah, and so what?" But, see, that's the thing: That's just preaching to the choir, since conservatives not so much don't care what other people think but, more to the point, are going out of their way to be antisocial in order to cry antisocial crocodile tears about feeling rejected and left behind when people call out their bullshit. Because the defining identity politic at my political outset was the Cold War, and I simply cannot describe the magnitude or even nature of the irony about watching Republicans—good, patriotic, traditional American conservatives—deliver the country to a Russian strongman.

And in the middle of this, you're just out making up superstitious bullshit that you can't be bothered to explain: Yeah, what's new under the sun?

A statistical majority of the country has been living in a dangerous place for a while, now, but the empowerment majority is frightened of equality so suddenly the world feels dangerous enough to them that, what, they go running to Vladimir fucking Putin for help?

Seriously, Bowser, absolutists should not be lamenting any lack of middle ground.
There appears to be a deep divide. No middle ground right now.
The divide in the US is between the Republican core and the realities of the world - the fascist movement in the US and the rest of the country in all its variety. And it is deliberately emplaced.

It's a moat, not a river.

Or as the blogger put it, quoting Abraham Lincoln, mutatis mutandis, iirc: America cannot long endure half Fox and half free. It will become all one, or all the other.

btw: Seth Richard's parents have publicly requested that the wingnuts quit using their dead son to power up their latest little slanderflings. They say it hurts them to be bombarded with such ill-motivated and conscienceless and baseless abuse. They ask for courtesy and consideration.

And does anybody have the slightest doubt what the response of the ordinary Trump voter would be to such a request?
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The divide in the US is between the Republican core and the realities of the world - the fascist movement in the US and the rest of the country in all its variety. And it is deliberately emplaced.

It's a moat, not a river.

Or as the blogger put it, quoting Abraham Lincoln, mutatis mutandis, iirc: America cannot long endure half Fox and half free. It will become all one, or all the other.

btw: Seth Richard's parents have publicly requested that the wingnuts quit using their dead son to power up their latest little slanderflings. They say it hurts them to be bombarded with such ill-motivated and conscienceless and baseless abuse. They ask for courtesy and consideration.

And does anybody have the slightest doubt what the response of the ordinary Trump voter would be to such a request?

There's too much disagreement on the issues of the day. Extreme Left or extreme Right? They lead in the same direction. They're probably betting on the same hoarse.
There's too much disagreement on the issues of the day. Extreme Left or extreme Right? They lead in the same direction. They're probably betting on the same hoarse.

Why bring the extreme left into this? They are no more empowered now than they were twenty years ago. Or thirty. Certainly less than forty or fifty.

Is it because you know you're advocating such awful outcomes that you need to invoke straw men to mitigate your self-perception of corruption?

Or are you really that ignorant, lazy, and ill-intended?
What? No syllogisms?

All wars based on phony evidence are examples of phony wars (MaP)
The Iraq and Vietnam wars were based on phony evidence (SiM)
The Iraq and Vietnam wars are examples of phony wars (SiP)

Material Implication:
If a war is based on phony evidence, then it is a phony war.
The Iraq war is based on phony evidence.
Therefore, the Iraq war is a phony war.
Modus Ponens

How's that? :D
Now I'm late..... :/
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There's too much disagreement on the issues of the day.
There's quite a bit of agreement in the world on the other side of the moat, or outside the bubble as they say. Lots of different kinds of folks, in basic agreement on one thing: you guys inside the moat are a serious problem. You're crazy, and not open to reason, and violent. We have to figure out what to do about you, and it may be too late.