Why are americans fat?


It is often thought that Americans are fat due to the excessive amount of fast food they consume in combination with a lessened exercise regime.

Although these factors may have caused minor increases in obesity levels we suggest an alternative theory that makes more sense; literally.

1. The brain uses 20% of the energy available to the body, although it is only 1/50th of the entire body.

2. Experiments with dogs have shown that you can raise the energy expenditure of these animals by stimulating their mind; by making them think. (ref: personal communication with scientist)

3. Americans not only suffer from a fast food culture; they also suffer from a uncomplicated mind culture. Culture is served in repeatedly limited easily assimilated chunks of low information content.

Taking all these facts together we propose that the American people are fat because they do not think enough.

Primary evidence:
1. Americans are one of the fattest people on earth.

Secondary evidence:
1. MTV'zation of TV culture
2. Dumbing down of college and other educational programs.
3. voting for Bush twice.

- Increase in Obesity in the USA
- Child's brain uses more energy than adult's
There is also:

1. greater variety of food products: you eat more if there are more colors in M&M's than if there is only one.

Wansink and Barbara E. Kahn, a professor of marketing at the University of Pennsylvania, found that people eat far more jelly beans, or M&Ms, if they are offered in many colors than in just a few. The multiplicity of colors suggests variety, even if they all taste the same, and variety suggests abundance, leading to increased consumption.

2. portion size

Between 1977 and 1996, portion sizes for key food groups grew markedly in the United States, not only at fast-food restaurants but also in homes and at conventional restaurants, a new study shows.

The observation is one more indication of broad changes in the way Americans eat and another reason for the widespread, unhealthy rise in obesity among U.S. children and adults, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill researchers say. It is believed to be the first documentation that at any given meal, on average, the typical American eats more than he or she did only a few decades ago.

3. More liquid meals equals less satiety

RESULTS: Free-feeding energy intake during the solid period was significantly lower than intake prior to this period. Dietary energy compensation was precise (118%). No decrease in free-feeding energy intake occurred during the liquid period. Total daily energy intake increased by an amount equal to the load resulting in dietary compensation of -17%. Consequently, body weight and BMI increased significantly only during the liquid period. Physical activity and hunger were unchanged.

CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that liquid carbohydrate promotes positive energy balance, whereas a comparable solid carbohydrate elicits precise dietary compensation. Increased consumption of energy-yielding fluids may promote positive energy balance.

4. most Americans are sedentary
Technology has created many time and labor saving products. Some examples include cars, elevators, computers, dishwashers, and televisions. Cars are used to run short distance errands instead of people walking or riding a bicycle. As a result, these recent lifestyle changes have reduced the overall amount of energy expended in our daily lives. According to the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, in 2000 more than 26% of adults reported no leisure time physical activity.

References and further reading:

Physical Activity and Good Nutrition:Essential Elements to Prevent Chronic Diseases and Obesity

POLICY STATEMENT Prevention of Pediatric Overweight and Obesity

Weight control information network

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Because people can't control themselves when they eat for the most part.

Yeah, but that's too easy and it doesn't generate enough sensationalism ....so "scientists" are awarded billions in contracts to "discover" why people get fat.

I wonder why no one in Darfur is fat? Could it be that blacks are different to whites?

Baron Max
Heh! Just keep in mind that the OP is primarily meant as satire rather than a serious presentation.

Satire is only good satire when it's easily recognized as satire by the general reading public. Otherwise, it's just plain stupid bullshit.

Baron Max
Satire is only good satire when it's easily recognized as satire by the general reading public. Otherwise, it's just plain stupid bullshit.

Baron Max

No, it's satire, the fact that you might not recognise it like most of the general public is why it's so damn gorgeous!
Americans are fat because we have lost our blue collar workers. Americans engage in sedentary jobs found in the service sector. We simply do not get the exercise we used to. In addition, our diets are full of cheap foods doctored with cheap but high calorie flavoring agents, such as fat, sugar, and corn oil. The cheap food is the result of capitalism attempting to make the most profit.
Immigrants who come to the US gain weight in proportion to the time spent here

How do you explain that?

A [new] study concludes that immigrants put on pounds in proportion to the time they've lived in the United States. At the 15-year mark, the average weight of immigrants matches that of the average U.S.-born adult.

This is exacerbated in second and third generations

For the total sample, 26.5% were obese. The rates were as follows: white non-Hispanics, 24.2%; black non-Hispanics, 30.9%; all Hispanics, 30.4%; and all Asian-Americans, 20.6%. Important variations within the Hispanic and Asian-American subpopulations are presented. The Chinese (15.3%) and Filipino (18.5%) samples showed substantially lower obesity than non-Hispanic whites. All groups showed more obesity among males than among females, except for blacks (27.4% for males and 34.0% for females). Asian-American and Hispanic adolescents born in the U.S. are more than twice as likely to be obese as are first generation residents of the 50 states.


Obesity among US immigrant subgroups by duration of residence.
JAMA. 2004 Dec 15;292(23):2860-7.

Adolescent obesity increases significantly in second and third generation U.S. immigrants:
the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health
J Nutr. 1998 Apr;128(4):701-6.

um..because they are living the same lifestyle.
Americans are fat because we have lost our blue collar workers. Americans engage in sedentary jobs found in the service sector. We simply do not get the exercise we used to. In addition, our diets are full of cheap foods doctored with cheap but high calorie flavoring agents, such as fat, sugar, and corn oil. The cheap food is the result of capitalism attempting to make the most profit.

OMG...I actually agree with Why. :)
Using superior intellect (thus staying thin due to elevated levels of brain activity)I've discovered the secret!!!!!!! Healthy weight is achieved by:

(Drum roll)

Eating less. Exercising more.
Immigrants who come to the US gain weight in proportion to the time spent here

How do you explain that?

Per post #2 of this thread, you seem to have it all down.
Why don't YOU explain it to us?

Why? said:
Americans are fat because we have lost our blue collar workers. Americans engage in sedentary jobs found in the service sector. We simply do not get the exercise we used to. In addition, our diets are full of cheap foods doctored with cheap but high calorie flavoring agents, such as fat, sugar, and corn oil. The cheap food is the result of capitalism attempting to make the most profit.
That starts early in life there. Technology is a contributing factor as well. Children spend more time on their ever fattening asses playing video games, texting, yakking on their cell phones(but most women do that anyway as well), or on the internet, instead of outside with their friends riding bikes, or playing touch football.
I spent quite a bit of time playing video games when I was a kid but I also spent a lot of time outdoors playing in the sandbox, playing with my Transformers and G.I. Joes, and riding my bmx and dirt bike.
Technology is also a contributing factor where food is concerned. Americans are more on the go now than they ever have been. Time that is reserved for dinner has been truncated. There is very little time nowadays to devote to cooking meals. On the go means fast food, microwavable dinners(plenty of MSGs in those), candy bars, and the like.
all this can and is being remedied such as organic food, healthier choices even at fast-food joints etc as well as diets, health shakes etc are all the outcome of this.
As NF said, wealth has a contributing factor. Poor and working class are far more likely to be obese, as they tend to consume the "cheaper", less healthy fast foods...trying to maximize their food dollar.
As NF said, wealth has a contributing factor. Poor and working class are far more likely to be obese, as they tend to consume the "cheaper", less healthy fast foods...trying to maximize their food dollar.

Thats actually corrected for in epidemiological analyses.
As NF said, wealth has a contributing factor. Poor and working class are far more likely to be obese, as they tend to consume the "cheaper", less healthy fast foods...trying to maximize their food dollar.

I'm sorry but the so called poor are able to eat even more than other americans. They really can eat almost as much as they want, unless they are in a "working poor" situation.

By global standards the north american "poor" are wealthy.
How does that explain this:

I don't know about this study because not a SINGLE one of my second, third generation friends are overweight, they are thin. LOL.

If it is true, then it must be lifestyle such as playing too many video games and less physical activity. Also, american food might really do a number on them because of their genetics. Who knows.