Availability of clean water ought to be considered a basic human right.
Which neatly circles back to a point I have stressed repeatedly on this website: The vast majority of the people on this planet who lack what we Westerners consider basic human rights (which include not only the resources necessary for life but also dignity and a measure of freedom) lack these things
not because of our greed or indifference, but because
their own leaders are incompetent at best and despotic at worst.
I've often used hunger as a bellwether, since the vast, sparsely populated nations of the Western Hemisphere can easily grow enough food to feed two planets. We in fact send boatloads of it to the Third World every year, where it is immediately confiscated by said despotic leaders, sold on the black market, and the proceeds used to buy Swiss villas and weapons to make war on the hapless downtrodden peasants in the next country over.
With governments like that, it's almost impossible for the citizens to improve their own lives, and almost as impossible for us outsiders to help.
Are you saying that cheap clean water will eliminate abject misery? I would say it might be a good start but still a long way from that goal.
Consider that infant mortality is a major cause of abject misery in the Third World. It may not be quite at the Stone Age-through-19th Century level of 80%, but it's still up in the 30's in many countries. Imagine having one of every three children in your community die before reaching puberty!
Out of all the people I've known in 68 years, only
one suffered through the death of a child, and that "child" was 19. It still brings tears to my eyes just to write this! I cannot imagine living in a world in which that is a routine event that happens to the majority of families.
Dysentery is the leading cause of death among children in many of the poorest countries, and clean water is almost 100% effective as a preventative. So yes, clean water will make a quantum improvement in the elimination of "abject misery," even if it will not completely eradicate it.
Remember Maslow's Hierarchy: Step 1 is
survival. If you don't have that, everything else is just a dream.