Why the falling man feels no gravity: inertia and gravity in balance

Mod Hat ― This isn't science

Top down thinking said:
Site Administrator, can I please have your thoughts on this?
I have two other related threads here as well.
Clearly, this is very important stuff.

I won't deny that this is easily important to any one person, perhaps such as yourself. But it isn't science.
We'll put it all together into one master thread and file it appropriately.
The ultimate unification of physics balances being and experience.

Our natural motion is independent of electromagnetic space (i.e., photons) and fully inertial space (i.e., outer space). Outer space is fully invisible, and so are photons.

The fundamental significance of the falling man is this: Invisible AND visible space in FUNDAMENTAL equilibrium and balance is the MIDDLE distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. This invisible space extends BETWEEN outer space (full inertia, fully invisible space) and the Earth/ground (full gravity, fully visible space). It makes sense, and this is most fundamental and important.

Einstein should have considered a balance of being and experience.

The bodily/visual experience of the eye matches the INVISIBILITY of the space that the falling man is in and experiencing. Distance in/of space is effectively eliminated in comparison with the VISIBLE man who is standing on the VISIBLE ground/Earth; as full gravity is FULL distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, AND touched. The invisible eye/body is as a seamless whole with the invisible space. The acceleration is basically relevant to the FULLY VISIBLE Earth/ground.

Our eye is invisible as a BEGINNING experience of gravity (as distance and feeling). The falling man is not touching visible space. Acceleration and gravity on the Earth/ground are experienced relative to FULLY VISIBLE space. There is no relative or relevant motion with respect to the invisible space that the falling man is in and experiencing.

1) Full gravity involves full mobility in conjunction with, and in relation to, full distance in/of space. Full gravity is full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, and touched. (Consider the range of gravitational feeling.) Watch someone else touch the top of their visible head/body. See the relation with fully visible space? We want to balance being and experience.
The Earth/ground is attached in relation to touch/tactile experience.
This is the experience of fully visible space and full gravity.

2) Our direct/full/true/real/actual experience of outer space as it is destroys and precludes all of our experience (including visual). Distance in/of space is effectively eliminated, comparatively. This is predicted by, and it is consistent with, the progression that is identified in 1) and 3). Outer space involves fully invisible space and full inertia, as this space is fully detached and completely removed in relation to touch/tactile experience.

3) We want to balance being and experience. Therefore, invisible AND visible space in FUNDAMENTAL equilibrium and balance is the MIDDLE distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia.
The eye is semi-detached in relation to touch/tactile experience. The bodily/visual experience of the eye has the dual properties of visibility and invisibility. Vision (it is visible) begins invisibly inside the eye/body. Your eye is invisible, and yet the dome of another person's eye is visible. The bodily/visual experience of the eye is invisible and visible in balance. The eye is touched, and the eye is not touched.

The ultimate unification of physics combines, balances, and includes opposites.

Stabilized distance/extension of space, in conjunction with balanced inertia and gravity, is key. The Earth/ground is opaque. Outer space is fully invisible.

Invisible AND visible space in FUNDAMENTAL equilibrium and balance IS (logically, fundamentally, AND clearly) the MIDDLE distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. Indeed, this space is between (and in the middle of) outer space (full inertia, fully invisible space) and the Earth/ground (full gravity, fully visible space). This is the fundamental significance of, and explanation for, why the falling man feels no gravity. GREAT !
It's your crank bullshit reason. That's why your posting it in the pseudobullshit section of a public forum rather than the scientific literature.