Will the "west" ever back off?

Discussion in 'World Events' started by Agent@5, Jun 7, 2002.

  1. Clarentavious Person Registered Senior Member

    Tiassa, I did not read your entire post, but something caught my eye. You stated

    I'm not surprised about the attack itself at all. Now the circumstances surrounding were rather surprising (date, method of attack, perhaps of such nature - I might have more been expecting a nuke to hit on new years eve 2000, just an example)

    For one reason, the u.s. provides no defense against attacks.

    Some years ago, a civilian jet liner was shot down off the coast of Japan by the government (killing over 200 people). This is because the plane got lost, and went into "forbidden" terrority. This area was being closed monitored by radar. The force at the base where the missile was launched, "apparently" did not believe the radio overs from the pilot that it was a plane that got lost due to bad weather conditions, and took it into assumption that it was an aircraft of some kind preparing an attack.

    A few years ago as well, a lune succeeded flying a tiny little plane into the white house. Funny thing it was not detected on radar and shot down before it could fly into the building.

    The u.s. did not have proper defenses set up. After the September 11th attacks, they began checking air plane passengers much more closely (carefully examining carry on baggage, etc....). In this case, pulling off such an attack would be much harder now that there are more defenses set up.

    Now to think that there aren't people (possibly in the billions) out there that don't want to attack the u.s. (but perhaps not very many that are willing to give up their lives, some, but not a massive amount of suicide bombers), is probably one of the stupidest ideas I have ever heard. Geez, just turn on your TV, look on the internet, read the paper, you'll see zounds of people burning american flags, among other things.
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  3. Tiassa Let us not launch the boat ... Valued Senior Member

    I'm right there with you. I keep wondering if Microsoft is tempting enough as a target. I wouldn't be surprised to see Redmond erased in a flash. Depending on where I am at the time, I might not have the time to be surprised.
    I can't figure this out. I mean, I agree with you, but I can't figure out why it is that we operate this way. Simple greed seems apparent, but that can't be the only factor (an obvious faith statement, that last part).
    I remember the Japanese airliner, and the plane at the White House. It's also worth pointing out that a few years ago the FBI arrested two men for allegedly preparing to manufacture biological weapons (bubonic plague). News reports at the time noted that:
    But I can remember Iranians burning the American flag in 1984, the Libyans in 1986 ... we've had at least 18 years to get ready for this, but we chose instead to believe (or so says one theory) that they didn't have the cajones.


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    Last edited: Jun 13, 2002
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  5. Agent@5 Registered Senior Member

    Look, i hope noone is missing my point in all this. I am suggesting post colonoalisation has supressed the little man. I am not saying it is a star wars epademic, with good fighting eveil. I am NOT knocking America, all I am saying is that we ALL, i mean the whole human race, needs to look at our attitdue towards other people and strive for some sort of homogenity. def not communict but allow more ideas to flow throughout the world without being restricted by race, class ethnicity, sexuality and every otehr self definingg word. Thats my point.
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  7. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    While I have no problems with the human race striving to solve their problems, others do. Everytime something pops up that could help us there is always a bunch against it. If you mention that sex needs to be ignored for the benefit of all to solve some problem, that is ok until one sex decides it wants some exclusive right or place. All of a sudden that's a problem to ignore a sex's indivduality. You can not have both. Take any of the the others in the catagories listed and it runs the same. There are always enough to divert the line of approach or change the direction of the thrust that you were going in.

    So what do we do about these that don't agree? Take any problem, and sooner or later it rears its head.

    Now here is one that you would think that everyone would be behind. If we make the planet unlivable because of pollution then there is no one that benefits. No one denies that we affect our enviroment. No one denies that we cause pollution. But if we cause enough is the question. While this is not the topic of your subject it is an example of what prevents us, as any group, from arriving at our desired direction.
  8. Agent@5 Registered Senior Member

    Im not asking for everyone to think the same way though!!... but i guess im appealing to the decencey in all of us. Just to give a shit... harder than i though to do
  9. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    who said there WAS any decency in this world

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  10. Agent@5 Registered Senior Member

    I JUST DID. Do wish to appeal that? decency is curtosy, respect..... you deny that?
  11. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    And now I join in...

    No, I agree with you, highly. Certainly in the light of what mr. president bush is doing now against a very small country which belongs also to this West you are talking about.

    The US government has made a special law against The Netherlands that the US will invade and attack the Netherlands as soon as one of their soldiers is brought to trial before the ICC in The Hague. This International Court is seated in this city in the Netherlands.

    No US soldier shall be brought to trial for any warcrime, doesn't matter in what degree, or the US will invade the Netherlands.

    The stupidity of mr. president comes to mind immediately once you hear that the US does not even acknowledge the existance of the ICC. So who are they fooling here?

    It's really ridiculous. Mr. president thinks everything is "allowed" in his war on terorrism.

    What is the use of this "law" if it is not acknowleged anyhow. Why is it necessarry to threaten a country which always has been an allie of the US.

    So much for decency coming from the president.

    Be careful here people. I am not talking US citizens, I am talking the shadowy figures that call themselves the government.

    And why is it that I cannot find anything about this "law" back in US newspapers? Something to hide?

    I admit I come off to hard on you poor people. I shall go and shame myself in a corner of the room...

    At least I let not blind myself by the so called wealth which is comforting you and blinding you. As long as you people in the "rich" West can do whatever you want, everything is fine. Well, it isn't. Wait till you make one little mistake and get caught...

    BTW, I do care about people yes, all over the world, thus including the people who live in countries which are not included in the richer West. And I am glad I am not an Arab woman, for it is not good to live like these women live. It's outrageous and without dignity. The women have to walk three steps behind their husbands and with their heads down. Maybe they are just allowed to look up that far they can see where they walk and that's it. So be happy you can argue and disagree here on the boards, from behind your fancy computers. Just the way I do yes, at the moment, for now.

    I am not used to doing nothing else than only speak up from behind a keyboard attached to a computer, I'd rather go out and shake every single person in every single country as long as necessarry to wake them up and stop them from all those wars and hurting eachother...fuck!
  12. Asguard Kiss my dark side Valued Senior Member

    yes and our counrtys are all SO much better

    we just hide how bad they are from ourselves better
  13. Agent@5 Registered Senior Member

    Re: And now I join in...

    MAn i feel your anger. truely... and I try not to make my arguments emotionally charged, but yeah dude, some powers are just fucking selfish

    Though I read a quote today that said. "forgiveness isnt making the other person admit you were righ or they were wrong" I know thats a point for something....
  14. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    In this case I really think the arrogance from mr. president is not argueable whether it's right or wrong. It's just stupid.

    And Asguard, I do not say one country or its citizens are SO much better than another. Nor shall I ever say I am SO much better than someone else.

    It's just the way you look at it. I am just a human being, not attacking citizens or whatever, it is just so damn easy to talk and argue on a message board while you are standing far from the actual ongoing violence and stupid rules all governments in all countries, make up.

    Why is it not so that everyone just let other people be? All the hurt and suffering of innocent people (citizens) are overlooked by leaders of countries in their everlasting struggle to convince other leaders they are right and it has to go the way they want...

    It goes for the Dutch government also...they fuck up too, what do you think? That it is all bliss there? NO, not it is not...
  15. shaman1301 Urban Anthropologist Registered Senior Member

    Taxi drivers!!

    Ther are guys wearing turbans driving taxis all over New York City.Believe me , I know!
  16. Agent@5 Registered Senior Member

    Re: Taxi drivers!!

    and the fact theat they are taxi drivers and not corporate elites says soemthing about the society. does it not?
  17. shaman1301 Urban Anthropologist Registered Senior Member


    Maybe if they learned to speak English and get an education they would. Your country wouldn't even give them the opportunity to emmigrate, no less drive a taxi!
  18. Agent@5 Registered Senior Member

    ask yourself WHY they dont have an education. And for your second statement, i dont claim 'my' country allows enough immagrants, but thats not my call. I dont support 'my' country's decision at all. I know that most who immagrate here to escape war, try their asses off to assimilate to the best of their ability. We dodnt all start off at the same starting line. BUt its not that if we let them work here, its a matter of finding the work. Quite similar to 'your' country.
  19. kmguru Staff Member

    If you think America or the western culture have the moral high ground today...wait 50 years and see whose moral ground and language your childen will be learning. It will be China.
  20. Agent@5 Registered Senior Member

    how do you figure that?
  21. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    Jees, Kmguru, then let's open a thread about what may be in about 50 years, NOW!

    What the hell is that for remark? In 50 years there may very well be a total different civilization.

    Oh and let's not forget Japan either, it may be that it is Japanese our children/grandchildren will be learning/speaking...Or it will be American-English, as in total worldpower. Isn't that what bush is trying to do..?
  22. kmguru Staff Member

    Been there...personal observation of the events unfolding on track for the last 16 years. (It would take a book worth of description to pass on that)

    And Banshee, the insurance companies do not depend on a new civilization to adjust their rates and predictions - so why should I?
    ....and you know it....

    "Jees, Kmguru, then let's open a thread about what may be in about 50 years, NOW! "

    Please...go ahead since it is your idea...I will join you there...it would be interesting...thanks. LOL
  23. wet1 Wanderer Registered Senior Member

    Sure...! :bugeye:

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