Would You Rape A Hot Chick?

Discussion in 'The Cesspool' started by sderenzi, Aug 15, 2006.


What would you do?

  1. Yes

    7 vote(s)
  2. No

    23 vote(s)
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  1. sderenzi Banned Banned

    If you had a chance to have sexual intercourse with a girl that wasn't awake, or had passed out, an nobody would ever know.. would you?

    Notice: This is strictly a theoretical question designed to determine peoples general beliefs.
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  3. Absane Rocket Surgeon Valued Senior Member

    As tempting as it would be... no.
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  5. patty-rick Registered Senior Member

    i said no as well that makes at this rate 3 very wrong people... including the thread starter?
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  7. perplexity Banned Banned

    This is a matter of practical policy, not belief.

    --- Ron.
  8. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned


    maybe the question should be rephrased:

    If it was legal for you to have non consenting sex with an uncoscnious female would you?
  9. Neildo Gone Registered Senior Member

    Hey, don't forget about guys or girls that don't mind if you screw em while passed out, heh.

    - N
  10. perplexity Banned Banned

    Some folk are of course much more passed out than others, but as a matter a law consent may none the less need to be established as a matter of fact.

    --- Ron.
  11. patty-rick Registered Senior Member

    law means little to me i would, the question says rape, i wouldnt have unconsenting sex
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2006
  12. imaplanck. Banned Banned

    "Would You Rape A Hot Chick? "

    No I could not .
  13. perplexity Banned Banned

    You have not yet been arrested then?

    --- Ron.
  14. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned

    (Hence I said no consenting)
  15. patty-rick Registered Senior Member

    No i havnt
  16. nicklwj Guest

    You guys are liars.
  17. thedevilsreject Registered Senior Abuser Registered Senior Member

    definately not
  18. Satyr Banned Banned

    Only if I am sure I can get away with it.
  19. Fraggle Rocker Staff Member

    Many women consider rape worse than murder for the very reason that the victim survives and has to live forever with the horrible memory. If it represents that outrageous of a violation to them, then as civlized beings we have an obligation to not take advantage of the technicality that an unconscious woman won't have to live with the memory. We will. Who among us wants to live forever with the knowledge that he is a man who was able to commit rape?

    "Hot" is the whole package, not just physical appearance. The way she moves that body, for starters. But facial expressions and tone of voice are huge factors in attractiveness, as is the way she reacts to you. To say someone is "hot" who isn't moving and doesn't even know you're there is only slightly different from being aroused by a photograph.

    The idea of having sex with an unconscious woman will pop unbidden into the head of a normal young man with a healthy endocrine system who hasn't had any in the last few hours. To consider it the first time one is actually confronted with the unexpected opportunity is to be human and think about one's actions from all perspectives. But to actually do it, in my opinion, is grounds for being banished from the community of civilized people.
  20. idlecontrol Registered Member

    if she is hot and i would get away with and she wouldnt remember then yes
  21. Theoryofrelativity Banned Banned


    given the wider use of the 'date rape' drug this response if very worrying.
    You ARE a rapist in the making.

    Maybe someone will cut your testicles off while you are unconscious.

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    have a nice day
  22. Ophiolite Valued Senior Member

    Assuming the six (at time of writing) individuals who voted yes were being serious and not just winding us up, then I am forced to conclude the following:
    a) they do not understand that the word intercourse implies and requires two way conscious interaction.
    b) they are wankers in both the literal and metaphorical sense of the word.
  23. Satyr Banned Banned

    The problem with offering false expectations and unearned respect to the undeserving is that they begin believing they are entitled to it, in time.

    For example: The sanctity of life and the myth concerning human “rights” and inherent human “dignity” and the idea concerning indiscriminate love, have given birth to individuals falsely believing they are worth something and that they deserve something, by birth alone.

    In the wild rape is common – especially amongst chimpanzees.

    It is only in our modern necessary morals, creating the notion of “civility” that have excluded it as a possible procreative practice and enforced the monogamous, all-inclusive placating method as the dominant and socially acceptable norm.

    We forget that man doesn’t behave in ways that he invents on his own nor does he decide his own inclinations.
    He suppresses and controls his nature, in relation to his environmental conditions but he doesn’t pick and choose what they are.

    A fat man cannot decide to not salivate over fats and sugars when the environment has made them dangerous to his well-being.
    His evolutionary history, through centuries of natural selection, has made these culinary desires irrepressible.

    Similarly rape and force, in general, are not invented by each mind.
    They pre-exist as survival mechanisms and strategies.

    Whether the present environment, shaped through human intervention using moral codes, tolerates these behaviors is another matter.
    Our jails prove that man cannot fully suppress and repress his nature.
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