your death

1.When did you first remembering acknowledging your own mortality?
2.How does it make you feel to think about your death at this present moment? (EDITED FOR NECESSARY CLARITY!)
3.What should be done with your remains after you're not inhabiting them? Or have quit the oxy habit, kicked the bucket, ceased aerobic reaction, whatever...

1. No idea.
2. What will be will be. Would like to make it to being an old man though.
3. Cremated probably. Donate maybe.
(Mods, please feel free to move if you think I've miscategorized this...)

1.When did you first remembering acknowledging your own mortality?
2.How does it make you feel to think about your death at this present moment?
3.What should be done with your remains after you're not inhabiting them?

1. When I fell off a 3rd story roof at age 5, and woke up 3 days later in a body cast.

2. That we never know when our time will come... So, live for today.

3. I've already made arrangements to donate my body to a Body Farm.
Come on, you shiftless cowards! Who will take the dollar? Yes? Who will give over their mortal remains to be ______ and _______, and maybe even _______ by their mortal foe?

Come on, you lot. Everyone seems to think getting dumped by the curb is no big deal. All right, then - who's really committed to this perspective?
I have no enemies that I know of.
Couldn't say. I really don't know.


Remains? :eek:
I've got a device taped to my heart so that when it stops the Sun will go nova. This will get rid of my "remains" and relieve all you poor slobs of the burden of existence without me around.
Alternatively, I've got an organ donor card and they can just dump the leftovers behind the bins for collection on garbage day.
We could put everybody in one of my Holy Grail Wooden Urns . One for everyone . One great big urn and put everyone in it
Here's an esoteric question: would you donate your body to your most bitter enemy if he or she paid a reasonably large amount of cash to your surviving kin?

My bitterest enemy has not got 300K- that's 100 k for mom, 100k for my wife, 100k for my brother.

But if he did? sure.
Come on, you shiftless cowards! Who will take the dollar? Yes? Who will give over their mortal remains to be ______ and _______, and maybe even _______ by their mortal foe?

Come on, you lot. Everyone seems to think getting dumped by the curb is no big deal. All right, then - who's really committed to this perspective?

O.K. anything for a buck. I'll do it
1.When did you first remembering acknowledging your own mortality?

When I was 8-10 years old and almost drowned in a swimming pool.

2.How does it make you feel to think about your death at this present moment? (EDITED FOR NECESSARY CLARITY!)

I don't fear death (though I do fear certain ways of dying, like burning to death). But I would hate to die now when I'm healthy and have a lot of life left to live.

3.What should be done with your remains after you're not inhabiting them? Or have quit the oxy habit, kicked the bucket, ceased aerobic reaction, whatever...

I want to be cremated and then have strippers snort my ashes off each other's boobs.
1. As a child.
2. No. Death is not to be feared. As Socrates said, it is just a long sleep without dreams. No pain. No discomfort. No problems. Mind you, I think the future is going to be fascinating, and I am pissed that I am going to miss so much of it.
3. I gave my wife instructions to get rid of my disgusting and decomposing remains in the cheapest way legally possible. No marker or memorial. Once people forget who you were, then a lump of granite with your name on it is pointless anyway. Here in New Zealand, as far as I know, the cheapest legal method is cremation. She can do with my ashes whatever she wants. I will certainly not be worrying about it!
...1.When did you first remembering acknowledging your own mortality?......

when I was in Sunday School and found out I was going to live with Jesus

...2.How does it make you feel to think about your death at this present moment? ...

I think more of the memorial service and how I want it planned. I have my songs already picked out and how the service will proceed. I'm in my 40s

..3.What should be done with your remains after you're not inhabiting them? Or have quit the oxy habit, kicked the bucket, ceased aerobic reaction, whatever......

I'm a full body donor and my family is aware of this. Come hell or high water, I'm going to medical school so my Mom can stop complaining. lol.
i first realized my mortality when discovery and history channel depicted the 2012 possibility from the dead sea scrolls, i think i was 12, i developed a panic disorder at the thought

now im 20, almost.. i know it is inevitable, so i try to live as long and happily as possible, work hard, enjoy everything, take the bad with the good, remember as many experiences as possible, you can prolong the inevitable but you can't deny it, kinda like rent

when i'm gone, take my body, and have fun, post my head on a mailbox, no one will fu** with your house, scatter the limbs wherever they put the dude from braveheart, feed me to a killer whale, turn me into mulch and use me to grow cannabis, cut off my fingers and run back to my mcdonalds screaming " you call this a chicken select?!?! (use the middle finger for added humor)" i could care less what some other person would do with a corpse... just no necrophelia
i first realized my mortality when discovery and history channel depicted the 2012 possibility from the dead sea scrolls, i think i was 12, i developed a panic disorder at the thought

now im 20, almost.. i know it is inevitable, so i try to live as long and happily as possible, work hard, enjoy everything, take the bad with the good, remember as many experiences as possible, you can prolong the inevitable but you can't deny it, kinda like rent

when i'm gone, take my body, and have fun, post my head on a mailbox, no one will fu** with your house, scatter the limbs wherever they put the dude from braveheart, feed me to a killer whale, turn me into mulch and use me to grow cannabis, cut off my fingers and run back to my mcdonalds screaming " you call this a chicken select?!?! (use the middle finger for added humor)" i could care less what some other person would do with a corpse... just no necrophelia

You walked around for 12 years not realizing you was going to taste death one day?

i never thought i was invincible, i guess it wasn't when i knew i was gunna die one day, it was when the realization of its inevitability set in, saw the clock ticking, especially given the circumstances i mean, a scary movie is just lights fake blood and music, but to hear on discovery channel that a lot of people think the earth is gunna turn to dust with in 10 years, it gave a me a sense that the hour glass started filling up quicker?
i never thought i was invincible, i guess it wasn't when i knew i was gunna die one day, it was when the realization of its inevitability set in, saw the clock ticking, especially given the circumstances i mean, a scary movie is just lights fake blood and music, but to hear on discovery channel that a lot of people think the earth is gunna turn to dust with in 10 years, it gave a me a sense that the hour glass started filling up quicker?

Yes this is what you go through when you come to the understanding of your own physical mortality and how short life is, Just yours seems very late to me, around the age of puberty around 8 years longer in that state than I was., Simular to a child of Faith. some keep faith throughout their whole lives and remain in that bissfull mind-state. you were living a bliss-full existence until you questioned your eternal self .

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Yes this is what you go through when you come to the understanding of your own physical mortality and how short life is, Just yours seems very late to me, around the age of puberty around 8 years longer in that state than I was., Simular to a child of Faith. some keep faith throughout their whole lives and remain in that bissfull mind-state. you were living a bliss-full existence until you questioned your eternal self .


to put it simply, ignorance is bliss, i had other things to worry about, i was self conscious, smart mouthed, and hard headed, just the way things worked out for me