Your favourite moment in comedy?

The scene in "A Fish called Wanda' where Kevin Kline (Otto) has Ken(Michael Palin) tied up and is eating chips, wondering what would go well with his exaggerated, poncy, plum in mouth English he says " wait a moment!', then proceeds to eat Wanda. I just cracked up. Thought it was huge.

Another scene that broke me up was in Wallace and Grommet's "the wrong trousers" where Wallace is fast asleep in the Astronaut duds being flopped around like a fish as the pants walk up walls and through things.
I really love Wallace and Grommet, the subtlety amidst the slapstick is priceless. Grommets infinetissimal eyebrow raises at Wallace's antics can reduce me to a heaving mess. Apparently you like them or you don't, When I lost the plot watching the wrong trousers, i was on holiday with my kids and nieces and nephews and extended family, my hysterics set everyone else off and we cakling like chooks, meanwhile Uncle ray was completely unfazed.

Mike Myers silhouette scenes in "the spy who shagged me" and " Goldmember" were absolutely hysterical also.

Rodney Rude, the Australian comic is best known for his smutty and coarse humour but to see him live is to realise the extent of his comedic genius, the guy is as sharp as a tack.
His long winded ramble about visiting England which concludes with our Rodney backdooring Her Royal Highness in the back of the royal Daimler was ridiculously funny, I had sore stomach muscles for a week afterwards.
I like Lifted. No speaking, just physical comedy, and it cracks me up.

And then there is the Bugs Bunny/Elmer Fudd opera bit.
Remember in "Animal House" when John Belussi put the mashed potatoes into his mouth and then used his fists to squirt them all over everyone and said that he was a pimple! :D
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Remember in "Animal House" when John Belussi put the mashed potatoes into his mouth and then used his fists to squirt them all over everyone and said that he was a pimple! :D

I thought that was pretty lame. In fact I thought most of what he did was lame. What was up with that Samuri guy he did on SNL? And I never understood the attraction of the Blues Brothers either. :shrug:
Family Guy
Brian (the dog) agrees to take Meg to the school dance. He gets drunk and/or high first in order to deal with the situation...ends up making out with Meg, then throws up on the floor. He points to the vomit and says, "Hey, are you gonna eat that".
HE'S A DOG! GET IT? dogs eat their vomit.