Shrooms, Like LSD
The active ingredient in the amanita muscaria mushroom is muscarine. Our "muscarinic" nervous system is named after it, for, just by just physical stimulation of the muscarinic nervous system you get the same effect as with muscarine.
The stimulation of the muscarinic nervous system overrides inhibitory neurons in the brain. LSD arrives at the same result by blocking those same inhibitory neurons in the brain.
This stimulation has been called "kundalini", and plexuses of the muscarinic nervous system have been called "chakras". The parasympathetic nervous system is composed of muscarinic neurons.
The chakras aren't spiritual wheels of light on the spine. Such cover ups against the public have been used in an attempt to keep this knowledge secret, for, it is the supreme secret of every mystical secret society and priestcraft.
Crucifixion causes such extreme muscarinic nervous system stimulation that the victim is sent to the most extreme state of organic psychosis, called perinatal matrix three in holotropic dot comm.
Being a matter of superstition, this knowledge was actually out in the open, public, behind the old Iron Curtain, where, at least, organized superstition did not rule.
The disease of having scar tissue, like from injury, in the parasympathetic nervous system causing an "organic psychosis", was called "shamans' disease" behind the old Iron Curtain.
But, in the superstitious West people unfortunate enough to have scar tissue in their parasympathetic nervous system from accidental injury were locked up in the mental hospital gulags for "schizophrenia".
Which ever way the "unauthorized" (real witches) got their muscarinic nervous systems activated, the establishment of superstition locked them up, and used electric shock treatments in an attempt to erase their memories of the secret.
This inquisition is live and well today as suspects are apprehended, confessions tortured out of them, and they are stoned to death for "blowing on knots", under Islamic governments.
Simply, today in America, the superstitious fascist system just black balls real witches, and throws them out into the streets to die miserable deaths of homelessness.
It is obvious that when everybody knows, there will then be no secret. It is advisable to spread this knowledge for now You know too much. Let everybody know too much, THEY can't get everybody.