oh man replying to you has always been a hassle..you keep collecting what people say and mix thm as you want and then reach a conclusion that makes sense only to you(if it does

what i'm saying..(and i made it clear because i foresaw this somehow)..is that purpose IS simply the will to get better..
if you are an animal, the only better you want to have is to live, opposed to the worse of dying..
but some people actually might have purpose with edges broader than life and death..a better that is better than living, opposed to worse worse than death..that is why people die for honor and love, they sacrifice them selves..their life.
so living COULD be your purpose of life..just like an animal..
now how does this conclude that god has no purpose?
is it because he doesn't die??
well i've just said that people who die have reasons to live above the fear of death..
is it since living is a purpose then we don't need god as a purpose of life??
same thing, just because animals live only to live doesn't mean we cant use our brains to live for something better and more everlasting, and concerned with god?
the real question is, stranger?
what purpose of life is meaningful if it isn't rlated to god?
it's as oli said.."why bother"?
because he is a thinking human..
if he chose to live like a brainless animal he wouldn't need to ask that question.