Friends getting religious

Huh ? Any, of course.

huh? none of course.:D

as they all end with death.

and so,

become meaningless.

even the animal life so not to die..

is meaningless..

as you WILL die someday..

so, lol, "why bother"?

what is your purpose in life enmos?
a reason for everything...eternal life...perfection...those are all fairly big deals. i think.

I find those to be completely useless. There isn't a reason for everything, nor is one needed. "Eternal" and "perfection" are concepts without meaningful extension in reality. "God" is just playing pretend, run amok.
huh? none of course.:D

as they all end with death.

and so,

become meaningless.

even the animal life so not to die..

is meaningless..

as you WILL die someday..

so, lol, "why bother"?

what is your purpose in life enmos?

I have no purpose.
That a purpose might become meaningless when you die (although I don;t see how you figure that) has no bearing on it's meaning while you're still trying to fulfill that purpose.
Besides, meaning is a human value assessment. So it's all bullshit anyway.
I find those to be completely useless. There isn't a reason for everything, nor is one needed. "Eternal" and "perfection" are concepts without meaningful extension in reality. "God" is just playing pretend, run amok.

Your ideals are so limited and sad.
SAM said:
I'm asking why atheists need a purpose when they believe the universe has none.
And you are answered - the ones who "need a purpose", and "believe the universe has none", (both clauses separately), need one for the same reasons anyone else needs one, whatever those are.

So figure out why you "need a purpose" when the universe has none (you could possibly know of, anyway) and you will have part of the answer why some other people "need a purpose" in that same situation.

"Its just random acts of bullshit without meaning." = "Its just random acts of bullshit without purpose."

Why does God need meaning?

There's no point to what?

Are you getting enough sleep?

i guess, but how is that related to religion or the OP or anything mentioned here?

why would you care if i had enough sleep or not? why would i tell you? how does that affect anything?

and if that is meant as an insult, then why not send it as PM? why add a whole post just to say that? why clutter and divert threads? waste posters time and drive them sick?
