If science discover the existence of God, it could violate the free-will?


Registered Senior Member
I mean, if people knows scientific evidence exist of an Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omnibenevolent Being (a sort of cosmic computer) who assess every human act, then most people could do good deeds, merely for the afterlife reward.

Like robots programmed to do good deeds all the time, it could be impossible to distinguish who really do good deeds by own interest from who doesnt. God couldnt punish people in Purgatory or Hell, only for 'feel/think' hate, egoism, lust. Purgatory and Hell (whatever it could mean) could disappear completely, which is absurd.

Ergo, science only can prove the existence of God in a world of saints; never. :crazy:
False immaculates could re-born in afterlife (whatever it could mean:reincarnations, resurrections, etc), once and again, but their souls could never evolve, they could reach a heavenly afterlife, but being pure instinct and hate inside.
For whom believes in only one resurrection, how can exist a Kingdom of Heaven (Perfect World) in which science & brain will not evolve any more? There will no exist evolving technology in the Kingdom of Heaven? How they could cope with asteroid menace?
You forget, if God is omniscient, then He knows when you are pretending just to get a reward.
Wow... just wow.

what means that?

some scientists hope future tech will prove the eziztenze o' 4 OMNI God. But it involve a Purgatory Paradox, hundred of millions o' people could twist their purgatorial/hellial destinies. But only by own interessst!!men cant cheat God.:jawdrop:

nobody find it interesting?
my language o' origin is spanglisch
You forget, if God is omniscient, then He knows when you are pretending just to get a reward.
Some guys euphoric by thinking to live in the Kingdom o' Heaven (better than a Palace of Versailles) could control completely their bad thinks/feelings (too intrincate to discuss on the subconscious sins), but the most important; hundred of millions of people whose destiny is hell or purgatory could twist it easily by afterlife euphoria. :puke:
You mean religious people that also happen to do science?
With all the respect, you disrespect. Science seek God, 'cause we, humans, find a sense of our meaningless lifes & protection to inmense fears thru faith in Omni Omni Omni Omni God.:xctd:
With all the respect, you disrespect. Science seek God, 'cause we, humans, find a sense of our meaningless lifes & protection to inmense fears thru faith in Omni Omni Omni Omni God.:xctd:
No, science does not seek God. Nor is it based on faith. I could go into the subject of why Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omnibenevolent is a meaningless set of attributes.

what are you talking about Kelly Bundy?
You are saying that people, reinforced by scientific proof, will fool themselves into being good. Which is the whole point of the concept of heaven, that it will influence you somehow to be good. All the Christian God seems to want is that we control our bad or evil feelings...

Also, it's not Kelly Bundy, it's Australian hurdler Michelle Jenneke.
No, science does not seek God. Nor is it based on faith. I could go into the subject of why Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, and Omnibenevolent is a meaningless set of attributes.
Since Descartes, scientists tried to find theoric or experimental evidence of G.O.D (Great, Omniscient, and Dizzy, just kidding :xctd:). Natural Theologians dont rule out this possibility.

You are saying that people, reinforced by scientific proof, will fool themselves into being good. Which is the whole point of the concept of heaven, that it will influence you somehow to be good. All the Christian God seems to want is that we control our bad or evil feelings...

Yes, but is implies cheat

Also, it's not Kelly Bundy, it's Australian hurdler Michelle Jenneke
Sorry, maybe i will never ever understand it: ...Well then, that means the prospect of a reward in heaven is doing it's job perfectly!...
If you don't want people to "cheat" (to be something other than what they would be naturally), then why create a Bible?
If you don't want people to "cheat" (to be something other than what they would be naturally), then why create a Bible?
Imagine Heaven-Hell-Purgatory is a business, if you offer everlasting heaven to everybody just in exchange of good deeds, purgatory and hell disappear inmediately.

Large scale cheating. One person must grow emotionally, but this is a slow process.

One person could control completely his bad feelings/thoughts, i dont understand how God could punish that guy
On the one hand you are talking about good deeds, on the other you are talking about feelings. Of course doing good deeds while thinking evil inside is still worthy of punishment. But doing good while controlling one's feelings and thoughts is what God seems to want. Total control over evil thoughts can't be evil.
On the one hand you are talking about good deeds, on the other you are talking about feelings. Of course doing good deeds while thinking evil inside is still worthy of punishment. But doing good while controlling one's feelings and thoughts is what God seems to want. Total control over evil thoughts can't be evil.
If science proves Christian God exist (ergo, Heaven exist), every person in the world will try to do good deeds only.
Do you TRULY think thieves, assassins, etc, will continue to do evils, knowing scientifically they will be tortured in Purgatory?

The Purgatory and Hell will be empty (or will dissapear) 'cause God cant punish unfortunate person who 'thought', or 'felt' (non-psychopathic) evils. Pychopaths are likely to be souless, just machines...
My my, the smarter we get the more God's abilities seem to evolve to keep his (it's) abilities and intellectual integrity in tact.