Space is made of ?

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I'm uncertain what you mean by a lesser energy state that gives rise to expansion, as in the interior of a black hole.

The interior of a black hole is not really defined. At the edges of a black hole there is, possibly, a region of infinite distance, but I am uncertain if it is meaningful to say whether or not it expands.

I can guess, and say you are talking about cosmic expansion. Current theory holds that this isn't really a low energy state, so much as the default state of all space, it is just that the effect is so weak that normally gravity completely overwhelms it. (That is, space is always stretching out very slowly, but in gravity wells this effect isn't noticeable because everything is falling inward far faster than the expansion could push everything apart.)
"Pride goeth before destruction, And an haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)

You haven't demonstrated any skills here.

I'll be here long after you've run away.
Nerrr, much easier to just name and shame poor science and scientists . I'd rather take my chances being open and frank to the world , especially knowing .
I'm uncertain what you mean by a lesser energy state that gives rise to expansion, as in the interior of a black hole.

The interior of a black hole is not really defined. At the edges of a black hole there is, possibly, a region of infinite distance, but I am uncertain if it is meaningful to say whether or not it expands.

I can guess, and say you are talking about cosmic expansion. Current theory holds that this isn't really a low energy state, so much as the default state of all space, it is just that the effect is so weak that normally gravity completely overwhelms it. (That is, space is always stretching out very slowly, but in gravity wells this effect isn't noticeable because everything is falling inward far faster than the expansion could push everything apart.)
Look up spectral transitions , the same thing , hot to cold in simple terms.
So you do have contempt for science and scientists. Are you posting from a computer or are you transmitting your "thoughts" directly?
I have contempt for those who have treated me in really bad manner for over a year , call it science if you like , I call it hate and terrified science. I don't have a comp, I am phone locked . I think you are just trying to confuse me now . I'm like in the gutter for over a year .
You must be very young. I've been treated badly for over sixty years. I learned to get over it.

No, somebody beat me to it.
No I'm not young at all and have years of experience behind me. Perhaps you are young but I'm in my forties. I imagine you are in your twenties.
I think science has a sort of racism going on and "sick rituals"
Racism is a human trait. You might as well criticize scientists for having hair.

The strength of science is that it strives to be objective - i.e. to remove biases whether racial, religious, etc.
Racism is a human trait. You might as well criticize scientists for having hair.

The strength of science is that it strives to be objective - i.e. to remove biases whether racial, religious, etc.
Well I'm not going to listen anymore to science , they've never helped me really , quite the opposite , maybe even poisoned my insides with hate. There's only one thing left I can do now , they left me no option , said to not complain about severe austerity.
Well I'm not going to listen anymore to science , they've never helped me really...
They made the phone that you're ranting on (since you didn't get the hint when I mentioned it earlier).

...quite the opposite , maybe even poisoned my insides with hate.
I doubt that science poisoned you against itself. It was something else that poisoned you. Or maybe you were just crushed by your monstrous ego.
They made the phone that you're ranting on (since you didn't get the hint when I mentioned it earlier).

I doubt that science poisoned you against itself. It was something else that poisoned you. Or maybe you were just crushed by your monstrous ego.

Well I think my doctor poisoned me to be honest or maybe I've contracted Weil's disease from the rats running around my home, in the loft somehow, I suppose that is a science question. I don't know whether you are a good person or a bad person , but either way science has destroyed me.
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Racism is a human trait. You might as well criticize scientists for having hair.

The strength of science is that it strives to be objective - i.e. to remove biases whether racial, religious, etc.

Racism is a human trait

Which is weird considering all humans are only one race

The strength of science is that it strives to be objective - i.e. to remove biases whether racial, religious, etc

Think we would be in trouble if America (yes I am picking on America) tried to pass laws against gravity making black people fall down harder than white people :)

The current state of law making put it in, as they say, the ball park

Racism is a human trait

Which is weird considering all humans are only one race

The strength of science is that it strives to be objective - i.e. to remove biases whether racial, religious, etc

Think we would be in trouble if America (yes I am picking on America) tried to pass laws against gravity making black people fall down harder than white people :)

The current state of law making put it in, as they say, the ball park

Well racism comes in various forms and cpffme is why no way happening but mef this in the morning I pressed post , que hearing aids, so education is over .
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Well I think my doctor poisoned me to be honest or maybe I've contracted Weil's disease from the rats running around my home, in the loft somehow, I suppose that is a science question. I don't know whether you are a good person or a bad person , but either way science has destroyed me.
If you were poisoned by a doctor or if you caught something from rats, that is not science poisoning you.
I think space is made of glass and all matter is photons passing through glass . Now I imagine from science history , this would be very hard to disprove and as a reflection of this , a challenge for you .

To your first statement ; what form of glass is fundamental to your idea of space ?
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