Science provides no basis for morality.
This is a two part response:
1st Part: Why would you expect science to provide a basis for morality? That is not its function. Would you expect a kindergarten to provide a basis for mining copper? The function of science is to provide a better understanding of the world for the dual purposes of satisfying our curiosity and providing beneficial technology.
2nd Part: While science is not designed to provide a basis for morality it turns out that it does. By giving us an appreciation of the nature of the universe, our place within it and an understanding of how humanity evolved physically, socially and culturally, we can more readily discern what is appropriate behaviour. The environmentalist who notes that we hold the planet in trust for those who come after is on a higher moral plane than the fundamentalist Christian who insists God created the plants anad animals for our exclusive benefit.
Science provides no empirical basis for understanding how we got here, other than assumption based on assumption based on more assumptions.
Either you do not know what the word empirical means, or you have been very determined in keeping your eyes closed and your mind shut. We have evidence from anthropology, from archaeology, from biology, from genetics, from palaeontology and more besides that give us a quite detailed picture of "how we got here".
Of course science uses assumptions. Assumptions that are then rigorously tested, abandoned if they fail, or adapted in the light of the test results, so that our understanding is progressively improved.
Scientists do not even agree on how we got here.
Nonsense. They argue about details, but the broad picture is clear. If you think otherwise produce some citation of scientists disagreeing over the general picture.
How do you use Science to get rid of fortune and fame seeking, when it uses both?
It is not the function of science to get rid of fortune and fame seeking. (By the way, very few persons enter science in order to acquire a fortune, and very few of them succeed.) I notice Christianity has not always been successful of getting rid of those. In fact a large number of tele-evangelists have used Christianty to attain both. I don't blame Christianity for that. I blame the individuals.
How would you use Science to remove greed, and arrogance, for example?
You don't use science. You use the findings of science. Science tells us something of the sources of greed and arrogance. Knowledge is a prerequisite for any solution. I favour the knowledge that has been acquired through rigorous scientific investigation than the dull interpretations of ancient texts.
How will Science stop evil and stop the abuse of power?
Not the job of science, but of indivuals and populations who have an informed knowledge of the world. You may remain part of the problem by remaining ignorant. It is your choice. It just makes things a little harder for the rest of us.