UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

Lacking a substantive case to put, you resort to pigeon-holing and ad hominem. Your kind, indeed.
With that not unexpected out-of-the-block negative judgemental response, bothering with anything else you field here seems hardly worthwhile. But I will respond as appropriate.
You're on a roll, eh? Having a go at skeptics, so might as well throw in atheists, too. Are you religious, Q-reeus?
If you haven't figured out my stance after stating it clearly so many times in posts you surely have read, something is drastically wrong with your memory. Or - you just like to shit stir. Much more likely. Anyway, yet once more - I have no religious affiliation but am convinced a higher power or powers exists natively in some other realm of existence i.e. outside of our spacetime continuum. They can however invade our abode(s) at will as in e.g. UAP, Poltergeist, apparitions/'ghosts' etc. activities. Your type dismiss it all with cavalier disregard for so much good evidence. Like the Enfield case. Like the 2004 Nimitz and 2014-2015 Eisenhower carrier groups multi-spectrum synchronized encounters. And many others.
My other plank for belief in the supernatural is the imo impossibility of natural abiogenesis. Well known to you all.
Before I dedicate 50 minutes of my valuable time to yet another video that is likely to turn out to be a big disappointment (judging by your previous efforts), could you please summarise for me the most compelling aspects of the evidence for this "poltergeist activity" you allege? Dot points will be fine. I hope it's not all anecdotal, as is often the case with such claims.
See my first response above. You would never trust a summary by me. Just take less than an hour of viewing time and make up your own mind with no 'biased prepping' from me. All I will add is there is no live footage of Poltergeist activity. Which the True Unbeliever would always reflexively put down to fakery. It's the quality and quantity of those with first hand experience that imo is sufficient to persuade anyone with an unbiased mind.
Your #4417 is disingenuous provocation.
Your #4417 is disingenuous provocation.
What a bloody hypocrite you are q-reeus.....particularly after your provocative childish puerile revenge attack on me in the "chemical evolution" thread, simply because I labelled your bible bashing hero as a fanatical religious ratbag, evident by his own admissions and words.

I am rather proud though to be the main reason that dragged you out of the closet so to speak, when you were hiding behind your science front.

If you haven't figured out my stance after stating it clearly so many times in posts you surely have read, something is drastically wrong with your memory.
Maybe so, or maybe I tend to remember things that are more important to me, like everybody else does. Maybe the details of our exchanges hold more emotional significance for you than they do for me; that's always a good memory aid.

I have no religious affiliation but am convinced a higher power or powers exists natively in some other realm of existence i.e. outside of our spacetime continuum. They can however invade our abode(s) at will as in e.g. UAP, Poltergeist, apparitions/'ghosts' etc. activities.
Thanks for that. I'll bear in mind that really the topic doesn't matter. Aliens, or ghosts or whatever - it's all the same thing to you. All paranormal, supernatural stuff. Got it.

Your type dismiss it all with cavalier disregard for so much good evidence.
Again with "your type". Maybe you'd do better with less putting of people into boxes. At the very least, you might find it easier if you stop putting people into that box you keep labelled "enemy".

As for evidence, you've had ample opportunity to post your best evidence here. Over years now, your best has come up short. No doubt it makes you feel better to throw around words like "cavalier disregard". Probably you've even convinced yourself that's what you've seen here.

The main question that remains for me in regard to your views now is: what's in it for you to believe this vague notion of "higher powers" in "other realms of existence" that "invade our abode"? What psychological function does it serve for you? I'm fairly sure those questions are not ones you can answer for me. Probably I can't get to the bottom of it without knowing more about you, either, so I guess things are likely to go on between us more or less as they have been. For now, you seem stuck, in approximately the same way that Magical Realist is stuck. Trapped in some sort of comforting fantasy that fulfills a need.

My other plank for belief in the supernatural is the imo impossibility of natural abiogenesis.
Of course, once you believe that supernatural entities are regularly invading our abode and meddling with stuff, you can use it to explain anything at all that puzzles you. Need a place-filler for that knowledge gap about how life got going? A supernatural whatever will suit the bill very nicely, thank you.

Nobody has shown that natural abiogenesis is impossible, by the way. Probably you know this. Maybe you don't, and you hold a mistaken belief.

You would never trust a summary by me.
A lazy excuse.

Just take less than an hour of viewing time and make up your own mind with no 'biased prepping' from me. All I will add is there is no live footage of Poltergeist activity. Which the True Unbeliever would always reflexively put down to fakery. It's the quality and quantity of those with first hand experience that imo is sufficient to persuade anyone with an unbiased mind.
So all anecdotal, then, as I suspected? This is your best evidence?
...What psychological function does it serve for you?....Trapped in some sort of comforting fantasy that fulfills a need....
Always imputing 'psychological issues'. Never truly open to evidence for existence beyond the material. A waste of time ever engaging with you and like minded support crew here at SF. I see paddoboy is cozying up to you again.
I see paddoboy is cozying up to you again.
Is that what you call it after pointing out your usual hypocrisy, and the childish cowardly act you pulled in frustration in the chemical evolution thread? Or have you got the usual excuses and/or conspiracy to explain it all?
And my post was addressed to you not James.
Is that what you call it after pointing out your usual hypocrisy, and the childish cowardly act you pulled in frustration in the chemical evolution thread? Or have you got the usual excuses and/or conspiracy to explain it all?
And my post was addressed to you not James.
You so remind me of a ranting Daffy Duck. Spittle and all.
You so remind me of a ranting Daffy Duck. Spittle and all.
Coming from some who accepts ghosts goblins Aliens, ID, supernatural, paranormal and 9/11 among other conspiracies, I'll treat that remark as coming from a coward and worthy of a coward.
Coming from some who accepts ghosts goblins Aliens, ID, supernatural, paranormal and 9/11 among other conspiracies, I'll treat that remark as coming from a coward and worthy of a coward.
He he he. Category error there for all to see. Now, any useful input on the thread topic?
Always imputing 'psychological issues'.
Everybody has "psychological issues", if you insist on putting it that way. Different things motive different people to believe different things and to act in different ways. It's not a problem, as such. It's human nature. No need to get defensive or paranoid.

Never truly open to evidence for existence beyond the material.
It's not that I'm not open. It's just that I'm inevitably presented with such unconvincing evidence for such an extraordinary collection of assertions. It doesn't clear the evidentiary hurdle for me. But see, I don't think that it was the evidence that convinced you. Not really.

A waste of time ever engaging with you and like minded support crew here at SF.
And yet, you're a regular here. What does that say about you?
He he he. Category error there for all to see. Now, any useful input on the thread topic?
Sure! Let me spell it out again for you....The small percentage of UFO's that remain as unexplained, are simply that Unexplained, unknown, unidentified.
Note carefully...Unidentified/Unexplained does not equate to Aliens/supernatural/paranormal or whatever other weird gullible take you chose to put on them.
Sure! Let me spell it out again for you....The small percentage of UFO's that remain as unexplained, are simply that Unexplained, unknown, unidentified.
Note carefully...Unidentified/Unexplained does not equate to Aliens/supernatural/paranormal or whatever other weird gullible take you chose to put on them.
Try telling that to the various highly trained personnel involved in the many UAP encounters experienced by Nimitz and Eisenhower US navy aircraft carrier groups. Your oft repeated banalities that to you are somehow profound statements wouldn't go over well. And for good reason.
Try telling that to the various highly trained personnel involved in the many UAP encounters experienced by Nimitz and Eisenhower US navy aircraft carrier groups. Your oft repeated banalities that to you are somehow profound statements wouldn't go over well. And for good reason.
You mean those highly infallible perfect human beings that are totally immune from having illusions, delusions, or mind trickery of sorts?
Or have they simply been witnessed to an unidentified object that at this time is, well unidentified. :D
Or is far to mundane for you and your gullible imagination?
You mean those highly infallible perfect human beings that are totally immune from having illusions, delusions, or mind trickery of sorts?
Or have they simply been witnessed to an unidentified object that at this time is, well unidentified. :D
Or is far to mundane for you and your gullible imagination?
Argument via extremes is stupid but what's new with your MO. Merely aping James R in that respect.
I'll take the word of Pentagon/US naval spokesmen and the likes of former senator Harry Reid over that of foul-mouthed out of control idiots with zero connections to the various military encounters and debriefings and/or recorded corroborative radar/sonar/IR/optical data.
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Argument via extremes is stupid but what's new with your MO. Merely aping James R in that respect.

No extremes my silly friend, as its fact, that you simply are unable to see because of your own mythical beliefs in many things. :D And aping James...more childish paranoid nonsense from someone who detests being done like a dinner. I havn't spoken to James for quite a while, and while he is certainly wrong in his view on social conventions, he is right with regards to science and bringing you to task over your silly unsupported, unevidenced, and unscientific beliefs, which are getting longer every day...Let's see higher dimensional Aliens, [something you've constructed after the normal garden variety Aliens have been put to bed] Some form of ID because of your gullibility and god of the gaps fanaticism, ghosts, goblins...how about fairies in the garden under cabbage patches?...Oh and not forgetting your conspiracy excuses in attempts to invalidate science, and your 9/11 fiasco claims. Did I leave anything out? Is there more to come out of your closet? :D

Again, extraordinary claims [like Aliens and extra terrestrial life] require extraordinary evidence.
One day that maybe forthcoming. At the present time its just unidentified for a small number. That's the science q-reeus, that's the scientific method q-reeus and that stands at this time q-reeus, despite your unproven, unevidenced excuses and conspiracies.
You take it easy tonight and don't let the bed bugs bite! [or in your case, the higher domensional Alien beings]
...Let's see higher dimensional Aliens, [something you've constructed after the normal garden variety Aliens have been put to bed]...
Wrong you careless fool. Spend hours trawling but you will fail to quote me advocating either higher dimensions or Aliens. But making up shit is your forte and being impudent and shameless you will never concede to making up such false excreta. The rest of your babbling rant is not worth commenting on. It stands though as a further addition to the ongoing record of your crazed conflicted style. Lucky you to rampage unchecked in a forum that allows it.
Wrong you careless fool. Spend hours trawling but you will fail to quote me advocating either higher dimensions or Aliens. But making up shit is your forte and being impudent and shameless you will never concede to making up such false excreta. The rest of your babbling rant is not worth commenting on. It stands though as a further addition to the ongoing record of your crazed conflicted style. Lucky you to rampage unchecked in a forum that allows it.
You mean like your own rampage was checked in no uncertain terms elsewhere, where your fanaticism and rantings followed me? Such fascination, the mind boggles.
And really q-reeus, your continued repeats of dummy spits, isn't doing your reputation much good, or what you had anyway.

You see the point is your overall non scientific claims of supernatural/paranormal events/claims or whatever, are now well documented, whether or not I raise them. In fact you really look quite silly making such unsubstantiated, unscientific claims, post after post after post.

But again to get back on subject, the facts are that as yet, we do not have the extra ordinary evidence required to validate Aliens off this Earth, or having visited it.
That's it q-reeus, just like your IDer of choice! :D wishful thinking.

"You might be surprised at this. I’m a scientist! I want to know how things work! I am interested in mysteries, and this is a mystery about space, right?

Well, no. This is a set of videos recorded by instruments in a military aircraft, showing indistinct objects within the Earth’s atmosphere. The real explanation for them is almost certainly going to be something well outside my main area of expertise, which includes cosmic phenomena such as the behavior of dark matter in galaxies and the extreme conditions of the early universe. While I’m interested in technology and physics in general, I’m not a military tech aficionado, and while weird atmospheric optical effects are interesting, that’s not really what gets me out of bed in the morning.

I don’t know for sure that the explanation will be a straightforward one, but any attempt to figure it out will certainly involve a deep understanding of both those realms. Because what I’d be working with are videos taken by complicated, specialized instruments in an extremely unusual reference frame (high-speed travel through the air), and I’d have to tease out the geometry of all that, not to mention the instrumental effects that come along with whatever tech these cameras are using. That’s going to be a lot of work.

People are doing it, of course, including a few of the more adventurous of us astronomers. There are some very good forum posts, videos and other places where those who are interested are breaking down the sightlines, speed vectors, and camera movements, explaining how entirely human-made aircraft or balloons can look erratic and spooky on video in exactly this way. You can read those posts and get a feel for what the analysis involves. Maybe you’ll be convinced, maybe not. But you’re unlikely to see a large number of astronomers jumping into the fray, for the very reasons above; this just isn’t our bag."

Another brilliant account here.......
just a couple of extracts................

NASA frequently fields questions in regard to the ETH and UFOs. As of 2006, its official standpoint was that ETH has a lack of empirical evidence.

"no one has ever found a single artifact, or any other convincing evidence for such alien visits". David Morrison.[35]
"As far as I know, no claims of UFOs as being alien craft have any validity -- the claims are without substance, and certainly not proved". David Morrison[36]
Despite public interest, NASA considers the study of ETH to be irrelevant to its work because of the number of false leads that a study would provide, and the limited amount of usable scientific data that it would yield.

Conspiracy theories
A frequent concept in ufology and popular culture is that the true extent of information about UFOs is being suppressed by some form of conspiracy of silence, or by an official cover-up that is acting to conceal information.

In 1968, American engineer James Harder argued that significant evidence existed to prove UFOs "beyond reasonable doubt," but that the evidence had been suppressed and largely neglected by scientists and the general public, thus preventing sound conclusions from being reached on the ETH.

According to the response, "The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race."[47][48] Also, according to the response, there is "no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye."[47][48] The response further noted that efforts, like SETI, the Kepler space telescope and the NASA Mars rover, continue looking for signs of life. The response noted "odds are pretty high" that there may be life on other planets but "the odds of us making contact with any of them—especially any intelligent ones—are extremely small, given the distances involved."[
“Don't you believe in flying saucers, they ask me? Don't you believe in telepathy? — in ancient astronauts? — in the Bermuda triangle? — in life after death?
No, I reply. No, no, no, no, and again no.
One person recently, goaded into desperation by the litany of unrelieved negation, burst out "Don't you believe in anything?"
Yes", I said. "I believe in evidence. I believe in observation, measurement, and reasoning, confirmed by independent observers. I'll believe anything, no matter how wild and ridiculous, if there is evidence for it. The wilder and more ridiculous something is, however, the firmer and more solid the evidence will have to be.”
― Isaac Asimov

You mean like your own rampage was checked in no uncertain terms elsewhere, where your fanaticism and rantings followed me? Such fascination, the mind boggles.
And really q-reeus, your continued repeats of dummy spits, isn't doing your reputation much good, or what you had anyway.

You see the point is your overall non scientific claims of supernatural/paranormal events/claims or whatever, are now well documented, whether or not I raise them. In fact you really look quite silly making such unsubstantiated, unscientific claims, post after post after post.

But again to get back on subject, the facts are that as yet, we do not have the extra ordinary evidence required to validate Aliens off this Earth, or having visited it.
That's it q-reeus, just like your IDer of choice! :D wishful thinking.
Refusing to concede error just as predicted. Instead a random rant as distraction. Pathetic.
Refusing to concede error just as predicted. Instead a random rant as distraction. Pathetic.
Like I said, no error, only fact, or truth that disables your gullible acceptance of non scientific nonsense...
Wrong you careless fool. Spend hours trawling but you will fail to quote me advocating either higher dimensions or Aliens. But making up shit is your forte and being impudent and shameless you will never concede to making up such false excreta. The rest of your babbling rant is not worth commenting on. It stands though as a further addition to the ongoing record of your crazed conflicted style. Lucky you to rampage unchecked in a forum that allows it.

But you said......

I have no religious affiliation but am convinced a higher power or powers exists natively in some other realm of existence i.e. outside of our spacetime continuum. They can however invade our abode(s) at will as in e.g. UAP, Poltergeist, apparitions/'ghosts' etc. activities.
Ahh the pain of it all:D:D...posts nonsense, then denies it a few posts later....river has that habit...taking a leaf out of his book q-reeus? :D
C'mon q-reeus, you didn't take that pill and have a good lay down did you? :rolleyes: