With that not unexpected out-of-the-block negative judgemental response, bothering with anything else you field here seems hardly worthwhile. But I will respond as appropriate.Lacking a substantive case to put, you resort to pigeon-holing and ad hominem. Your kind, indeed.
If you haven't figured out my stance after stating it clearly so many times in posts you surely have read, something is drastically wrong with your memory. Or - you just like to shit stir. Much more likely. Anyway, yet once more - I have no religious affiliation but am convinced a higher power or powers exists natively in some other realm of existence i.e. outside of our spacetime continuum. They can however invade our abode(s) at will as in e.g. UAP, Poltergeist, apparitions/'ghosts' etc. activities. Your type dismiss it all with cavalier disregard for so much good evidence. Like the Enfield case. Like the 2004 Nimitz and 2014-2015 Eisenhower carrier groups multi-spectrum synchronized encounters. And many others.You're on a roll, eh? Having a go at skeptics, so might as well throw in atheists, too. Are you religious, Q-reeus?
My other plank for belief in the supernatural is the imo impossibility of natural abiogenesis. Well known to you all.
See my first response above. You would never trust a summary by me. Just take less than an hour of viewing time and make up your own mind with no 'biased prepping' from me. All I will add is there is no live footage of Poltergeist activity. Which the True Unbeliever would always reflexively put down to fakery. It's the quality and quantity of those with first hand experience that imo is sufficient to persuade anyone with an unbiased mind.Before I dedicate 50 minutes of my valuable time to yet another video that is likely to turn out to be a big disappointment (judging by your previous efforts), could you please summarise for me the most compelling aspects of the evidence for this "poltergeist activity" you allege? Dot points will be fine. I hope it's not all anecdotal, as is often the case with such claims.
Your #4417 is disingenuous provocation.