Anti-vaxxer claims global pandemic was no problem since he personally didn't suffer

Hehe, yeah tell me about it. All those rioters in the streets during the 2020 riots and not wearing a mask were a hoot. Apparently, viruses don't affect rioters. Go figure.
Subsequent studies and public health reports showed that the protests in 2020 did not drive an increase in COVID-19 transmission.[514][515][516] Epidemiologists and other researchers attributed this to the location of the demonstrations outdoors (where the virus is less likely to spread as compared to indoors);[514][516] because many protesters wore masks... wiki,

Actually, one of the largest spreaders of Covid that year was the result of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
Subsequent studies and public health reports showed that the protests in 2020 did not drive an increase in COVID-19 transmission.[514][515][516] Epidemiologists and other researchers attributed this to the location of the demonstrations outdoors (where the virus is less likely to spread as compared to indoors);[514][516] because many protesters wore masks... wiki,

Actually, one of the largest spreaders of Covid that year was the result of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
Is it? Are you sure? So you mean to tell me that I'm actually a real live virologist? Well hell, that was easy. Does a virologist make good money these days?
I thought you had all the answers? I mean you understand COVID and the underlying biology, pathology and epidemiology whilst being scientifically illiterate so that is impressive.
I thought you had all the answers? I mean you understand COVID and the underlying biology, pathology and epidemiology whilst being scientifically illiterate so that is impressive.
Ha ha, I don't know a thing about COVID but there's no need. It never was a threat. Now maybe if I was fat with diabetes along with other food-related health issues I might be a bit concerned.
There is this conspiracy in Africa right now that I really think you could lift the lid on.
One is Marburg and the other is Ebola, I suggest you get right in there and sort them out.
Stupid Virologists with their PhDs.
Could be one of those online degrees, or maybe from one of those "woke" colleges, or could just be DEI virologists. You just can't ever tell these days.
Ha ha, I don't know a thing about COVID

but there's no need.
There is no need to know about potentially fatal infectious diseases?

It never was a threat.

100,000 people died in the UK, it was a threat to them.

Now maybe if I was fat with diabetes along with other food-related health issues I might be a bit concerned
Only fat people got ill? Severely ill? Only fat people died?

Facebook right?
Could be one of those online degrees
No, the UKHSA are mainly Oxbridge and the like top tier scientists. The guys working on the vaccines were also top tier.

Seriously, if you got ill and were diagnosed with diabetes and prescribed insulin would you say, "Nah, I got this, my mate on face book...."
There is no need to know about potentially fatal infectious diseases?
I've had the flu twice in my life and I've had COVID twice in my life. I don't need to know any more about them than I do the common cold. They just don't concern me, so I have no interest in them. So there's that.

100,000 people died in the UK, it was a threat to them.
People die from stuff. It happens.

Only fat people got ill? Severely ill? Only fat people died?
Did I say only fat people? Hold on let me look... I can't seem to find it. Can you help me find that somewhere?
Yuck, I hate zip ties. You always gotta use snips if you wanna come apart, but Velcro works pretty well.
Last time I used zip ties in a medical setting I cut the blood loss to three of my cousin's fingers. That boy weren't none too bright. The doctors applauded when I went to visit him at the hospital later on. "Very clever", "quick thinking", "we need those in the first aid kits", etc.
Last time I used zip ties in a medical setting I cut the blood loss to three of my cousin's fingers. That boy weren't none too bright. The doctors applauded when I went to visit him at the hospital later on. "Very clever", "quick thinking", "we need those in the first aid kits", etc.
Now I can see where that can be useful, but they're a pain in the rear if used on network cables.