Frog( 1 ) NOT = Dog( 0.9999...)--zero( 0 ) NOT = 0.111....
rr6....Yeah RP, this the key point--- called mapping ---where Column X with n becomes a in Column Y with a etc....again this at first sight and with minimal knowledge of what will appear to most humans, as complex branch mathematics, that, is changing X-n( frog ) into Y-a( dog ) i.e. to me all of this still leads to what is obvious to most humans who would view the original statements again;
You have failed to give us a relatively simple, rational logical and understandable to the average human, within this one email message with ingecti, surjectives etc, o whatever alien terms....thx again, but no banana for you RP.
rational finite( 1 ) does not equal irrational infinite 0.999 .....
non-counting( 0 ) does not equal irrational infinite 0.111....
Space = macro-micro infinite
..micro = >IN<--subdividing space INward--multiplication-by-division
..macro = <OUT>--addition-by-radial expansion outward
0 = non-counting number
0 is representative of macro-micro infinite non-occupied space beyond our finite
occupied space
0 = empty column on abacus.
0.111....does not equal zero( 0 )
0.999.....does not equal one( 1 )
Inifinity is irrational concept except in relationship to infinite space.
..1a) non-occupied and macro-micro infinite, embraces;
occupied space...
Mathematics represent values associated with;
1) finite
occupied space,
2) infinite non-occupied space,
3) imaginary concepts of mind, that may or may not directly correlate to either of the latter #2 and #1 above.
Rational does not equal irrational.
Irrational values are expressed using numerical symbols similar to rational values being expressed using numerical symbols.
The irrationally infinite, macro-micro infinite non-occuped space, that embraces our finite Universe of
occupied space may be the only exception to our mathematical rules, as that is the only time we can correlate to an infinite value existence.
Who values the irrelevant non-occupied space( 0 ) that exists beyond our finite
occupied space( 1 )
The non-occupied space exists purely as a infinite reference set of zero representated value/non-point(s) having being of no immediate value to humans, other than as the most cosmic refersence set( infinite ) for our finite
Fuller believed in the possibility of micro-infinite subdivision of our finite
occupied space Universe i.e. eternal increase of quanta via micro-infinite multiplicaiton-by-division of our finite Universe of occupied space.
I dont believe so. The graviton is the cosmic minimal limit. Does the graviton have variable limits? Didn't L. Smolin suggest such on the ultra-micro scale and on a ultra-macro cosmological scale of Universe that expands to varying radial values at differrent times of expansion-contraction?