1" of rain


Valued Senior Member
the drainage basins upriver from me = about 3000 square miles(iowa river)
we have about 2 ft of compacted snow and ice on the ground with water equivalency of about 2.5 to 3 inches of water
we are expecting about 1" of rain today
with the 1" of rain we will have about 7 million cubic feet of water heading downriver.
add in the snowpack and we could see another 17 million cubic of water heading downriver
in an ice covered river that has a normal flow of 2000 cubic feet per second

rain today with temperatures slightly above freezing
and then heavier rains predicted with temperature of about 54 degrees F(12 degrees C) on Wednesday
and, the ground is saturated from a wet autumn

This could get interesting
Think I'll be hiking down to the river a few times this week to watch the show
There is a dam @5 miles downriver from us
I'd give a dollar to peek inside the minds of the army corps of engineers guys in charge of that dam
Large volumes can be expressed in acre/ft. One acre of water one feet deep. It's usually how they measure the capacity of reservoirs.
Large volumes can be expressed in acre/ft. One acre of water one feet deep. It's usually how they measure the capacity of reservoirs.

and, that would have been easier when just estimating the volume of water
I was keying the measurements to the normal flow of the river which is in cubic feet per second
cause that's what it's gonna look like when it flows past my house
Way hay and up she rises

The dam guys started increasing the outflow
and then
flooding upriver from us
flooding downriver from us
the current plan is to decrease the outflow of the dam in 2 days back to normal cfs

Way hay and up she rises

23 feet above the pre rain level

the ice has broken free of the shore
and floats about at the whim of the wind

Way hay and up she rises

Very interesting indeed
darned entertaining

nothing says springtime quite like ice flows on a rising river
nothing says springtime quite like ice flows on a rising river
... except maybe flooding in our showroom. Had to move all the books and crafts off the lowest shelf, carry water out in buckets and turn on the heater we can scarce afford.
Heigh-ho and up she rises,
earlie in the morning
I s this flooding an annual thing for you?
More or less - we've had a couple of bad years before, but nothing like this. There has rarely been so much snow for so long. Also, the temperature fluctuations are amplified by the jet stream going nuts, and that's affecting everybody in the northern hemisphere. It'll only get worse.
(I'll be in the long-boat till I'm sober...)
More or less - we've had a couple of bad years before, but nothing like this. There has rarely been so much snow for so long. Also, the temperature fluctuations are amplified by the jet stream going nuts, and that's affecting everybody in the northern hemisphere. It'll only get worse.
(I'll be in the long-boat till I'm sober...)
a good boat is much like a cradle, with the waves rocking you gently to sleep?
OK the river is still rising. The lake(fat spot on a dammed river)/reservoir has reached 50% of flood storage capacity at 703 ft(which is up 20 feet since I started this thread. The meteorologist expect more rain on sunday--2 days hence---I wonder how much will fall?
You can find river gauge data here:
(choose a district and then choose a basin)

The Smithsonian headlines
Flooding in Midwest May Reach ‘Historic and Catastrophic’ Levels
Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smar...trophic-levels-180971767/#T5uT7PWvDfKQSs1R.99

No worries here---
All this flooding is just interesting and entertaining for me---
---I studied topographical maps and chose property well above flood stages before we moved here.
I am amazed that few people seem to do that.
I studied topographical maps and chose property well above flood stages before we moved here.
I am amazed that few people seem to do that.
Natural selection at work.

P.S. The link didn't work for me. Maybe the trumpets diverted their funds to the Rio Grande?