10 miners witness triangular UFOs

The thing is we all know that pictures mean little since they can manipulated one way or another

The more important evidence is the witnesses
No. While pictures can be manipulted, they are much more reliable than un-contactable witnesses because they can be examined.

Besides: the advent of digital photo editing didn't make witnesses more reliable, it just made photos less reliable.
No. While pictures can be manipulted, they are much more reliable than un-contactable witnesses because they can be examined.

Besides: the advent of digital photo editing didn't make witnesses more reliable, it just made photos less reliable.

the problem with UFO is that they appear quickly and leave quickly and are usually stealthy and silent. That fact alone means I am not going to have my Nikon DS90 camera on me, yet alone have time to configure it to zoom automatically at a moving object far away...so you see crappy images with cellphones are so bad of this, that their credibility is next to null, despite examinations.
If they were in West Virginia and approaching miners, my guess would be that they needed coal to power their imaginary star ship. Too bad the miners' helmet lights and dirty faces scared them away.
One source + zero pictures = inherrently unprovable

Ten eyewitnesses is not nothing. It is powerful evidence that the event really occurred and was not some mistake of perception. We accept eyewitness accounts all the time in the news and in historical accounts. Asking for scientific proof is just a way of trying to deny the event really occurred.
Ten eyewitnesses is not nothing. It is powerful evidence that the event really occurred and was not some mistake of perception.
Yes, it would be. But we don't have ten witnesses' testimonies here, we have ONE account that SAYS ten people saw the same thing. That's ONE eyewitness account, not ten.
the problem with UFO is that they appear quickly and leave quickly and are usually stealthy and silent. That fact alone means I am not going to have my Nikon DS90 camera on me, yet alone have time to configure it to zoom automatically at a moving object far away...so you see crappy images with cellphones are so bad of this, that their credibility is next to null, despite examinations.
While that is true, again, that has still made our ability to record such events better, not worse. We have more people out there with decent cameras (digital point and shoots and security cams) and a lot more with mediocre cameras (cell phones), but not less great cameras (DSLRs). So the evidence quality and quantity shoudlld still be getting better if there really is something to see.
Yes, it would be. But we don't have ten witnesses' testimonies here, we have ONE account that SAYS ten people saw the same thing. That's ONE eyewitness account, not ten.

It would be very easy to confirm this story by consulting the other 9 witnesses. The reason it was not done is because nobody's so paranoid to think the miner would be making this up. Except for maybe you.
It would be very easy to confirm this story by consulting the other 9 witnesses.
Yes, it should be. So it should be done.
The reason it was not done is because nobody's so paranoid to think the miner would be making this up. Except for maybe you.
Nonsense - that's the opposite of the reality. The reality is that eyewitnesses are unreliable and everyone including you knows it, so in order to trust them you actually have to have multiple witnesses corroborate each other. That's how they do it in court because they have to. It isn't possible for you to not recognize that. You did, after all, just acknowledge that your previous claim is unverified: you acknowledged that in order to actually have ten eyewitnesses, you have to get the testimony of the other 9.

And obviously, if I were the only one who thought this way, it would be YOUR view that was mainstream, not mine. Never forget (and I'm sure you don't), that YOU are the one who is on the fringe here, no me.

You, on the other hand, set an absurdly low burden of proof for what feeds into your beliefs.

...and would you like me to report you for that personal attack like you would do?
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Perhaps what they saw, those hard-drinking miners (they load sixteen tons and what do they get? Another day older and deeper in debt) was a drone coming or going from a pass over the Greenbrier Hotel where Dick Cheney is said to have practically lived during his vice presidency (for national security reasons). In my ignorance, and my 99 percenter's view of what West Virginny is like, I imagined The Greenbrier as a quaint,redbrick hotel in Beckley with a titanium-lined bunker in the sub-basement where Dick sipped Rolling Rock beer and polished his, er, um, hunting rifle. Later I found out The Greenbrier is an extensive and exclusive retreat and playground for the rich and snooty that makes the whole of Switzerland look stupid. Yes, they have golf, and yes, they have some very nice bunkers - perhaps the best in the world even. So it would not be odd if they also had a drone service that passes over the state's coal-mining regions when it has to poop.
You did, after all, just acknowledge that your previous claim is unverified: you acknowledged that in order to actually have ten eyewitnesses, you have to get the testimony of the other 9.

I simply stated the story could be confirmed if you wanted to do it. I DIDN'T say the story needed confirming for most people. Most people accept eyewitness testimony of events that happen. Like on the news see? Unless like I said you are some career skeptic with an agenda of denying all evidence of ufos and so insisting nobody can be trusted about the accounts of their own experiences. That's weird and paranoid, not to mention disingenous. You are trying to deny the account happened in order to support you're assumption that ufos don't exist.

BTW here's a few more witnesses of triangular ufos in West Virginia. This account occurred 2 nights before the miner's account.

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I simply stated the story could be confirmed if you wanted to do it.
Right: So you acknowledged it isn't confirmed.
I DIDN'T say the story needed confirming for most people. Most people accept eyewitness testimony of events that happen.
Yes, I know you said that. Again: if your position were the mainstream one, you wouln't have to be pushing it here on a poorly moderated pseudoscience forum. It isn't the mainstream position and you know it.
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