10 Ugliest Foods

Hmm, [ENC]tuna[/ENC] fish:
Americans call canned tuna "tunafish", which is another example of why Americans should really not be allowed to invent their own expressions. I mean, honestly. What's the alternative? "Tuna horse"? "Tuna Chicken - tastes like fish"?
In Australia, we have various meats sold alongside the usual lamb, beef, chicken, pork, fish and other seafood.

Alligator, kangaroo, buffalo and sometimes goanna, are available at most supermarkets in major cities.
I am squeamish towards food.

Took me years to be able to eat fish and now i hardly eat it.

I even taste fish in certain vegetables.

But i have zero desire for eating exotic foods, particularly if they are animals...just not interested in it and holds no fascination for me at all.

I would say as long as you are not in survival mode. The choice of what you eat is yours. But the nightmare of being in a position where you either ate what was available or died has been a theme in many a movie. I know many people think they know what their limit is, but unless you actually do die because you refuse to eat something, how can you or anybody really know for sure?
In Australia, we have various meats sold alongside the usual lamb, beef, chicken, pork, fish and other seafood.

Alligator, kangaroo, buffalo and sometimes goanna, are available at most supermarkets in major cities.

I had to look up goanna (Australian monitor lizards). I have never had the opportunity to try any of these more exotic foods. But they don't gross me out so I would be willing to try them.
Did we run out of ugly gross foods to talk about?:D

I love to eat my fingernails. But seriously, i eat the same things everday and dont really tire of it. If i go into a certian place i order the same thing ever time...for the most part. When i was in school i ate peanut butter and jelly every day. For me, eating is more of utilitarian function. Just not my hobby, i am very thin because of that.
I love to eat my fingernails. But seriously, i eat the same things everday and dont really tire of it. If i go into a certian place i order the same thing ever time...for the most part. When i was in school i ate peanut butter and jelly every day. For me, eating is more of utilitarian function. Just not my hobby, i am very thin because of that.

I still like a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich every once in a while, and most people like certain menu items at the restaurants they go to. Most of the time the reason I will go to a particular eating place is for the one item they serve that I really like. I would guess that a server at that restaurant would think I had a limited diet.

But with me food is not a hobby, however I do enjoy eating. It's one of those things you do everyday and those daily enjoyments help to make life worth living.
Did we run out of ugly gross foods to talk about?
In Australia, we have various meats sold alongside the usual lamb, beef, chicken, pork, fish and other seafood. Alligator, kangaroo, buffalo and sometimes goanna, are available at most supermarkets in major cities.

Let's not forget:

Let's not forget:


Vegemite is a dark brown Australian food paste made from yeast extract. It is a spread for sandwiches, toast, crumpets and cracker biscuits, and filling for pastries. It is similar to British, New Zealand, and South African Marmite, Australian Promite, and to Swiss Cenovis.

Vegemite is made from used brewers' yeast extract, a by-product of beer manufacturing, and various vegetable and spice additives. It is salty, slightly bitter, and umami or malty – similar to beef bouillon. The texture is smooth, and the product is a paste. It is not as intensely flavoured as British Marmite and it is less sweet than the New Zealand version of Marmite.


Those red things on the prickly pear cactus are also called tuna:


And if you peel the skin off, are tasty, if seedy.

The prickly pear itself is edible once you get those spikes off:

Fried nopales taste like bell pepper.

@ Sche: bird's nest soup, of course...

@ Cifo: What's wrong with Marmite? I just had some on bread monday. Kinda pricey here, but worth the occasional purchase of a pot.
It's like "Yuk, may I have more?"
Those red things on the prickly pear cactus are also called tuna:


And if you peel the skin off, are tasty, if seedy.

The prickly pear itself is edible once you get those spikes off:

Fried nopales taste like bell pepper.

Why not save all that trouble and just buy the bell pepper?
A few species of swift, the cave swifts, are renowned for building the saliva nests used to produce the unique texture of this soup.

Awww yeah, how could I forget saliva? Thanks scheherazade.


(That's when I was 19, the guy on the left)

This Chicha was prepared by some old women in the Amazon. They chew up Yucca, spit it into a bowl and let it ferment for a couple days. In essence the drink is mostly old-woman saliva, as the chunks of yucca are scooped out before drinking.