12-21-2012 -- End Of Time



2012 is not so much the “end of time” but the end of the illusion or fiction called time... which is exactly like the end of a dream when it becomes Lucid.

Locked into the (Hi Definition) duality of time the universe appears a Hi Definition “real” as it appears to go from what cannot exist – the past; into what also cannot exist, the future. For Duality the universe appears just as real as does its time ...
For Duality the Maya “End of Time” must imply that in 2012 the Universe has to vanish in some sort universe-vanishing cataclysm.
In duality the thought that the universe can vanish exactly like it does in a dream is unimaginable ... so to duality the end of time, the Maya 2012, has to come with a cataclysm of some horror that ends the Universe with its time ... when it simply means that in this 21-21-2012 ... the end of the Universe is as simple as the awareness that life is just a dream that in 2012 becomes Lucid ... and when this dream becomes lucid the Universe vanishes to thus define the Maya End of Time/universe, 12:21:2012.

The Maya 12:21:2012 is literally the End of Time that is the end of the Universe because Life (Reality, the Hindu Maya) turns from a dream into a Lucid Dream – the Hindu Maya whose only reality is Atman, Brahman, SELF, that to the Maya of Mesoamerica this exact same Atman, SELF, is just a White Self-Existing mirror called Etznab.

ETZNAB is the 100% of the Universe, SELF, in which the appearance of matter, Reality, is exactly what Physics tells us it is: 0% of the 100% Universe that is the Unified Field, Quantum-Gap, SELF.

-- the Living SELF; Eternal and Infinite Sri Birgit Bhagavati-Bhagavan Vishnu Fukkamee Swami; 12-02-1958: Hunab Ku, Etznab -- the White Self-Existing mirror of the Maya.
The Mayans were NOT in the Eastern part of the planet to have the Eastern Philosophy. As far as I can tell, they have nothing to do with the Sanskrit word and meaning of Maya....:D
I just can't wait for "another" end of time to happen once again. Let me think, I've already been through at leasat 20 different types of "end of time" beliefs since I've been alive and I'm certain there were many before I was even born. I just wonder why we don't have someone out there with a live as long as you'd like platform instead of this negative BS all the time. I really think it is a waste of space!:mad::mad:
Regarding this end of time thingie...would it be all right if, instead of everyone disappearing, just a few people disappeared? Like maybe people believing in obscure Maya calendars or something.

Honestly, the Mayans hit a numerical hiccup and it's Doomsday for us all.
The Mayans were NOT in the Eastern part of the planet to have the Eastern Philosophy. As far as I can tell, they have nothing to do with the Sanskrit word and meaning of Maya....:D

brilliant: May I echo your brilliant logic into significance: since Jesus did not visit the West and since he did not speak Greek let alone Italian let alone English his God could have nothing to do with the god of Rome, let alone the other god that came out of the Reformation - fukking brilliant.
brilliant: fukking brilliant.

You must be. It shows! :D

Honestly, the Mayans hit a numerical hiccup and it's Doomsday for us all.

Many of my psychic friends have independently feel, something life changing event is about to happen around that time. Not sure what...from "The day after tomorrow" to who knows what...but nothing good.

With the way the whole state IOWA is practically flooded and we have 4 years to go...who knows. Stock up supplies and head for the hills....
The Mayans were NOT in the Eastern part of the planet to have the Eastern Philosophy. As far as I can tell, they have nothing to do with the Sanskrit word and meaning of Maya....:D

according to your logic East and West never met:
The Hindu word kundalini directly corresponds to the Mayan word k'ultanlilni (a combination of the words for gods/pyramid/speak/ vibration/nose/vibration).
We do have two more forums called Religion and General Philosophy...that is all. They do not discuss Eastern Philosophy - it does not exist. I am just following the norm here....
2012 isn't really a prophecy, it is an intricate mathematical certainty... thats what makes this "end of times" scenario so interesting because its not the same rhetoric you hear from some guy claiming that he heard the word of God. It's all about the galactic alignment. Forces from the center of our galaxy along with Saturn and Jupiter on either side of the sun will cause irregular and dangerous solar activity that will end up scorching our earth.
Then we have to watch out for that Solar Radiation. Latherup with suncreen during that time or stay indoors from the UV damage.
2012 isn't really a prophecy, it is an intricate mathematical certainty... thats what makes this "end of times" scenario so interesting because its not the same rhetoric you hear from some guy claiming that he heard the word of God. It's all about the galactic alignment. Forces from the center of our galaxy along with Saturn and Jupiter on either side of the sun will cause irregular and dangerous solar activity that will end up scorching our earth.

And they've garnered all this from these stone carvings?
Wiki-Newton said:
In a manuscript he wrote in 1704 in which he describes his attempts to extract scientific information from the Bible, he estimated that the world would end no earlier than 2060. In predicting this he said, "This I mention not to assert when the time of the end shall be, but to put a stop to the rash conjectures of fanciful men who are frequently predicting the time of the end, and by doing so bring the sacred prophesies into discredit as often as their predictions fail.

I am sure the world will not end before 3060. That does not mean a lot of people would not become homeless due to flood, famine, fire, earthquake etc....
2012 is not so much the “end of time” but the end of the illusion or fiction called time... which is exactly like the end of a dream when it becomes Lucid.

Locked into the (Hi Definition) duality of time the universe appears a Hi Definition “real” as it appears to go from what cannot exist – the past; into what also cannot exist, the future. For Duality the universe appears just as real as does its time ...
For Duality the Maya “End of Time” must imply that in 2012 the Universe has to vanish in some sort universe-vanishing cataclysm.
In duality the thought that the universe can vanish exactly like it does in a dream is unimaginable ... so to duality the end of time, the Maya 2012, has to come with a cataclysm of some horror that ends the Universe with its time ... when it simply means that in this 21-21-2012 ... the end of the Universe is as simple as the awareness that life is just a dream that in 2012 becomes Lucid ... and when this dream becomes lucid the Universe vanishes to thus define the Maya End of Time/universe, 12:21:2012.

The Maya 12:21:2012 is literally the End of Time that is the end of the Universe because Life (Reality, the Hindu Maya) turns from a dream into a Lucid Dream – the Hindu Maya whose only reality is Atman, Brahman, SELF, that to the Maya of Mesoamerica this exact same Atman, SELF, is just a White Self-Existing mirror called Etznab.

ETZNAB is the 100% of the Universe, SELF, in which the appearance of matter, Reality, is exactly what Physics tells us it is: 0% of the 100% Universe that is the Unified Field, Quantum-Gap, SELF.

-- the Living SELF; Eternal and Infinite Sri Birgit Bhagavati-Bhagavan Vishnu Fukkamee Swami; 12-02-1958: Hunab Ku, Etznab -- the White Self-Existing mirror of the Maya.

Let me have my word on this, as i don't think i have ever entertained the threads that conatin this... mystic phenomenon.

Scientifically, i cannot be certain, and neither can you. The future remains an unplayed time to our psyche of here and now.

However, our electrical field on Earth is ready to make a drastic turn. It is also estimated to by some scientists to be around 2012. We don't even know what would happen...

Personally, i am a believer the past does not need to written ''absolutely''. Just as the history of the future... and if we have great things in store to overcome, let's all not dwell too much on it, because then we may make it come alive even more.
I love these threads simply because every time i read one its been revised and "corrected" meaning its always wrong if its always being corrected.

No one knows anything about 12-21-2012 other than its a major part of the mayan callendar.....which, from my understanding is circular and cannot end! 2012 does seem to be a special date according to that callendar though according to the literature ive seen on the subject.

Of all the explanations i find "Terence McKenna's" the most interesting and complex.

I just can't wait for "another" end of time to happen once again. Let me think, I've already been through at leasat 20 different types of "end of time" beliefs since I've been alive and I'm certain there were many before I was even born. I just wonder why we don't have someone out there with a live as long as you'd like platform instead of this negative BS all the time. I really think it is a waste of space!

I agree the "end times" thing is way over done but its similar to a boy who cried wolf scenerio. The current end times hoo haa is based in some rather interesting ancient evidence where others were not.