16.3 Billion Universes Exist

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Valued Senior Member
Please do not post pseudoscience in our Science sections. Claims should be supported with evidence or argument.
Because our universe is 16.3 billion light years across.

well maybe not… but that is the amount that influences us.
Because our universe is 16.3 billion light years across.
It is? Not the 93 billion that mainstream science suggests is the current radius of the observable universe?
Even the age of the universe isn't understood to be 16.3 billion years, so where do you get your understanding of 16.3 billion LY?
well maybe not…
...but that is the amount that influences us.
How are you defining "universe", and how are you defining "influence" in this context? Because, if we use the term as understood in usual parlance, no it's not.
Moderator note: Beaconator has been warned for posting pseudoscience to our Science sections. He is also officially warned that he may be excluded from posting to those sections.

Due to accumulated warning points, Beaconator will be taking another break from sciforums, this time for 1 week.
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