I've got an undergrad Physics book, will that do?
Your contention that kinematics is independent of forces, which are a part of dynamics, is exactly backwards I think.
But the definitions you found agree with what I said.
You posted equations that show kinematics is a description of displacements, as I noted, and accelerations, which are forces divided by masses, that accelerate (under the forces).
An acceleration is not a force. A force causes an acceleration. Kinematics does not describe forces at all. That is the subject of dynamics.
Your own definitions say so:
"The study of motion is called kinematics, a word derived from the Greek kinema, meaning motion"
-- Alonso & Finn, Physics 1975 ed.
" ...a branch of dynamics that deals with aspects of motion apart from considerations of mass and force"
--Webster's online
"1 : a branch of mechanics that deals with forces and their relation primarily to the motion but sometimes also to the equilibrium of bodies 2 : a pattern or process of change, growth, or activity <population dynamics> 3 : variation and contrast in force or intensity (as in music) "
--Webster's online
That last is really only true in the sense displacements replace forces and accelerations replace mass, "apart from" does not mean "independent of" in this definition.
Displacements in no way "replace" force; the two concepts are completely different - they even have different units (dimensions). Similarly, acceleration is nothing like mass.
But this is getting silly, why not try to answer the question: "Describe SHM in kinematic and dynamic terms. How equivalent are the descriptions?"
And the question left dangling, which might not be a question: "Why is dynamics more general than kinematics"?
In kinematic terms, simple harmonic motion is any motion in which the acceleration is always directly proportional to the displacement, but in the opposite direction. Note: no mention of forces or masses in this.
In dynamical terms, simple harmonic motion is produced by a linear restoring force acting on an object with mass.
Forces are what connects the two, Newton's laws of motion go from velocity and acceleration to momentum, although you can start at the other end because of a certain symmetry, right?
There's no need to invoke Newton's laws to go from acceleration to velocity to displacement, or vice versa.
If you start with the general conservation of energy as momentum, you can derive kinematics.
You need to have a definition of velocity before you can do that.
Is Fourier harmonic representation dynamic or kinematic?