20 Reasons to Abandon Christianity

There are drug addicts changed their destructive lives after believing in Jesus, the testified that Jesus Love touched their hearts and changed their persons!

I was a christian and a drug addict. Atheism changed my life for the better. :)

Not god, no saint, no angel changed me, I did it all on my own. From crack addiction, alcoholism, pot head, for 19 years, went to church stoned, had many christian friends who got high, etc..I pulled myself out of the rut, without christianity.

If you don't believe me, research me on this forum, I've spoken of this many, many times..
Your other responses I were interesting, but with this,
but this here needs re-thinking. (keeping the Church out of
it for a moment and just looking at the issue of authority):
Oniw17 said:
Funny..the church has no authority over me, and never will. Those who have the means to force authority have authority.

Usually those who force are not true authorities.
Would not you agree? True authority come from beyond what others can force me into doing.

Usually those who force are not true authorities.

Then the Catholic Roman church is not a true authority! :rolleyes:


The key word here lawpuppy is "force" the fucking church usually "forces" their idealogy upon the people, those who disagree suffer the consequences! :bugeye:
Godless said:
I was a christian and a drug addict. Atheism changed my life for the better. :)
Not god, no saint, no angel changed me, I did it all on my own. From crack addiction, alcoholism, pot head, for 19 years, went to church stoned, had many christian friends who got high, etc..I pulled myself out of the rut, without christianity.
If you don't believe me, research me on this forum, I've spoken of this many, many times..
Good, I hope you really pull out from drugs!
Godless said:
Then the Catholic Roman church is not a true authority! :rolleyes:


The key word here lawpuppy is "force" the fucking church usually "forces" their idealogy upon the people, those who disagree suffer the consequences! :bugeye:

I looked at that site. There is a tendency, as it seems, to focus on the evils found in christianity and totally ignore the good things it has done. WE GENERALLY DO NOT TORTURE ANY MORE. And there is some question as to the validity of the complaints. society at that time saw nothing wrong with torture. But you dont have to worry, as long as I dont become king of England or France, it is unlikely that such methods will return.

Yes buddy, and by keeping SEPERATION OF CHURCH & STATE we will make sure it never happens again!

And there is some question as to the validity of the complaints.

Study history buddy.

society at that time saw nothing wrong with torture.

Hence evolution.

But you dont have to worry, as long as I dont become king of England or France, it is unlikely that such methods will return.

Sarcasm, or totally nuts! Take a pick people! :confused:

Lawdog said:

1. I find it worrisome that the word "generally" had to be included there.

Lawdog said:
And there is some question as to the validity of the complaints. society at that time saw nothing wrong with torture. But you dont have to worry, as long as I dont become king of England or France, it is unlikely that such methods will return.

2a. Perception does not validate the morality of an action. The best replacement statement i can give you is that the strongest military force will provide staying-power behind an action. So torture was STILL wrong, it's just that the moral individuals of the time had no power.

2b. I suspect that you would be assassinated yourself within a week should you gain any kind of monarchic title in modern times. And it'd probably be a fundamentalist Christian sect member that does it.
2a. Perception does not validate the morality of an action. The best replacement statement i can give you is that the strongest military force will provide staying-power behind an action. So torture was STILL wrong, it's just that the moral individuals of the time had no power.
Suddenly the moralist are we?

So...Are there any circumstances where torture is justified?
Would you, for example, torture Al Qaeda to find where they had your mother?

frankly, i would, and if you wouldnt then...

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another reason to abandon Christianity:
Catholicism, not modernist protestant-style christianity, is the true Faith of Christ.
Lawdog said:
Suddenly the moralist are we?

So...Are there any circumstances where torture is justified?
Would you, for example, torture Al Qaeda to find where they had your mother?

frankly, i would, and if you wouldnt then...


Don't bring Jack into this! :D
Good point though Lawdog, torture (in various forms) is used all the time by the worlds military and security agencies, yet we turn a blind eye.
wsionynw said:
torture (in various forms) is used all the time by the worlds military and security agencies, yet we turn a blind eye.
Beating a terrorist to find out where they're hiding your mother, as bad as it may be, is nowhere near as atrocious as ripping a criminal's skin off, blinding them, cutting out their tongue, killing them, etc. as a punishment. The beaten terrorist is likely to make a full recovery afterwards, and their torture at least served a purpose - namely information extraction. The criminal is permanently scarred, blinded, dead, etc. with no hope of recovery, and with nothing accomplished.
Regarding Slavery…

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

I’m gonna go out on a limb here but I dare say with “fear and trembling” that selling your daughter as a sex slave is wrong no matter what book it is written in. My own dog is treated better than this. But alas, anyone who believes that the Bible is without error must of necessity believe that this kind of behavior is upright, perfect, and holy. That little doctrine of inerrancy can be dashed to pieces a hundred different ways.

I once was a Christian until my sense of morality and simple reason and people on this forum convicted me of my (sin) error. I repent!
SetiAlpha6 said:
Regarding Slavery…

When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back again. But he is not allowed to sell her to foreigners, since he is the one who broke the contract with her. And if the slave girl's owner arranges for her to marry his son, he may no longer treat her as a slave girl, but he must treat her as his daughter. If he himself marries her and then takes another wife, he may not reduce her food or clothing or fail to sleep with her as his wife. If he fails in any of these three ways, she may leave as a free woman without making any payment. (Exodus 21:7-11 NLT)

I’m gonna go out on a limb here but I dare say with “fear and trembling” that selling your daughter as a sex slave is wrong no matter what book it is written in. My own dog is treated better than this. But alas, anyone who believes that the Bible is without error must of necessity believe that this kind of behavior is upright, perfect, and holy. That little doctrine of inerrancy can be dashed to pieces a hundred different ways.

I once was a Christian until my sense of morality and simple reason and people on this forum convicted me of my (sin) error. I repent!


because you ARE NOT living as a primitive nomadic tribe... in a desert....
surrounded by hostile land... and hostile peoples...

if you dont marry off your daughters... if you dont find them secure positions... WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO THEM???

will you keep them??? im sure they'd LOVE that..
what happens when you are dead????

should all your own daughters... stay with your own sons????

should you keep your girls safe from all men????

or should you make fair, agreements to give, or sell, or whatever you need to in order to gain for her, a secure location where in she has some hope of marrying a man who isnt her brother or close cousin???


with your logic... all families would be incestual.


(THAT BEHAVIOR... is no longer acceptable... SINCE IT IS NO LONGER NEEDED.... we dont live in the desert, 3000 years ago anymore.)
Lawdog said:
Usually those who force are not true authorities.
Would not you agree? True authority come from beyond what others can force me into doing.
What would you say the government does? They seem to have a pretty good grasp on authority, I mean, they own your life, and my life, and everyone else's life. If it wasn't for the threat of law enforcement and the millitary, people would do whatever they wanted.
Mosheh Thezion said:
with your logic... all families would be incestual.


Here is another Biblical way to get your daughter married off. But what kind of a moral father would force his own daughter to marry the very same immoral and violent man who had just attacked and raped her?

Laws of Rape (Deuteronomy 22:28-29 NAB)
"If a man is caught in the act of raping a young woman who is not engaged, he must pay fifty pieces of silver to her father. Then he must marry the young woman because he violated her, and he will never be allowed to divorce her."

Is it so she will be treated with this kind of violence and violation continually for the rest of her life? Well, at least she won't be an old maid? At least she will be married to someone! Praise God!!?

This is a barbaric and sick law that is neither godly or wise.

With my logic and with all my heart, my daughter would be treasured and loved as a person who has thoughts and feelings of her own, not treated as a piece of property or a burden.
3000 years ago... was 3000 years ago....


(AND TODAY... men rape... i wonder how many raped then, under that law??)
Mosheh Thezion said:
3000 years ago... was 3000 years ago....



It is also just as easy for me to say that 2000 years ago... was 2000 years ago... and everything that Jesus said and did was only for that time and place and people. But that would be incorrect, don't you agree?

According to Jesus, the Old Testament Law is still in full force today (August 2, 2006) and is even still used to this day to condemn the entire world. These laws have been declared to be good and perfect and eternal over and over again in the Bible. Am I wrong on this?
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