9/11 Conspiracy Thread (There can be only one!)

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When the Administration and the media start hiding things and pushing a huge propaganda in place , it means only one thing : the are hiding something big and they are planning a huge political agenda .
Does this have to be mentioned again????

The towers used a lot of Aluminium framework around the glazing, this was to cut down on the overall weight of the structure. Aluminium melts at a fairly low temperature, aluminium when superheated can generate a thermite reaction if the molten aluminium is melting onto joints and welds of an iron structure (Iron oxide).

This basically means that a reaction can occur that looks like an explosive occur but is actually just caused by the right materials merging under the right conditions.

(I missed out that Aviation fuel was also present in the mix which would of also potentially caused such a catalyst.)
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No, virtually the whole thing.

42 seconds into this video, you see it is virtually completely intact.

All I saw was dust, the video is inconclusive. Photographic evidence please. You're worst then the people who peddle blurry videos then call them UFO's.

Actually LOOK at the picture. You see debris on the roof tops of nearby buildings. You see damage to the face of the buildings facing the WTC. You see a glass roof to the left of the image has been smashed even though it is more than 500 feet away from the footprint of the nearest tower. Fall into it's own footprint it certainly did not, my friend.

You can't name the fucking building can you? You fucking fail at debating.

NIST was still able to establish a collapse without explosives. I should think they know what they are talking about.

Please present the data, you're lying once again. Always making false claims, then you have the audacity to fall back on the same nameless spook in that youtube video of yours.

As for the seismic data...Well there you go, the wave did peak before the collapse was complete. I'm not sure why this should be surprising?

The first seismic spike occurred at 9:59:04 (The same exact time the towers started to fall.

The second seismic spike occurred at 10:28:01(Just before the south tower collapsed)

Can I ask a question here? What does an explosion in the basement have to do with your hypothesis of controlled demolition? The WTC collapsed from top to bottom, meaning that any explosives in the basement were completely pointless to the eventual demolition of the WTC.

The explosives planted in the basement weakened the foundation which assisted the building in falling in it's own footprint.

The fact it happened at the same time as the plane crash would suggest to me that something rushed down the elevator shaft... perhaps ignited jet fuel, perhaps compressed air? Oh I know, that's just pundity... OK It was a bomb!

Here's Peter Jennings from ABC interviewing another WTC survivor. She describes an explosion that occurred in the basement. She was in the freight elevator located in the basement.


Right back at ya. You have no facts to establish explosions were due to bombs.

Here's what I have to support my theory. Multiple reports from firefighters saying they heard large explosions. Dr Steven Jones has found thermate in the WTC Steele. The Bomb squad was called into the WTC towers. The Seismic data shows that a 2.3 earthquake occurred before the collapse. Two janitors located in the basement of the WTC heared, and saw the doors blown off the elevators. Multiple on site news reporters confirming that they heard large explosions. And lastly, a Steele skyscraper has never collapsed due to fire.

No, but from videos I've seen of thermate reactions, there is no loud noise and although very damaging, not instantaneos. As the tower fell very rapidly, I can not understand how thermate could account for the quickness. You could say it was explosive bombs instead, but then where was the noise?

First of all, military grade thermate charges were used. And yes there were loud noises prior to the collapse. Here's CNN talking about the explosions, you can hear the explosion also.


With thermate, you have to account for the lack of a visible chemical reaction being visible to all the cameras

To much dust was present to get a clear view of anything. That's why you study the actual material as Dr. Steven Jones did, not the videos.

With bombs you have to account for why the towers fell without explosions being heard for miles around.

The explosions were heard. I've posted a mountain of evidence that supports that.

For both you have to account for the lack of evidence in the debris by the recovery teams.

The WTC Steele was immediately shipped off to China and South Korea. That's why the NIST had very limited material to use in their investigation.

The 767s that hit the WTC weighed about 280,000 lbs and held over 10,000 gallons of fuel each. They hit the World Trade Center with over 200 times the kinetic energy of the B-25 that hit the ESB.

Why do insist on comparing Jet Fuel to a nuclear combustible? Jet Fuel is made of Kerosene, most of the Kerosene was evaporated during the initial explosion, that's what caused the HUGE fireball on the initial impact.

I hope even you can see why this is no comparison.

You said it was the planes impact that caused most of the severe damage. So now you're saying it was the Jet Fuel. Make up your mind, my point is, planes don't do shit to buildings. Bombs do.

Are you trying to say that the plane should have bounced off the building? Just what the fuck is it you are saying? What do you think should have happened?


No, it is a clear indicator that conspiracy nuts are not to be trusted. Their "evidence" can and does get debunked by experts and this is why they can not get any scientific consensus on their theories.

Ditto, and I think you're batshit insane for believing the official story. You didn't debunk shit.

This is why the only people who think they have any facts are people like you, who think it's valid to compare a B-25 with a 767. People like you who can't tell the difference between a 200 ton bullet and the wind.[/quote

You don't have any facts. 99.9% of everything you posted was from the same nameless youtube video. And I didn't say a B-25 was the same size of a 757. I wanted to show you another case of what happens when a plane carrying jetfuel crashes into a building. Even if the B-25 was smaller, it should of showed some similar characteristics(on a smaller scale) to the WTC jetliner crash.

Sigh :shrug:

43 seconds into the video, what is that if not somebody cutting down the remaining beams?

I didn't see anyone cut anything, just a still image.

What more fucking proof do you need. Your mind is totally clamped shut.

Not it's not, your mind is incapable of critical thinking. You ignore everything doesn't coincide with your Fanstasy of 911.

Then what the fuck is this:

Plenty of photographic evidence there

Your photo only raises more questions.

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Here's Peter Jennings from ABC interviewing another WTC survivor. She describes an explosion that occurred in the basement. She was in the freight elevator located in the basement.


The "Explosion" they were talking about was of course the aircraft, when they mention "Bomb" they are referring to the original bombing attempt done on the WTC in 1993.
The "Explosion" they were talking about was of course the aircraft, when they mention "Bomb" they are referring to the original bombing attempt done on the WTC in 1993.

Negative. The plane explosion happened 90 floors above the basement. Also, here's another quote from another WTC worker in the basement.

"There was nothing there but rubble' Mike said. 'We're talking about a 50 ton hydraulic press ? gone!' The two began yelling for their co-workers, but there was no answer. They saw a perfect line of smoke streaming through the air. 'You could stand here,' he said, 'and two inches over you couldn't breathe. We couldn't see through the smoke so we started screaming.' But there was still no answer."

The two made their way to the parking garage, but found that it, too, was gone. "There were no walls, there was rubble on the floor, and you can't see anything" he said.


Here's a better picture of the WTC. I highlighted in red where the impact occurred, and highlighted in blue where the janitors were located in the basement parking lot.


The initial blast wouldn't of incinerated people located in the subterranean. After the blast he rescued a woman who's skin was melting off as a result of being to close to the "explosion".
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I doubt you've ever watched the film Backdraft. You've a mix of debris, Aviation fuel and fire combusting in an enclosed space... an elevator shaft, Of course it's going to cause a bang (Much like a gun does when an explosive fires a projectile out of the chamber), elevators will fail and fall under such changes in pressure as a burnout.

Also during the actual collapse it would of cause seismic shocks which would of aided in the collapse of walls that you mention.
I doubt you've ever watched the film Backdraft.

Yes, but a shitty Ron Howard movie has nothing to do with the circumstances that caused the towers to fall.

You've a mix of debris, Aviation fuel and fire combusting in an enclosed space... an elevator shaft, Of course it's going to cause a bang (Much like a gun does when an explosive fires a projectile out of the chamber), elevators will fail and fall under such changes in pressure as a burnout.

Also during the actual collapse it would of cause seismic shocks which would of aided in the collapse of walls that you mention.

The Back-draft wasn't responsible for the pools of molten Steele present in the basement 2 weeks after the incident. Whatever created the pools of molten Steele, caused the underground explosions.

(CBS) Firefighters have extinguished almost all but the last remnants of underground fires that have burned at the World Trade Center site for more than three months since the Sept. 11 terrorist attack.


A Kerosene fire, powered by office equipment, doesn't burn for 3 months after the incident, after rain, after multiple attempts from the NYFD to contain it.
All I saw was dust, the video is inconclusive. Photographic evidence please. You're worst then the people who peddle blurry videos then call them UFO's.

Another example of your dishonesty... "I don't see a man cutting, I just see him hoisted above a standing beam pretending to cut", "I don't see any damage to the surrounding buildings of the WTC".

Your dishonesty is there for all to see.

You can't name the fucking building can you? You fucking fail at debating.

It is entirely inconsequential wether or not I can name any of the buildings. From the image you clearly see WTC debris on the roofs of the surrounding buildings and you see a glass roof 500 to 600 feet away from the footprint of one of the towers is smashed.

You pretend you can't see this. This proves you are dishonest.

Please present the data, you're lying once again. Always making false claims, then you have the audacity to fall back on the same nameless spook in that youtube video of yours.

Did I not just give you my source? Namely the National Institute of Standards and Technology? NIST demonstrated that the collapse was initiated by weakened structure due to fire as demonstrated by the visible 'bowing' of the WTC in the areas worst effected by the heat.

I've yet to hear a CT explain the bowing by the way.

The first seismic spike occurred at 9:59:04 (The same exact time the towers started to fall.

The second seismic spike occurred at 10:28:01(Just before the south tower collapsed)

I'll take an opportunity here to be honest and say that I can not explain this (if of course it's true what you are saying).

The explosives planted in the basement weakened the foundation which assisted the building in falling in it's own footprint.

Flawed logic. The basement played absolutely no part in the collapse as it was initiated on the higher floors and each floor collapsed not because of what was happening below, but what was happening above. Parts of the lower structure were in fact the only recognisable parts of the building still standing.

Here's Peter Jennings from ABC interviewing another WTC survivor. She describes an explosion that occurred in the basement. She was in the freight elevator located in the basement.

The investigators are all to well aware of this. Even NIST interviewed people who described fireballs coming through elevator shafts on lower floors after the plane hit, which just supports the theory of ignited jet fuel travelling down the elevator shafts.

Here's what I have to support my theory. Multiple reports from firefighters saying they heard large explosions.

Even though when they made those quotes, they didn't know what those sounds were, whereas today they have a better idea. To this day they don't voice their knowledge of a conspiracy, and you think they would since they lost hundreds of their colleagues. Your explanation for this is that they have been "silenced". How disrespectful.

Dr Steven Jones has found thermate in the WTC Steele.


The Bomb squad was called into the WTC towers.

Did they find anything?

Multiple on site news reporters confirming that they heard large explosions.

You desperately need to familiarize yourself with the sounds a controlled demolition produces, namely explosions heard for miles around. All demolition firms deny that the WTC had any hallmarks of a controlled demolition.

Here's CNN talking about the explosions, you can hear the explosion also.


It's important to know at what time that explosion is heard. If it is seconds before the WTC7 collapses, then that could be seen as proof of a controlled demolition (or just a coincidence), but what if it was hours before the WTC7 collapsed?

What if it was one of the diesel tanks inside the WTC7 building exploded? What if it was the fuel tank of a car exploding (which was verified as happening on 9/11), What if it was rounds of ammo going off in the munitions building which was damaged on 9/11?

We don't know what that explosion is, and more importantly, we don't know what TIME it happened. Firefighters pulled out of WTC7 hours before it collapsed, so if that sound came at 2pm for instance, then it can't possibly be demolition explosives.

To much dust was present to get a clear view of anything. That's why you study the actual material as Dr. Steven Jones did, not the videos.

The work of the American Jesus believing Steven Jones is completely discredited. He has no scientific consensus on his evidence = he fails. Science has no bias, if he had something to offer, he would be successful.

The explosions were heard. I've posted a mountain of evidence that supports that.

There were many verified explosions on that day that had nothing to do with bombs. I'll say it again, explosion does not mean bomb. And more importantly when the WTC fell, no bombs were heard the first thing you hear is a slow rumble but no explosions.

You said it was the planes impact that caused most of the severe damage. So now you're saying it was the Jet Fuel. Make up your mind, my point is

It was both. Structural damage caused by the plane, and fires caused by the fuel.

planes don't do shit to buildings. Bombs do.

I think this quote speaks for itself: you are an idiot.

Ditto, and I think you're batshit insane for believing the official story. You didn't debunk shit.

Yes, I really am insane for siding with the experts on this one.

You don't have any facts. 99.9% of everything you posted was from the same nameless youtube video. And I didn't say a B-25 was the same size of a 757. I wanted to show you another case of what happens when a plane carrying jetfuel crashes into a building. Even if the B-25 was smaller, it should of showed some similar characteristics(on a smaller scale) to the WTC jetliner crash.

On a much, much smaller scale. Had a 550mph 767 hit the Empire State Bulding instead of a low fuelled small plane traveling at approach speed, it would be an entirely different story.

I didn't see anyone cut anything, just a still image.


Plus you blatantly ignored the cleanup operator speaking to a camera saying they did cut beams and that they planned on cutting more beams.

You are dishonest.

Your photo only raises more questions.


What questions?
Your problem is exactly the same that others have. You don't know enough about structural design, the chimney effect cause by the updraft of the burning fuel and how the resultant high temperatures affect structural members and a dozen other things I could list.

Plus, many people will simply go out of their way to blame anything they can on the government or similar organizations.

The trouble with the conspiracy theory is not with the evidence, it rests with the incomplete education of those who believe it.

So many good books explain in details hwy the Administration version is a crap . Those who believe anything the media and the government say are the ones who are less educated , less intelligent and brainwashed to the last cell in their bodies .
A Kerosene fire, powered by office equipment, doesn't burn for 3 months after the incident, after rain, after multiple attempts from the NYFD to contain it.
A bomb would not cause this either, so what is your point? There is still no evidence for molten steel. There may have been glowing metal but that doesn't mean molten steel unless you are a conspiracy theorist with no real interest in evidence.

You go on about bombs and explosions and then you mention thermite, which is an incendiary.

Then there is more about bombs in the basement. If there were bombs in the basement what did they do? The collapse started at the point of impact near the top of the building!

As all your theories get shot down you just keep churning out the same old debunked nonsense. The B25 one is always good for a laugh though.
A bomb would not cause this either, so what is your point? There is still no evidence for molten steel. There may have been glowing metal but that doesn't mean molten steel unless you are a conspiracy theorist with no real interest in evidence.

Aluminum & Kerosene couldn't fuel a fire for 3 months. Kerosene & Office doesn't burn that hot. As for evidence. No matter how much that emotionally effects you it doesn't change the reality of the situation.


You go on about bombs and explosions and then you mention thermite, which is an incendiary.

Yes Thermite is incendiary, however, have you ever heard of Thermite Grenades? Also, based on the eyewitness reports, seismic data, and traces of Thermite found in the Steele, the evidence suggest that bombs were present, along with the thermate that was found in the WTC steele.

Then there is more about bombs in the basement. If there were bombs in the basement what did they do? The collapse started at the point of impact near the top of the building!

Weakened the foundation so the building could implode on it's own footprint.

As all your theories get shot down you just keep churning out the same old debunked nonsense. The B25 one is always good for a laugh though.

Why are you still here? I never said that the B-25 was equivalent to 757.
Another example of your dishonesty... "I don't see a man cutting, I just see him hoisted above a standing beam pretending to cut", "I don't see any damage to the surrounding buildings of the WTC"

Your dishonesty is there for all to see

Actually your is, you said 1:42 seconds in the video you see the workers cutting the steele. No such thing occurred in that video.

It is entirely inconsequential wether or not I can name any of the buildings.

Yes it is, because it's clear you don't know what you're talking about.

You pretend you can't see this. This proves you are dishonest.

Nope, it actually proves the opposite. 100% of your evidence is misleading, unaccredited or false representations of the facts.

Did I not just give you my source? Namely the National Institute of Standards and Technology? NIST demonstrated that the collapse was initiated by weakened structure due to fire as demonstrated by the visible 'bowing' of the WTC in the areas worst effected by the heat.

NIST isn't a independent organization, it's Government agency.

I'll take an opportunity here to be honest and say that I can not explain this (if of course it's true what you are saying).

Progress at last!

Flawed logic. The basement played absolutely no part in the collapse as it was initiated on the higher floors and each floor collapsed not because of what was happening below, but what was happening above. Parts of the lower structure were in fact the only recognisable parts of the building still standing.

According the engineers who were present in the basement almost everything was pulverized. Regardless of the intention, the evidence suggest that bombs blew up in the basement.

The investigators are all to well aware of this. Even NIST interviewed people who described fireballs coming through elevator shafts on lower floors after the plane hit, which just supports the theory of ignited jet fuel travelling down the elevator shafts.

The kerosene fire balls didn't posses the energy to pulverize at 50 ton hydraulic press located in the 3 stories below in the basement.

Even though when they made those quotes, they didn't know what those sounds were,

I'll take their version of the events over yours, since they were there, and you weren't. Especially since they were there when the 1993 bomb hit, you weren't.

whereas today they have a better idea. To this day they don't voice their knowledge of a conspiracy, and you think they would since they lost hundreds of their colleagues. Your explanation for this is that they have been "silenced". How disrespectful.

I said a GAG order was placed on the NYFD that's why they weren't questioned by the 911 commission How in the fuck can one determine what happened if you didn't interview the people who were actually there.


Who debunked it, give one name of the Scientist who made this claims?

You desperately need to familiarize yourself with the sounds a controlled demolition produces, namely explosions heard for miles around. All demolition firms deny that the WTC had any hallmarks of a controlled demolition.

The seismic data reported a 2.3 earthquake before the towers failed. Why do you keep revisiting this point where the physical evidence supports the bomb theory.

It's important to know at what time that explosion is heard. If it is seconds before the WTC7 collapses, then that could be seen as proof of a controlled demolition (or just a coincidence), but what if it was hours before the WTC7 collapsed?

I've posted plenty of evidence for that already, If you chose to ignore then that's your prerogative.

What if it was one of the diesel tanks inside the WTC7 building exploded?

What if it was a controlled demolition?

We don't know what that explosion is, and more importantly, we don't know what TIME it happened. Firefighters pulled out of WTC7 hours before it collapsed, so if that sound came at 2pm for instance, then it can't possibly be demolition explosives.

WTC definitely was a controlled Demolition, Larry Silverstein said it himself.

The work of the American Jesus believing Steven Jones is completely discredited. He has no scientific consensus on his evidence = he fails. Science has no bias, if he had something to offer, he would be successful.

And the person who blamed Bin Laden says he talks to Jesus (Bush).

There were many verified explosions on that day that had nothing to do with bombs.

May I see the evidence that lead you that conclusion? Probably more falsehoods from you.

I'll say it again, explosion does not mean bomb. And more importantly when the WTC fell, no bombs were heard the first thing you hear is a slow rumble but no explosions.

All the evidence points towards bomb being detonated.

I think this quote speaks for itself: you are an idiot.

And I believe you're a child molester.

Yes, I really am insane for siding with the experts on this one.

You mean Government experts, the same geniuses that said the WMD's was a slam dunk.

On a much, much smaller scale. Had a 550mph 767 hit the Empire State Bulding instead of a low fuelled small plane traveling at approach speed, it would be an entirely different story.

Not without the assistance of bombs bringing down the structure.

Plus you blatantly ignored the cleanup operator speaking to a camera saying they did cut beams and that they planned on cutting more beams.

The video didn't show him cutting anything, you said the video showed them cutting the beam. Until you can produce that your video is inconclusive.

You are dishonest.

You're dishonest.

What questions?

The engine of 757 is much bigger then the minuscule one depicted in your photo.

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Actually your is, you said 1:42 seconds in the video you see the workers cutting the steele. No such thing occurred in that video.

There was more than enough evidence in that video from the horses mouth, that they cut the beams. How else do you expect them to carry away the larger peices of the beams that were still standing? The engineer stated in the video that each one weighed between 50 and 60 tons. Of course they had to be cut.

Nope, it actually proves the opposite. 100% of your evidence is misleading, unaccredited or false representations of the facts.

Once again, you avoided answering my question. Do you see debris on the roofs of the buildings surrounding the ground zero? Yes or no?

NIST isn't a independent organization, it's Government agency.

NIST also is providing practical guidance and tools to better prepare facility owners, contractors, architects, engineers, emergency responders, and regulatory authorities to respond to future disasters.

That was their job with the WTC report. They have nothing to do with the Bush administration.

Progress at last!

Well I've been reading about it, and it seems that the times in the seismic data may not be so clear cut:

Sources are provided in that website.

It's basically the same thing about what Loose Change did with Flight 93, suggesting that 3 minutes or so of the voice recorder were missing. But there are only 3 minutes missing if we take initial reports of time of the crash as accurate.

According the engineers who were present in the basement almost everything was pulverized. Regardless of the intention, the evidence suggest that bombs blew up in the basement

The kerosene fire balls didn't posses the energy to pulverize at 50 ton hydraulic press located in the 3 stories below in the basement.

Just a thought... but maybe that damage occurred by the thousands of tons of building that fell on top of it?

I'll take their version of the events over yours, since they were there, and you weren't. Especially since they were there when the 1993 bomb hit, you weren't.

Find me one person today who heard explosions in the WTC who thinks it was an inside job. You seem to be putting words in their mouths.

I said a GAG order was placed on the NYFD that's why they weren't questioned by the 911 commission How in the fuck can one determine what happened if you didn't interview the people who were actually there.

I was about to ask you the same thing. Nevertheless my point is, if firefighters know there were bombs in the WTC then why are they not saying it today? The media would eat that shit up.


Who debunked it, give one name of the Scientist who made this claims?

If you would have read that web page you would have seen sources which concur with Jones on the elements found in the WTC dust, but that these elements are natrually ocurring in office buildings and it is mere assumption that some of those elements came form thermite.


Thus we can conclude that Jones did not prove thermate bombs were used. He has no scientific consensus = fail.

I've posted plenty of evidence for that already, If you chose to ignore then that's your prerogative.

No, you gave evidence of a noise being heard. There is no evidence of where the noise came from or what time of day the noise was heard.

What if it was a controlled demolition?

If you hear a sound outside your window, do you automatically assume it is a burglar?

WTC definitely was a controlled Demolition, Larry Silverstein said it himself.

Oh for fuck sake!

Larry Silverstein said "pull it" referring to the fire fighters being removed from the building as they feared it would collapse.

It was the fire cheif who called Larry and told him they would pull the fire fighters out and Larry agreed. Even if Larry refused and demanded the fire fighters stay, the fire chief could overrule him and still pull them out. Larry had no say in the matter.

Even if he did mean to pull the building down, how do you demolish a building within a few hours? It takes months to plan and set up.

All the evidence points towards bomb being detonated.

From all of the dozens of cameras that captured the collapse, not one captured any explosion in the moments before the towers fell. Had it actually been a controlled demolition, there would be unmistakable explosions heard by just about all of the cameras.

Not without the assistance of bombs bringing down the structure.

Assertion. Experts in demolition say it was not a controlled demolition. No offense, but I trust them over you.

The engine of 757 is much bigger then the minuscule one depicted in your photo.


You do realise that you are comparing a complete engine to a compressor rotor, right? A compressor rotor is a component of an engine, not the whole engine itself.

When you crash a plane into a building at 550mph, the engine no longer looks as it was in your strawman picture.
Aluminum & Kerosene couldn't fuel a fire for 3 months. Kerosene & Office doesn't burn that hot. As for evidence. No matter how much that emotionally effects you it doesn't change the reality of the situation.
If there was molten metal twelve weeks later, and I doubt that, a short explosive device would not be the cause. Thermite burns quickly and would not cause that either. So once again, what is your point here?

Fact 1. Pools of molten steel found at the WTC site.
No. Glowing metal is not the same as molten steel. You need to produce some evidence of molten steel.

Aluminum will melt at a far lower temperature than steel. Can you show evidence that it was steel and not aluminum?

Yes Thermite is incendiary, however, have you ever heard of Thermite Grenades? Also, based on the eyewitness reports, seismic data, and traces of Thermite found in the Steele, the evidence suggest that bombs were present, along with the thermate that was found in the WTC steele.
The eyewitness reports are of hearing explosions which is no surprise at all. It is dishonest to try and pass that off as evidence for bombs.
The claims of thermite, which does not explode, come from a man who is basically a running joke. His main area of work is not structural engineering or metals it is in cold fusion. He was too scared to publish his work in a relevant peer reviewed journal. I wonder why…

Stop for a second and think about your rationalizing there. You have a building loaded with invisible bombs and massive amounts of thermite (which no one saw) and they are going to fly planes into it. Why fly planes into it? Lack of evidence aside, the conspiracy theories make no sense.

Weakened the foundation so the building could implode on it's own footprint.
The pancaking caused the collapse and it started at the top of the building. If there were bombs in the basement they didn't do anything.

Why are you still here?
Due to my argumentative nature I tend to get involved in these discussions. There isn’t much for me to add here though as Kenny has been taking your posts apart.
Name the building that was damaged...

Are you really that stupid...:rolleyes:
This is a list of the other buildings that were damaged or destroyed...compliments of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collapse_of_the_World_Trade_Center

Other Buildings

The entire WTC complex was destroyed on September 11, 2001, and many of the surrounding buildings were also either damaged or destroyed as the towers fell. 5 WTC suffered a large fire and a partial collapse of its steel structure.

Other buildings destroyed include St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church, Marriott World Trade Center (Marriott Hotel 3 WTC), South Plaza (4 WTC), and U.S. Customs (6 WTC). The World Financial Center buildings, 90 West Street, and 130 Cedar Street suffered fires. The Deutsche Bank Building, Verizon, and World Financial Center 3 suffered impact damage from the towers' collapse, as did 90 West Street. One Liberty Plaza survived structurally intact but sustained surface damage including shattered windows. 30 West Broadway was damaged by the collapse of 7 WTC. The Deutsche Bank Building, which was covered in a large black "shroud" after September 11 to cover the building's damage, is currently being deconstructed because of water, mold, and other severe damage caused by the neighboring towers' collapse
I'm not going to waste any more time taking Ganymede point for point as it is an exercise in futility. So in summary, I would just like to explain exactly why CT’s have no credibility.

CT's have a history of being dishonest or never admitting their own mistakes. Their strange desire to explain everything as a cover-up just simply confuses me. I do not see the attraction or their motives for believing such things without the remotest piece of evidence.

How can CT's claim to have rationally studied the events of 9/11 when they simply discard evidence that doesn't fit there agenda, and when there is something enigmatic about 9/11, or perhaps some quotes that can be misused, or facts that can be misrepresented, they take advantage.

They have a preference of conspiracy over material enquiry, and they will deliberately misrepresent the evidence in an attempt to mislead others to believe as they do.

Demolition experts say if it was a controlled demolition, then we should see some easily identifiable hallmarks. But there are simply none. CT's try to find similarities, whether similarities are there or not... and since there are none, they make ones up. Experts say that if it was a controlled demolition, there are many things we should find in the debris, observe from it's collapse, and all of the windows in the surrounding buildings should have been blown out. The towers began to fall (silently) from the exact point of impact and area most damaged by fire, from top to bottom, no "squibs" seen or heard before collapse, no explosive flashes seen before collapse and every floor being pulverized in a pancake collapse. NO hallmarks of a controlled demolition. And yet CT's still try to argue the point that there were similarities.

And that's just the collapse itself; don't even get demolition experts to tell you what goes into planning a collapse. It is an exhaustive process and that's with abandoned buildings. It would simply be impossible to do in a busy office building if you wanted it to be a secret. You also have to ask yourself why those "in on it" would even want to demolish this building. Not only do CT’s fail at describing how these magical feats could be achieved, fail at providing evidence, but they also fail at providing a logical motive.

Since all this completely disproves a controlled demolition, the CT's continue to ignore the bigger picture and instead focus on some quotes which they take out of context and try to use it as evidence of something which has never been found to this day.

Such experts are CT's that they can't make obvious mistakes and won't concede error except by evasion. However, in science, frauds are exposed and this is why CT's never enjoy any consensus except amongst like-minded dolts.

The only thing CT's have been able to do is criticize credible science and history of events and even then, their criticisms are easily debunked by anyone with integrity.

It's just amazing how someone can be shown to be wrong 100% of the time, and yet maintain that they know the absolute truth. By watching any of their propaganda videos, you consistently see lies, out of context quotes, logical fallacies, and sheer disrespect to the people most affected by 9/11. CT's turn out on mass to demonstrate at ground zero every September 11th and chant their hatred through megaphones.

I never thought I'd say this, but perhaps these people should join a religion or something... But perhaps then instead of protesting at ground zero in front of greiving families, they would be protesting at the funerals of gay people.
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Are you really that stupid...:rolleyes:

Are you really a child molester? At least I'm not stupid enough use wiki as a credible source. And point to Kenny was no other buildings suffered any significant danger. If you have the pictures please post them, if not STFU.
There was more than enough evidence in that video from the horses mouth, that they cut the beams. How else do you expect them to carry away the larger peices of the beams that were still standing? The engineer stated in the video that each one weighed between 50 and 60 tons. Of course they had to be cut.

Once again, your video is inconclusive.

Once again, you avoided answering my question. Do you see debris on the roofs of the buildings surrounding the ground zero? Yes or no?

Debris on a rooftop doesn't equal significant damage.

NIST also is providing practical guidance and tools to better prepare facility owners, contractors, architects, engineers, emergency responders, and regulatory authorities to respond to future disasters.

They should of learned after the 1993 obviously not, the NIST is a fraud. That's why the 911 families petitioned them to re-examine their erroneous conclusions.

That was their job with the WTC report. They have nothing to do with the Bush administration.

This is the most secretive, corrupt, and misleading administration in the History of American Politics. They had their hands all over the investigation, as they did the CIA, and every other agency under their jurisdiction. Only a guilty person refuses to go on the record when he or she is allegedly innocent.

Well I've been reading about it, and it seems that the times in the seismic data may not be so clear cut:

I'm not looking at any fraudulent links. Link from a mainstream source please.

Sources are provided in that website.

Provide the fucking sources then.

It's basically the same thing about what Loose Change did with Flight 93, suggesting that 3 minutes or so of the voice recorder were missing. But there are only 3 minutes missing if we take initial reports of time of the crash as accurate.

Whenever you Government spooks get cornered, you bring up loose change.

Find me one person today who heard explosions in the WTC who thinks it was an inside job. You seem to be putting words in their mouths.

Anthony Saltalamacchia, William Rodriguez, lets start with those 2 smart ass.

I was about to ask you the same thing. Nevertheless my point is, if firefighters know there were bombs in the WTC then why are they not saying it today? The media would eat that shit up.

The reason the 911 commission refused to interview the NY Firefighters was because their reports of molten steele and explosions would of shot numerous holes in their Conspiracy theory that 19 arabs with box cutters.

If you would have read that web page you would have seen sources which concur with Jones on the elements found in the WTC dust, but that these elements are natrually ocurring in office buildings and it is mere assumption that some of those elements came form thermite.

The link you posted makes no such claim.

Thus we can conclude that Jones did not prove thermate bombs were used. He has no scientific consensus = fail.

Not the samples that he tested. That's why Government removed tons of incriminating evidence before any investigation was done on the crime scene. To cover their tracks.

No, you gave evidence of a noise being heard. There is no evidence of where the noise came from or what time of day the noise was heard.

Read the seismic data, the earthquake was registered before the tower collapse. You've lost this point, move on already.

Oh for fuck sake!

Larry Silverstein said "pull it" referring to the fire fighters being removed from the building as they feared it would collapse.

That's not what he said. He never said that, he said he decided to pull the building. He didn't say shit about firefighters liar.

It was the fire cheif who called Larry and told him they would pull the fire fighters out and Larry agreed. Even if Larry refused and demanded the fire fighters stay, the fire chief could overrule him and still pull them out. Larry had no say in the matter.

Larry would of said "We evacuated the building" not we pulled the building. Find me one fucking quote from any firefighter prior to 911 that uses the phrase "Pull the building".

[quoteEven if he did mean to pull the building down, how do you demolish a building within a few hours? It takes months to plan and set up.[/quote]

The charges were placed before 911, Marvin Bush (George's Brother) was head of the private company that provided security for the WTC, eventhough his contract expired on.. You guessed it, 9-11.

From all of the dozens of cameras that captured the collapse, not one captured any explosion in the moments before the towers fell.

They did. I've posted them, I can't help it if you're not having a honest debate.

Had it actually been a controlled demolition, there would be unmistakable explosions heard by just about all of the cameras.

They, were, multiple eyewitness, and news reporters said so. You've lost this point, move on already.

Assertion. Experts in demolition say it was not a controlled demolition. No offense, but I trust them over you.


You do realise that you are comparing a complete engine to a compressor rotor, right? A compressor rotor is a component of an engine, not the whole engine itself.

That compressor rotor could of came from a global hawk. That picture doesn't prove it was a 757 engine.

When you crash a plane into a building at 550mph, the engine no longer looks as it was in your strawman picture.

An amateur Arab terrorist doesn't posses the piloting skill to pull off the maneuver you're referring to.
That's not what he said. He never said that, he said he decided to pull the building.

"Pull the building" was never said by Larry Silverstein.

He didn't say shit about firefighters liar.

Err.. he said he was called by the Fire commander.


They, were, multiple eyewitness, and news reporters said so. You've lost this point, move on already.

Not one of the dozens of cameras capturing the collapse of the WTC recorded any audio sound of explosions in the seconds before the collapse.
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