9/11 National Holiday?


I do know about how abusive their culture, and how they view women as lesser beings. I am totally against those hypocracies of religion, but do you understand that they would not wage war unless there was a purpose?

America is the strongest country in the world, but we can easily be destroyed (I am very aware of this). They should be held responsible, but not in the way that it is currently being handled. In another post, I stated that the leaders should be held responsible. Assassinate Bin Laden. I am very aware that it is impossible to locate him, but that is the only option. People do not need to die, the leaders need to be executed to show the people that they are not as powerful as they seem to be.
no star its not

the US goverment is saying terrisom is atacking civillans and as far as i know the cole was a WAR ship

i feel for those who lose members of there familys (i lost the best man in the world to radation posioning caused by the bombs in WW2) but its NOT teriosm its just an atack on a millatary target
but its NOT teriosm its just an atack on a millatary target

It is a terrorist attack. We were not in a war when these acts were committed, so how can you say these were "acts of war"? And military targets? I wasnt aware the embassys were considered military targets. I thought those were civilians that worked there.

If there is not a war in place and someone commits an act of war on a country (i.e. - blowing up a naval ship), it is considered terrorism.
a) then how can u USE it as an act of war


b) goverment instilations are legit

or are you telling me that you wont kill suddam?
a) then how can u USE it as an act of war

Only when the towers came down did we declare it as an act of war. And that was after Al-queda claimed responsibility and deemed it an act of war.

oh thats ok then

i kill a tiny portan of americans so you wipe out a huge number of aussies

makes sence

Only when the towers came down did we declare it as an act of war. And that was after Al-queda claimed responsibility and deemed it an act of war.

Yes, it is an act of war, but that doesnt mean that we have to fight. (I know that you didnt say that you wanted to go to war)

Regardless of how many people died in the WTC attack, does more than 1 million Afghani soldiers balance the scales? More death will NOT solve anything. Surrounding countries will become furious with our disgusting tactics of eliminating people because they were in Aghanistan.

Bigger question... Why entice Iraq for war by putting soldiers on his borders. Please, tell me the logic behind that. Why tempt a country that is allowing inspectors to come into their country and put more lives in danger? Why are we not dealing with Korea in the same way? Oh yeah... they dont have oil
just for the record

if i know my brother is going to comit a crime there is no law that says i HAVE to tell ANYONE he is going to

now if he does it and im supenaded to give evidance thats differant

so all that tape says is osam knew, BIG DEAL, it could have been his best friend, CIA who told him, a man in the pub who told him it was going to happen

as for him holding up five fingers if there hadnt been 5 planes that would have been inerpreted as him counting down or something else

basically there is no DNA evidance that he did it, no video of him giving the orders, no witnesses to him giving the orders

you have nothing on him

the charges against him would be laughed out of any court except a french or spanish (sorry if i got those 2 wrong but i THINK thats where the presumption of guilt is)

edit to fix grammer
"Regardless of how many people died in the WTC attack, does more than 1 million Afghani soldiers balance the scales? More death will NOT solve anything. Surrounding countries will become furious with our disgusting tactics of eliminating people because they were in Aghanistan."

More death will show that America can inflict more death, Slacker47. That shows those surrounding countries who is in charge.

Where does 1 million come from?

"Yes, it is an act of war, but that doesnt mean that we have to fight. (I know that you didnt say that you wanted to go to war)"

This is an incredibly stupid statement.

"if i know my brother is going to comit a crime there is no law that says i HAVE to tell ANYONE he is going to"

You would have to do this under the laws of many countries. You have a duty to prevent crime. What uncivilized shithole do you live in?

"now if he does it and im supenaded to give evidance thats differant"

It might be different, it might not. But since I have no idea what it would be like to be "supernaded" I cannot say for sure. Does being "supernaded" give you "super nads"?

i hate my spelling

called to give evidance in a court of law and you will ONLY find a good samariton laws in the US, CIRTANLY not in afganistan so he comited no crime there (that exscludes trafic acidants where you ARE required by law to stop and render assistance)
Posted by Asguard:

i hate my spelling"

You might capitalize things too.

"called to give evidance in a court of law and you will ONLY find a good samariton laws in the US, CIRTANLY not in afganistan so he comited no crime there (that exscludes trafic acidants where you ARE required by law to stop and render assistance)"

Laws requiring people to inform the police exist in England. Conspiricy to commit murder is also a crime in England and the US. Again, what shithole do you live in where you do not have conspiricy laws?
Asguard posted:
"conspiracy doesnt cover you telling me you will blow bushes head off in a pub"

No. Conspiricy covers doing it with the connivence of others.
Posted by Asguard:
"er no it doesnt and even if it did are there conspiricy laws in afganistan?"

Er, why don't you learn to spell or something? Conspiricy is the conspiricy to commit a crime. So if another person assasinates a president or prime minister, and you helped, you are guilty of conspiricy.

Who cares if there are conspiricy laws in Afghanistan?

You're really dense and I am so bored.
right so he helped how?

i am going to shot bush, u know now so now and your guilty of conspiricy under your logic

and you cant comit a crime against another countrys laws IN another country you moron

so produce EVIDANCE he ORGANISED it
Regardless of how many people died in the WTC attack, does more than 1 million Afghani soldiers balance the scales?

No, but sitting on our asses and doing nothing will entice terrorists even more. Remember the USSCole? the Embassy? We did nothing and look what happened at the WTC.

Bigger question... Why entice Iraq for war by putting soldiers on his borders. Please, tell me the logic behind that. Why tempt a country that is allowing inspectors to come into their country and put more lives in danger? Why are we not dealing with Korea in the same way? Oh yeah... they dont have oil

I dont know why we put soldiers on the borders, why are you asking? Actually I think we need our soldiers right here on our own borders patrolling.

basically there is no DNA evidance that he did it, no video of him giving the orders, no witnesses to him giving the orders

DNA evidence? Are you joking? And no there was no video of him giving the orders but there is a video of him describing the events and giving a "Job well done" to his collegues that died that day. Why are you so stuck on proving it wasnt him, cant you just accept that it was. Why is he hiding? Why hasnt he denied the allegations? Hmmmm... sounds like hes hiding something to me.:rolleyes:

And Welcome to Sciforums Juliette:) Post long and happy!
9/11 should become a national holiday, although I do not think anyone should get off work for it (unless I am included with those who do :D ). It should be just like Pearl Harbor Day.
Posted by Asguard:
"right so he helped how?"

He is the leader of the movement that did this, if you believe the American government.

"i am going to shot bush, u know now so now and your guilty of conspiricy under your logic"

You are going (future tense) to shot somone (past tense)? Whatever floats your boat.

But no. If I give you the money to shoot Bush, I am guilty of conspiricy.

"and you cant comit a crime against another countrys laws IN another country you moron"

Yes, you can. If I killed a person in America, I'd still be guilty here.
He is the leader of the movement that did this, if you believe the American government

i belive that in the US courts that just saying the US goverment says so isnt evidance

i have yet to see ANY evidance that would be admissable in a court of LAW linking bin laden to 11/9