A challenge to Atheists

Ayurveda, the medical sceince, has guidelines about isolating vertain patients. Not only that, even the physician was not supposed to socialise unneccesarily, exposed as he was to all sorts of diseases. No sky daddy is needed for such guidelines.

It seem to me you are leaving out the more interesting replies.

Many religionists (Theists) would disagree with you, because their sacred writings are just as 'reliable', 'truthful', as your own, any yet their religion is mutually exclusive from your own.

Islam, Judaism, Hindism, all have their sacred books, that are on as sound a foundation as your own.

Even Buddhism, in some of its forms, relies on sacred writings for truthful revelations about god(s). By their reasoning, you lose.
M*W: It seem to me that all holy books make good kindling.